"Hello? The command received it, please speak.

"Understood, please confirm. The self-propelled artillery unit is about to enter the city. Support is on the way. Please be prepared."

"Received, please continue to attack as originally planned. Repeat, continue to attack as originally planned and advance towards the core area."

Once the battle begins, the forward headquarters of the leading division will be busy. The sound and noise of various communications are comparable to the vegetable market in the early morning, but it is busy and orderly, and there is no chaos in the busyness.

Malashenko, who is still in command today, is reviewing various information that is constantly being collected, and then building a complete and ever-changing battlefield situation model to ensure a full understanding of the confrontation between the enemy and ourselves on the firing line as much as possible.

Malashenko, who was sitting behind the desk in the command hall, was reading a telegram that had just been sent. Kulbalov, who had just made a phone call a few seconds ago, was facing his comrade, the division commander. Come and report.

"Good news, Comrade Commander!"

"The forward siege team received news that the enemy defenses on the main road in the center of the construction area have been breached, and the remaining enemy forces are fleeing towards the core area. The siege team suffered minor losses and is continuing to advance as planned."

"Well, how strong is the enemy's resistance?"

As if he was not surprised when he heard something that had been destined for a long time, Malashenko, whose expression did not change at all, then asked in a deep voice. He probably expected that Kurbalo, who had such an expression as the teacher and comrade, was not surprised. The husband replied immediately.

"As Comrade Political Commissar predicted and analyzed before, the intensity of the enemy's resistance will increase exponentially the further we advance."

"It seems that those tall outer buildings did block most of the direct artillery barrage, and the bombing intensity of aerial bombs alone was not enough to completely destroy the building area. It should be that most of the Germans hid in the basement during the bombing. In short, The enemy's current strength can still cause a lot of trouble, and the survival rate of technical equipment is currently higher than expected. "

Tanks, aircraft, artillery, these heavy firepower equipment are very useful, but usefulness does not mean omnipotence.

It is no exaggeration to say that the ability of large first-tier cities to resist and absorb heavy firepower is one of the strongest in all battlefield environments.

This intensity does not mean that conventional weapons are difficult to destroy, but that in the next era, mankind's top weapons - nuclear weapons, will be difficult to destroy modern first-tier metropolises.

To this day, Malashenko still clearly remembers that at the peak of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, the number of nuclear warheads the United States planned to use to bomb Moscow was not three or thirty, but more than three hundred. pellets.

Of course, Americans are not stupid and would not bomb a piece of rotten land that has been plowed into deep pits and ruins with nuclear weapons more than 300 times just for fun.

There is only one simple reason for doing this: to ensure that the Russian brains are completely destroyed and the roots are eradicated.

The ability of modern first-tier cities to digest and absorb any energy-containing explosions is so strong that a nuclear bomb's air explosion will not destroy an underground nuclear-proof bunker with three defense facilities on the lower floor of the building. However, the power of a nuclear bomb's ground explosion can blow up an underground nuclear bunker. , but the shock wave will be severely blocked by high-rise buildings, greatly weakening the dispersion power, and the killing radius will plummet to an unacceptable level.

Therefore, no matter which explosion mode is used before or after, it is difficult to handle. The only solution is to pile up the amount, so that even if the nuclear bomb is exploded, its severely weakened damage range can completely cover the entire city and repeated bombing, No hidden dangers are left.

What? You mean Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Compared to places like Berlin, Moscow, and Washington, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which are nothing like first-tier cities, are just fucking villages in the city. They have weak defense capabilities and cannot be regarded as modern first-tier cities to withstand nuclear explosions. Powerful reference sample.

We are well aware that large first-tier cities have an astonishing ability to digest and absorb nuclear weapons, let alone conventional weapons.

Malashenko, who had personally experienced the Battle of Stalingrad, would certainly not be surprised that so many Germans survived along with their equipment under the seemingly overwhelming artillery fire and aerial bombardment.

Or to put it another way, after being bombarded indiscriminately, the German guy can still crawl all over the ground and swarm out like a cockroach nest. In Malashenko's view, this is expected. "reasonable and appropriate".

Moreover, Malashenko, who had long expected that such a situation would happen, had indeed prepared corresponding back-up measures and was just waiting to make a move.

"We don't have time to work with the scum. Send the TOS-1s, all the basic prototypes and mass-produced models, leaving no one behind. Make sure that every siege unit can get enough fire support. , aim at any bunker occupied by the Germans, and shoot me."

At least for Malashenko, the reason why TOS-1, a weapon that should not have been born at this time, can come out now. In addition to filling the gap in the leader's division's fire support range in the middle, the main purpose was to prepare for the Battle of Berlin, or any fierce street battle that took place on the German homeland in the later stages of the war.

Malashenko had already experienced the Battle of Stalingrad once and did not want to have a similar experience again in his life.

When a person is still alive, it is enough to go to hell once. There is no need to drag his comrades and brothers to go there a second time like a coward. And TOS-1 is when Malashenko declined the invitation to hell and The final answer given to it.

Berlin will indeed be a hell, but don't get me wrong. It is your thugs' hell, not my leader's.

Under Malashenko's direct order, fully armed rocket assault tanks with launch boxes loaded with ammunition were carried out at the starting position at the entrance of the block and set off immediately.

Being able to witness with one's own eyes these steel behemoths, which are even bigger than the IS7, line up and rumble through the block, disperse at the entrance of the block, and then look forward to the battlefield at the end of the square, which is not too far ahead. The siege troops successfully captured and eliminated the threat of direct fire in the outer construction area and rushed towards it, feeling the roar of machinery and the flying dust so close at hand.

I have to say, this is indeed heart-warming and exciting.

So much so that the soldiers of the Reserve Division of the Leader's Division who were also on the starting position, waiting for follow-up reinforcements and attack orders, all shouted loudly and their morale was sky-high when they saw this scene.

"Come on! Land bombers, blow up those naughty butts!"

"The great leader is invincible! Ula!!!"

"Onward, comrades! Onward! Victory belongs to us!"

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