Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2782 Disappearance

"you say"


"I mean, after the war is over, how long will it take for the butcher who kills and bleeds people all day long to find a wife?"


Instead of complaining, "You Sukka, why are you asking such trivial things again?" Alsim, who leaned against the broken wall with his company mate and smoked his last cigarette before going to bed, started to think, as if Think carefully about some memories from the past, but not too far away.

"Okay, I can guess it without telling you. I'm thinking about that old woman from the German Communist Party again, right?"

Even before the deputy had finished speaking, Alsim, who had been thinking seriously just now, became anxious.

"What old woman? She is obviously only in her early thirties, and she is about the same age as me. According to what you say, then I am not an old man?"

"Okay, okay, you started protecting me before this happened. I guess I said something wrong, okay?"

Knowing that he had touched upon his good brother's concerns, the company officer stopped pestering him and continued to speak meaningfully in a quiet voice after taking a puff of his cigarette.

"Thanks to your relationship, the German woman is now helping in the field hospital. Thanks to our comrade, the division commander, for being open-minded and caring about you, giving you this face. In other places, your behavior would probably arouse suspicion and be investigated. , do you know?”

"Censorship is censorship. I'm not even afraid of fascists! Killing people is like chopping melons and vegetables. How can I be afraid of censorship!?"


The company officer finally realized that talking about being "scared" to Alsim, a stubborn person who was still desperate for his life, was just out of idleness and nothing to tease him about.

I really can’t imagine what kind of fool Alsim would be if he didn’t have the protection of his comrade, the division commander. Who knows what he would do now, even thinking that he might be dragged out by the blue hat and shot to death.

But now, Vice Lian feels that there are more meaningful things to say than this.

"Forget it, let me tell you some good news."

"I heard a fellow who worked at the Army Group Headquarters tell me the other day that East Prussia will probably be ours from now on. I heard that the big shots above are discussing this matter and even gave the place a name. "

"I figured that would be a good thing, especially for you."

"Comrade Senior, you have so much energy. Go talk to Comrade Senior and ask him to handle this matter for you. Then ask your sweet German girl, your mistress, to change her name." Get her a local household registration and settle down there. She is a local anyway. Let’s see if her identity can be cleaned up and she can become a Soviet citizen.”

"Although it can't change the fact that she is of German ancestry, it can at least make you two justifiable. If you really marry her, it will not affect your continued work in the army in the future. She is not a heinous person anyway. You bastard, you are just an old woman taking care of a bunch of orphans in a young boy’s apartment. As long as the teacher and comrade nod, this matter can definitely be done.”

Alsim has been working together with Alsim for so long, but he has never seen Alsim fall in love with a woman. Unexpectedly, the first time he made a breakthrough was an old German woman.

After trying to persuade but finding that it didn't work, the company officer stopped trying and started to change his mind to help Alsim think of a way. What he said just now was his latest achievement. The main reason is because I am familiar with Alsim's character and know that what he is determined to do is difficult to pull back ten cows, so since he can't stop it, it is better to smooth it over and think about how to turn it into a good thing.

Hearing what the company officer said, Alsim, who had never thought about this before, suddenly felt as if a new door had opened in front of him, and the thoughts in his mind were like the sun breaking through the clouds. suddenly see the light.

"This sounds very good! But, are you sure this can really work? If you ask Comrade Senior about this nonsense, won't Comrade Senior think I'm too annoying?"

"Then do you have a better way? If not, then this is the best way. Besides, how will you know if you don't try it? Don't tell me that you think your comrade, the teacher, can't see your little thoughts. I bet he always knew, maybe he just waited for you to come to him and tell him. If Comrade Division Commander had really objected, he would have called you in for a talk. You could still sit here and continue to lead the troops in the war and chat with me. ?”


The more he thought about it, the more he thought, "That seems to be the case." Alsim really felt that this made sense. It seemed that he had to find an opportunity to talk to his comrade, the division commander. At the very least, he could talk about it first and see if he could continue. Next step.

But not now. Alsim, who started to yawn again, thought it would be better to go to bed first.

"Okay, I'm done smoking, let's go to bed. I'll take care of the duty. I didn't soak in the water for long. You are different. You should have a good rest today."

In the past, he always liked to show off his toughness, but for some reason today, Alsim felt fatigue and embarrassment sweeping over his body, and he felt a little tired. It seemed that after soaking in the groundwater for so long during the day, my body was indeed a little overwhelmed, so I simply accepted the proposal without rejecting the proposal.

"Then please pay more attention and wake me up if anything happens."

"I understand, just sleep peacefully. I'll go down first."

About half an hour later, the company officer on guard duty leaned against a broken window sill or wall on the first floor, using his heavy eyelids to scan everything in the dark outside the window frame, until someone suddenly came from behind him. Coming from the direction, he spoke quietly.

"Company officer, I need to go to the toilet. You may have caught a cold, and your stomach is not feeling well."

The person walking next to him was a vigil soldier with a gun on guard. He was not so unkind and even the deputy answered casually without thinking too much.

"I got it. Ask Voroshenko to go with you. You two should be safe. Bring your guns and go back quickly. Don't go too far."


It’s not that you have to stand by and smell the hot smell when you poop, but it’s really necessary for safety reasons. The person who is alone in the dark is always the best target.

The soldier who complained that his stomach hurt and wanted to poop left, and he also called a soldier who had just finished his shift in the first half of the night and had just fallen asleep in the second half of the night to go with him.

The entire first floor fell silent again, with only the sound of wind in the dark night echoing in my ears.

Lian Ming, who was leaning against the window frame, was thinking about something to refresh himself. He subconsciously lowered his head to touch the Yankee coffee powder in his pocket, intending to take it out and chew it. Unexpectedly, as soon as his eyes moved, he saw an amazing sight. The countdown scene.

A straight black shadow almost overlapped his position, and there was another black shadow hanging from the front of the long shadow that was obviously a gun. Due to his professional sensitivity, the company officer could recognize at a glance that it was a fucking gun with a bayonet just based on the shadow.

It was too late but not too late. Knowing that his men were standing guard at night without bayonets on their guns, the company mate immediately turned his head and stood up at the same time. Then he saw a man covered in black. He was neither an SS soldier nor an SS man. In the uniform of the National Defense Forces, Chun Chun was just a bastard disguised in night clothes. The guy who was picking up the bayonet in his hand was rushing towards him.

At this time, it was too late to lift up the loaded AK hanging by his side. The bayonet had already fallen straight down and stabbed at his forehead. The only option left for the company officer was to take it with his bare hands. .

With a tilt of his head and a twist of his body, the powerful and swift bayonet blade flashed past the bridge of his nose.

But the assassin dressed in black is by no means an ordinary person like a cat or a dog.

Seeing that the stab missed, he directly swung the gun horizontally instead of slashing. He retracted the bayonet and stabbed again without following common sense. He hit the company with a horizontal slash on the neck that had just escaped the stabbing.

It's just that this two-hit combo reaction, which was already fast enough, was still too late.

The company officer, who had a better reaction speed, had already used the force of hiding from the knife to lie down. He stretched his body before he could stand up completely. The result of falling to the ground was a 45-yard long tube. The soles of the army boots were placed directly on the assassin's belly.

Before the bayonet struck his neck, he had already kicked the attacker to the ground and couldn't help but miss and fall back.

Without any unnecessary movements or worries, the company officer stretched out his feet, his right hand had already touched the holster on his waist and pulled out the gun. The finger on the trigger only needs less than 5 seconds to sound the "enemy attack" alarm and kill the enemy with one shot.

But the second black figure leaping in from behind the head, from the window frame that should have been guarded by him, but now had his back turned because he was fighting the enemy, was unexpected and even more unexpected. No need to talk about precautions.



The cold blade plunged straight into the chest from behind, and then was sent out from the chest with a powerful force that penetrated completely, causing blood to splash everywhere.

The long knife, which had been driven completely into the chest against the gauntlet, was no longer held by anyone and was stuck tightly. The assassin's hands turned to other places at a flying speed.

A pair of eyes were stared at and opened to the limit. He tried to make a sound, but his mouth was covered by a big hand for a second, and he couldn't make any sound.

The right hand that had already raised the pistol to aim tried to use the last strength to pull the trigger, but the gun body with the sleeve was already tightly grasped by another big hand from the same man in black, and the trigger was pulled. The trigger simply cannot release the hammer for normal firing.

The remaining power is passing away at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the almost burned out flame of life is about to be extinguished like a candle in the wind.

In the last moments before his consciousness fell into darkness, the company officer, who had completely lost control of his body and was unable to move, only felt that he was being lowered to the ground.

The murderer who attacked from behind and succeeded with one blow stepped on his own body and effortlessly pulled out a long knife that could completely penetrate the chest that ordinary soldiers would never carry around.

The rush of blood reached its peak at this moment, and before complete darkness completely enveloped his consciousness, he still heard the final German words.

"It's all settled, we have a living, let's close the team."

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