Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2781: Throw yourself to death and never recover

The game set by Malashenko successfully achieved its original goal. Jefferson, who was speechless and could no longer justify himself, ended up losing everything.

He didn't even have the chance to deny what he had said before. The camera and gramophone arranged by Malashenko in the corner of the venue had simultaneously recorded the entire process of the press conference - all the media reporters present at the conference Without knowledge, it was not finally made public until the end of the press conference.

The reason is simple. Malashenko does not want such advance arrangements to affect Mr. Jefferson's courage to tell the truth, speak the truth, and speak the truth.

Witnesses, physical evidence, videos, and audio recordings, the shameless and pathetic lies were openly torn to pieces in front of nearly a hundred people.

This kind of process is enough to completely beat anyone to death, let alone in the era of World War II, or even in the modern era of the 21st century, without a place to bury anyone.

At least in the media industry, Mr. Jefferson, who is deliberately trying to reach the top, will never have a chance to make a comeback in the future. This is something Malashenko can be sure of.

Just like he said.

Those who had been offended by him before, as well as his competitors and enemies who disliked him, were always looking for opportunities to kill him.

There was no way these people would let him go. If such a good opportunity to add insult to injury was allowed to slip away, it would only mean that there was something wrong with his brain.

Malashenko doesn't have to worry about the rest.

When this explosive "media nuclear bomb" really left the press conference venue and was widely advertised to the outside world, that was the moment when Jefferson's career was completely buried in the cemetery.

There will be countless people rushing to the ground to step on his grave and flatten it, lest the valuables buried underneath become unstable in the coffin board and crawl out from the ground to harm others.

No longer paying attention to Jefferson, who was no different from being out of body. Malashenko, who was completely slumped on the chair in the press box, eyes blank, and would never show much interest in losers, just looked at After packing up the things he had brought and announcing the end of the meeting, he left.

"It's unbelievable! Comrade Commander! We actually succeeded! We won! That damn American bastard will never stand up again now!"

As soon as he walked out of the venue, the first person who rushed up to express his unspeakable and uncontrollable excitement to Malashenko was the person who was assigned the task by Malashenko to be on duty at the venue and as the person in charge of the scene. Vanov.

Malashenko's arrangement was not simply to let Kovanov watch the show live.

What Malashenko really hopes is that Kovanov can learn something important and should be learned from this incident. Malashenko hopes that Kovanov can go further in the future, but he will never be nepotistic. You are loyal to me and I will promote you regardless of your ability, at least it is absolutely impossible here with Malashenko.

How far he can go in the future, Malashenko can at best play a role as a guide and assistant. It is Kovanov himself who really decides all this.

"Weapons and violence can solve many problems, Kovanov, but sometimes justice requires more than that."

"When your enemy comes to fight you in the guise of justice, remember to use your brain. Those enemies with truly high intelligence often need to be defeated in this way, such as today."

He seemed to understand, not completely, but he did take note of Malashenko's words. Kovanov, who was going to savor it later, continued to catch up, following behind Malashenko. One step forward and spoke again.

"Then what are we going to do with these Americans next? Comrade Commander, do you want to arrange for them to continue the interview tomorrow?"

"Of course, why not? This is what we agreed in advance. Just treat it as compensation for their restricted freedom due to the investigation today. Tomorrow you will continue to lead the team and take them around the city. But remember to Keep an eye on that Jefferson, and if necessary, send more manpower to take strict precautions. He is now an unstable time bomb, and he can do anything. "

"I understand, I will make arrangements, please don't worry! Comrade Commander."

"in addition"

Before Kovanov's voice firmly answered the order, Malashenko, who was walking and chatting beside him, seemed to suddenly become interested because of something.

"Do you know why I did this?"

Malashenko is not a person who likes to show off, and it must be said that this is indeed quite rare. At least Kovanov blinked and was stunned on the spot.

"I don't know, Comrade Commander, I can't say for sure. Maybe it's to keep your promise?"

Malashenko quietly shook his head.

"No, it has nothing to do with the promise. As long as I think about it, I have a hundred reasons not to keep my promise. I will pack up all these Yankees and throw them back to the United States tomorrow."

“But I still need a day to diffuse, to ferment and warm up.”

"Tomorrow, it only takes 24 hours. All the news and information channels that I have arranged in advance will receive the audio recording of the press conference just now, just like watching a black and white movie. Along with those reporters The press releases, on-site photos, and countless news materials written by them will be overwhelming like snowflakes.”

"In this era, information cannot be transmitted in a timely manner. The dissemination of news takes time, and the fermentation of events requires a relatively long process. So I have to delay them for another day, under the premise that they cannot effectively interfere with everything. "

"Not only in the Soviet Union, but reporters in the Western world who worry about where to find breaking news to make money will never refuse such a good opportunity to make a lot of money. After all," the Pulitzer Prize winner and retired American former News like the senator’s son is a bad-ass son of a bitch who doesn’t care about human life doesn’t happen every day.”

"By the time our Mr. Jefferson sets sail for his homeland, back to his "faithful" New York, there will be nothing left for him to redeem."

"By then, even his enemies and sworn enemies have finished burying people to add insult to injury, and what about his relationship with Jefferson? Waiting to be kicked out of the newspaper editor's office and die in society, this is his only Maybe he will be hunted down by his enemies, but who cares? It depends on how much he has offended people with his evil deeds, but this has nothing to do with us, and I am not interested in knowing. "

After listening to the remarks of Comrade Commander, Kovanov suddenly felt that the Comrade Commander, whom he had always admired, suddenly felt a little strange? Or unexpected? Or does it make people feel amazed in terms of capabilities and layout?

No matter what, the final result is certain.

That's because Kovanov originally respected Comrade Commander, but now it's better

More reverence now.


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