Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2778 People are stupid without knowing it

Malashenko, who had listened carefully to what he said word for word, just wanted to laugh. For no other reason than to laugh because of this American's simple and single-minded thinking.

No matter what others think of him, whether he is smart or has good rebuttals, to Malashenko, he is just an easy fool.

Dealing with such a straightforward idiot is no more difficult for Malashenko than manipulating the 130mm main gun of the IS7 to hit a 500-meter fixed target. The words were blurted out without thinking and with a smile.

"One question, why do you assume that what you are seeing now is a military secret?"


The American reporter standing in the audience almost thought that he heard wrongly, or that his ears were stuffed with donkey hair and his ears were muffled. Unfortunately, his clear consciousness told him "neither of the two" all the time.

Is this Russian guy crazy, stupid, or insane?

Already classifying Malashenko on the stage as "incoherent and nonsense", the American reporter who had been sneering until now was determined to take this opportunity to ridicule Malashenko. Humiliate him and let him know that he, an American elite, is not someone to be trifled with.

"Do you have symptoms of forgetfulness? General, have you forgotten that you just said it yourself that the stuff behind you and what we found in our cameras are major military secrets."

Facing the blatant questioning of this idiot in the audience, Malashenko just smiled calmly on the stage.

"Yes, this is what I said, and I admit it. What next?"

"Then? Ha"

American journalists, who feel that they have never been more confident, are even more energetic.

Now he can clearly feel that Malashenko's braid has been firmly grasped in his hands, and he can pull the Russian guy's headband off with just a little force. , letting everyone know that this guy is just a bumbling, ugly bald man.

"Did everyone hear it? Mr. General admitted it himself, so this so-called evidence is not established at all!"

"There is no military secret at all, and this film is not a military secret that should be kept strictly confidential. It is simply an excuse made up to violate the human rights and freedom of our American press corps! Now it's time to make up for it. It’s too late, your lies can no longer be justified.”

"Are you done talking nonsense?"

Before the American reporter, who was jumping up and down and dancing around and had to run to the podium to perform live, could finish his sentence, Malashenko, who was tired of watching this stupid monkey show on the stage, suddenly asked a question.

The American reporter, who was obviously a little surprised, suddenly stopped speaking, and his movements were frozen in mid-air as if the pause button had been pressed.

But the expression on his face that looked back immediately was still full of ridicule, agitation, contempt, and an expression that just said "joke" written on his face.

"What? Are you still trying to quibble? Admit it, your lies are no longer enough."



Before the idiot who was jumping up and down could finish his nonsense, the comrade major responsible for maintaining order in the field, our Major Kovanov, immediately issued an order at a high decibel level.

Following closely behind were the guards standing guard around and in every corner of the venue. In just a split second, they all changed from taking a rest to standing at attention.

The shiny long boots stepped on the wooden floor and they all closed up in an instant. This dense and unified sound came out and directly reverberated throughout the entire venue. It can be said that the reverberation lingered and lasted for a long time.

With this formation, and the fact that the guards were all fully armed and armed with steel guns, it would be difficult to challenge the home team and continue to show off in this situation without some real courage.

But it is obvious that the American reporter who was so elated just a few seconds ago does not have the courage.

Under the influence of such a "strong pressure", his only choice is to stop the monkey show immediately, sit back in his seat, no matter how reluctant he is, and finally hand over the right to speak honestly. It is impossible to say "no" to Malashenko.

"I discovered one thing. Those Khitans living in the far east really got it right. This is ancient and time-honored wisdom, and it is especially suitable for you."

“People are stupid and don’t realize it.”

What I really want to say is that the second sentence is not in Russian, but in Mandarin Chinese that Malashenko rarely speaks in public, but is extremely eloquent.

Malashenko felt that this was the only way to interpret the true essence and ingenuity of this sentence, which would not be the same if it were said in Russian.

As for whether the Americans can understand it?

Sorry, that's not what Malashenko cares about. Can this idiot understand that it's none of my business?

There will be media reporters who are keen to dig out news materials to dig out the true meaning of this sentence, so there is no need for Malashenko to worry about it.

But first, the top priority is to let this idiot know where he is.

"There are many reporters here who are veteran war reporters with deep qualifications and rich experience. You are familiar with and understand the military. What I want to say is that you must understand that no matter which country or army it is, the term "military secrets" and what it means The material and immaterial things involved exist in the form of variables in specific definitions and are not static. "

"You may only know the term "military secrets." Considering the questionable status of your personal diploma, I don't blame you, and you can't expect too much. But what I am saying is that you should probably try to understand the other words. One word, after all, one’s life should be about endless learning. The desire for knowledge is the most instinctive desire of human beings, and this word is called “demystification.”

"Once the material and non-material materials that were military secrets the day before passed the research and judgment of the military decision-makers, they will be military information that can be disclosed from the next second after the decision to "declassify" is made. Military secrets.”

The sonorous and powerful words gradually faded away. Malashenko, who was too lazy to look at the idiot's expression at the moment, just raised his arm, cleared his throat to the media reporters and friends in the audience, and then spoke formally.

"Everyone, please allow me to introduce the latest war weapon from Motherland, which was made public for the first time at this press conference."

"It is a "land bomber" with absolutely unparalleled destructive power in the current global army. It is a "destruction projector" that the Nazi thugs howled in despair. It is also deeply loved by all the commanders and soldiers of our leadership division, and The proud TOS-1 heavy rocket assault tank.”

"The moment she entered the preliminary declassification state was just three hours ago. Congratulations to you for becoming the first public witnesses of this Nazi crusher. She will bring incomparable benefits to our anti-fascist cause for all mankind." An unforgettable contribution."

By this time, it no longer mattered what kind of "dead" expression the American reporter in the audience had as if he had a live fly stuffed in his mouth.

What's important is that Malashenko hasn't finished speaking yet, and the real bombshell information has just begun.

"Before my friends from the media start to applaud, I would like to ask you to observe a moment of silence for one of your colleagues."

"David Derrick, a former U.S. Marine who retired due to disability and became a war correspondent, was the person who took this photo. But unfortunately, shortly after he took this photo, he died in order to save his life. A little German girl fell into a trap and lost the precious life that everyone only has once."

“This photo, together with several other photos in a series of works, became David’s last legacy to this world.”

"Taking into account this reality and considering it from the perspective of humanitarian concern, the leader's divisional organization studied and reported it, and the superior organization approved the decision. The posthumous work of American war correspondent David Derek was officially selected as the latest war of the Red Army. The first public carrier of sharp weapons."

"I would like to take this to express my condolences to David Derrick for his heroic and fearless professionalism and his advanced deeds of bravery for justice. Courage is one of the greatest hymns of mankind, and David Derrick's heroic deeds will be recorded along with this photo. Entering the annals of history, it inspires generations of young war reporters around the world to pass on this courage and spirit.”

"At the same time, we also hope that David's mother can get over her grief and recover as soon as possible. This is also David's last wish before his death."

"As a single mother, you used your deep and great maternal love to cultivate a true warrior, a true patriot with justice and kindness. We have witnessed your son's triumphant song of courage, and he will always be worthy You are proud of him.”

Hua la la la——

Bang bang bang bang——

Malashenko's short speech came to an end, and the audience immediately heard a mixture of fierce applause and camera sounds that far exceeded any moment just now.

This is a brave and inspirational legendary story, but not everyone can agree with it. At least one person who does not want his dream to be shattered like this cannot sit idly by and ignore it.

No matter how that dream came about, it doesn't matter even if it's as dirty and mean as a bed bug in the gutter.

His paranoid and arrogant character would never allow the dream he had worked so hard to achieve so easily to be smashed to pieces without doing anything.

Malashenko certainly understands this, and to be precise, this is why he came.

So when Jefferson, with a grim look on his face, finally decided to take action in person, he slowly stood up from his chair and prepared to rush straight to the podium.

The imperceptible rising arc of the corner of Malashenko's mouth finally appeared at this moment.

"Only if you, the bastard, are dealt with on the spot will everything be fine. Just come and witness the end of your career with your own eyes."

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