Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2780 Media Explosion

"I don't know what David said or did to you to blind your eyes and let you speak for him like this. But General, you may not know David's true nature."

"He often cheats and shirks his responsibilities at work. He also habitually frames the blame. His hands and feet are not clean. One time he even sneaked into my office to steal my money and I caught him. He begged me to give it to him again. Don’t lose this job once you get one chance.”

"But guess what? He lied and deceived me again and only gave me back part of the money. There was a total of $500 missing from my desk drawer. He seemed to be naive and thought that people like me had no idea about money. I don’t even know how many bills I have in my desk, but that’s not the case.”

"I take my life as seriously as I take my work. I remember every item on my desk, their number, their placement, just as I remember that truth and justice never change and must be The world will remember it.”

Bang bang bang bang——

Before the words on the stage could finish, there was another burst of fierce applause from the audience.

Of course, it’s limited to the U.S. press box, and that’s not all.

For example, Gill is sitting in the American press box at this moment, but his face is full of surprise and confusion, and he does not applaud along with the crowd.

With an incomprehensible and unbelievable expression, he was looking at his best friend Mary sitting next to him, with a fake smile on his face, applauding like a robot and going with the flow.

"Mary, is this the truth? David is your apprentice, and we all know that he is not that"

"Jill, don't"

Mary, who was clapping mechanically, still did not stop her applause, nor did she turn to pay attention to Jill who was standing aside. Her eyes were still focused on the podium, on the man who firmly grasped his own destiny - no matter who he really was. How dirty and vile.

Discouraging the "young and ignorant" Jill from continuing to say things she shouldn't say is the maximum "help" Mary can do, nothing more.

Looking at the people and everything around him, the passage of time every minute is reflected in those bright blue pupils, lingering as if frozen.

Jill had never felt that everything that should have been familiar around her would be so unfamiliar, as if everything that was originally familiar had moved away from her. Instead, there are masks that are laughing like crows, surrounding every space and corner around them, surrounding themselves, making them unable to drive away, and even less able to escape.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! This is capital's slander, slander, and shameless rumors! It is a poison that corrupts people's hearts!"

At that moment when Gil was helpless and felt that he was already in boundless darkness, a reporter suddenly stood up from the Soviet press box, which was just around the corner. Without saying a word, he spoke loudly and loudly, and his sonorous and powerful speech echoed throughout the venue. His confidence and firmness of tone were absolutely impossible to express through pretense.

"I firmly believe that General Malashenko will not be wrong! Comrade General stood up in the darkest moment of the motherland and protected everyone behind him without hesitation in the coldest winter in Moscow! He defended the Kremlin and the Red Army. field!"

"The truth is with you, Comrade General! Please do not be defeated by rumors and shameless lies. All our comrades in TASS are your strongest supporters and firmly believe that you will win again, as always!"

Before the TASS reporter, who had asked Malashenko a question not long ago, finished speaking, the entire Soviet press box stood up as if it had been injected with a shot in the arm. If such a scene were placed on a battlefield filled with artillery fire, the next word immediately following it would definitely be "Ula".

"Please bring victory to the motherland, Comrade General! All comrades are with you and fighting side by side!"

Never underestimate the courageous fighting spirit of the Russians in the face of adversity. When that invisible force brings them together, almost nothing can break their will.

There is a saying that is actually quite good

The Russians are springs. If you are strong, they will be strong.

When you push the spring to the point where you can barely apply any more pressure, remember to accept that your face will be smashed by the spring that rebounds hard.

Because whether you are prepared or not, this will happen soon, such as in 1812, 1941, and now in 1945.

"Confirm for the last time, Mr. Jefferson. Are you really sure that these photos are all your work and there are no problems?"

I have to admit that I was shocked when the Russians suddenly acted like this, but it was just a "little jump" that I would not show in my heart.

Jefferson never believed that he would fail, not in the past, not now, nor in the future, just as he now confidently believed that this was just the last struggle of the Russian soldiers.

"There is no need to have any uncertain worries, General. The doubts in your heart about your own knowledge are the truth. The facts cannot be clearer."

"I, Jefferson Andrewson, am the sole shooter of all film."

Malashenko never thought of inviting Sulovechenko or Kovanov in the audience to act as witnesses and play a verbal game with the Yankee scum.

These are not enough to defeat him. The scumbag could have expected this and must have been prepared accordingly.

Who would believe the slander that the Soviets were colluding? Just ridiculous.

At least the "free people" of the "free world" will not. As long as the "truth makers" want it, then this can definitely be achieved.

What Malashenko needs is a heavier "media nuclear bomb" that can kill the enemy with one strike. In fact, such a "weapon" has been prepared for a long time and will be released only one second after Malashenko between finger snap signals.


"Then please tell me, what is this?"

The effects projected on the curtain behind him switched instantly. Major Kovanov, who was responsible for personally supervising the implementation of Malashenko's plan, faithfully performed his duties and completed the task - projecting the indelible truth on everyone. In front of them, whether they are willing to accept it or not.

"Hiss-this is"

"Oh God! How is this possible?!"

As long as his eyes are not blind and his brain is not damaged, he is still a normal primate creature called "human".

Then you must be able to clearly recognize the picture in front of you, what is recorded in the film projected on the screen, and what it means.

In the picture, two TOS-1 heavy rocket assault tanks, which had just been unveiled for the first time, were alternating battle positions and passing each other in tandem.

The subject is so similar to David's photo, the location is even exactly the same, only the angle of shooting is completely different.

In the picture, a young man with a Thompson submachine gun hanging on his shoulder and a camera bag hanging on his waist is holding a camera in his hand and pointing it at two steel behemoths on the street. The face clearly visible in the black-and-white photo was undoubtedly that of David.

"This is a photo taken by Second Lieutenant Alexander Yevkurov, the propaganda officer directly under the brigade headquarters of the 1st Heavy Combined Brigade of the Leader Division, at about 2:18 yesterday afternoon during the battle in the south of the city. It is the internal propaganda material of the Leader Division , shot using Soviet cameras and Soviet film, is not the so-called "your work."

"The position and angle of the shadow cast by the sun shining on the street light pole can show the time, and the sun will not follow the instructions of the Soviets and turn backwards."

"And this shadow appears at exactly the same time as the shadow in David's photo. The shadow of the same street lamp pole in the two photos is all reflected on the launch box of the TOS-1 heavy rocket assault tank, which is exactly the same as the front end of the launch box. The welding seam matches perfectly. This proves that it was definitely not a staged photo taken after the battle that day. The two photos were taken at almost the same time, but David’s shooting corner happened not to include our propaganda officer. "

"The battle to capture this street only lasted an hour, and David died less than an hour after this photo was taken, on the same day. It is absolutely impossible to take advantage of your restricted freedom. , the next day I pulled up a box of dead people who had been burned to ashes, and aimed at the shadows at the same time to pose.”

"The day before, the control of this street was still in the hands of the Nazis. The TOS-1 heavy rocket assault tank of the leader division had not yet advanced to the position in the background of this photo. This street should have been It’s full of people.”

"Perhaps you should call the hair-washing guy who's crouching like a rat in the basement of the Prime Minister's Office. Ask him if he allows his men to collude with the enemy to stage the photo, if he can really answer your call. "

"I have finished giving you the reasons for finding trouble in the first, middle and last three days, and the corresponding answers are complete. If you have anything else to say, now is the time."

When Malashenko's sonorous and powerful words of evidence and questioning, completely unscripted, echoed in the venue, lingering and lingering for a long time, the final result was actually destined at this moment.

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