Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2788 “Newcomers” join the battle

"Hey! Let me tell you, how many bullets can this thing block? When I look at you wearing this, it feels like you are as invulnerable as a humanoid tank. The German guys in the prisoner of war camp said they couldn't even stab you with bayonets!"

Looking at the familiar face sitting face to face with him, he shouted loudly so that he could be heard in the environment where the sound of the engine was ringing in his ears.

Alsim, who had a calm face, only slightly raised his voice just enough to be understood, and replied to the "newcomer" in front of him who asked the question.

"Just pretend you're not wearing anything. Don't expect that thing to save your life. Only in this way can it really save you."


Alsim's answer was simple and not roundabout. Counting from the day he joined the army, Sulovechenko, who had put on this "armored suit" for the first time in his life, seemed to understand something.

He lowered his head and reached out to knock on the real metal armor, making a "bang" sound. Sulovechenko's slightly raised corners of his mouth were obviously quite satisfied with his new identity.

"Combat engineers, the most elite heavy infantry in the entire army, mean victory will be unstoppable wherever they go."


Alsim, who was always accustomed to being silent and speaking as little as possible in the final moments of the battle, pulled the charging handle, pushed the bullets filled with bullets from the magazine into the gun chamber, and then connected to the combat cabin that ran through the front of the infantry cabin. Then came a loud reminder.

"300 meters, get off and get ready!"

"I heard you all, load your bullets and prepare to fight!"


Before Alsim could finish his words, a series of sounds of bullets being loaded came from inside the car, almost all at once.

The AK he held in his hand was still his original AK. This time, he brought it with him due to the change of ownership instead of using a new gun, just to make it easier to use.

Just when Sulovechenko was getting ready to get off the car, thinking that it would be like this until he got off the car and left, Alsim, who had been sitting opposite and had never spoken, suddenly took the initiative and spoke at this moment.

"I'll take you through the process for the first time to get familiar with it. Remember that next time we won't be in the same car."

Alsim didn't actually finish what he said. The second half of the sentence he didn't say was "Count on yourself, don't think about relying on others."

As for why he didn't say anything, after all, Sulovchenko is also the newly appointed deputy company commander and needs to establish his authority as soon as possible, especially against these veterans who barely have the word "ruffian" written on their foreheads. It is said that it must be done as soon as possible.

The newly-appointed company deputy who cannot control his soldiers and cannot convince the public is not as reasonable as putting a vase on the roof of the infantry fighting vehicle. At least it can create a pleasing sight of "war and flowers".

Although he didn't have much knowledge, Alsim still had a lot of skills in leading troops. He didn't talk nonsense, and he didn't explain why he did what he did.

Fortunately, Sulovechenko, who was also a company commander on the opposite side and was now demoted one level to become a company deputy in the combat engineers, could immediately understand the hidden intention of Alsim's words, and he didn't need to say more. Word.

"Get off the car! Let's go, quickly, quickly!"

"Each team will follow the tanks nearby, provide fire cover with infantry fighting vehicles, and suppress anti-infantry fire! Move forward!"

The tailgates of a large number of infantry fighting vehicles, including Alsim's vehicle, were suddenly opened. The combat engineers who had been preparing for the attack immediately filed out. As soon as they got off the vehicle, they found the tanks and tanks nearby. Follow up quickly.

Armed with long guns and short cannons, after completely eliminating the German iron fist and replacing it with their own reloadable super-caliber PRG rocket-propelled grenades, these heavily armored "human tanks" are more powerful than ever before. Stronger and more ferocious, any flesh and blood that touches these two-legged tanks will be crushed to pieces, just today.

"Machine gunner, machine gunner! Suppressive fire!"

"Ammo, I need ammo! Give me ammo!"

"Overhead, third floor! Shoot that machine gun down!"

call out--


The German machine gunner who set up his machine gun first, but did not wait for the slower ammunition man, was mercilessly blown away by a red comet with an orange tail flame.

In addition to the fact that the airflow from the tail nozzle is really powerful and scary, far beyond the German's iron fist and tank killer, it is indeed very, very "Soviet".

There is nothing wrong with using the RPG-1, which can be reloaded with 100mm super-caliber ammunition. In terms of power and endurance, it far exceeds the captured German Panzerfaust and tank killers.

There are even many different types of ammunition available for use, such as high-explosive, armor-piercing, smoke, and shrapnel shells. The ability to adapt to complex battlefield environments is simply amazing.

The only bad thing is that the supply of special types of ammunition other than high-explosive and armor-piercing ammunition is not high, so you have to use them sparingly for the time being.

As for why? I heard that it’s because the RPG-1 was finalized and put into production not long ago and the demand for the front-line troops is huge. No matter how high the priority of the equipment of the leader division is, you Malashenko will have enough to eat, and you can’t give it to other Guards brothers. You don’t even have to drink the soup, right? We have to be careful not to look too ugly when we eat, right?

Therefore, when the command of the special ammunition of other brothers' Guards units is still in the hands of the company commander, he has to count the number and use it sparingly. When it is used up, there may not be enough to replenish it.

The special ammunition for the combat engineers of the leadership division can be used as long as the squad leader says to use it. This is the difference, and it is as simple as that.

Although small in size, its power is not small at all. The power of the 100mm super-caliber rocket-propelled grenade can only be said to be quite large.

The explosive yield of a full kilogram of equivalent TNT charge directly blew up the German machine gunner on the balcony who was sitting down on the balcony. He held the MG42 and fired a burst of fire, killing all the Russians in the street. He had to "die before he left the battlefield" on the spot.

In less than a blink of an eye, the explosion close to his feet was instantly blown into a ball of blood mist. His whole body exploded on the spot like a balloon plugged into a faucet being blown up by water. open.

The flying pieces of corpses and rotten blood and rotten flesh, accompanied by the blood mist, fell straight down from the balcony on the third floor. The ball fell on the top of the head of the leader's siege unit that was advancing along the ruins on the street. , even the IS7, which is already huge, tall and powerful, has been decorated with bits of scarlet and has a unique style.

At least in the eyes of the screaming and howling German soldiers on the opposite side, the IS7, which smelled like blood, was a fucking tank driven from hell, the real deal.

"Anti-tank gun, prepare! Gunner takes aim!"

"Load armor-piercing rounds!"

"Ready to load!"






More than one armor-piercing bomb hit almost at the same time, and the firepower density of the German defense zone at the same depth of advance was much higher than before.

Comrade Political Commissar's worries in advance were indeed correct. The German troops in the construction area did have a double advantage in terms of troop density and survivability - compared to the German soldiers they encountered a few days ago, it was true.

But that’s it, that’s all.

This "Hell Chariot" IS7, which had been prepared well in advance, suffered no pain or itching after receiving three rounds of unknown armor-piercing bullets that did not require decontamination. When the huge pepper bottle muzzle brake, which had been smoked extremely black due to too many shots, was pointed at the direction of one of the confirmed shells.

The two German gunners and gunners on the opposite side who were hiding in the ruins and completely observed the entire scene through their own gun scopes and telescopes could only be said to be in unison that made people couldn't help but marvel.

"It's over——"

"Heh, fire."

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