Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2790 Calling for the Power of Destruction

"Attention all vehicle crews, this battle is to rush into the front line of the combat zone to provide close-range direct fire support for friendly forces. Intelligence shows that there are a large number of enemy remaining anti-tank firepower deployments in the combat area. Friendly forces will cover us as much as possible and open up attack paths. , but still highly risky!”

"Remember our usual training content! If your vehicle is unfortunately hit by a bullet and catches fire, even if only one person in the entire vehicle crew is left alive, you must do what you should do! Our shells must not harm our comrades, please listen clearly Yet?"


"Received twice in a row!"

"Car 131 confirmed."

He put down the radio transmitter in his hand to end the call and hung it up next to the stand of the radio station.

The commander, whose whole body was shaking with the ups and downs of the tank, subconsciously glanced at the family photo posted on the bulkhead in front of him. His wife, a Red Army soldier who had already died before him, was holding his wife who had died in a Nazi bombing earlier. daughter, smiling warmly at herself in the black and white freeze-frame photo.

The unshaven and unkempt 30-year-old commander didn't know how far he could go. Only his will to avenge his family and motherland would never be extinguished and would always burn brightly.

"Bless me, my dear, and bless me to destroy more people to avenge you."

The interior of TOS-1\\A, which is huge and heavily armored, has a very different internal structural environment from the IS2 and IS6 heavy tanks that use the same body and chassis.

Because there is no need to load ammunition from inside the vehicle and the reserve ammunition rack can be emptied, the interior of the TOS-1\\A rocket assault tank, which has freed up a lot of space inside the vehicle, is quite spacious. Its operating environment and human-machine efficiency are smaller than those of IS2 and IS6. Yan can be regarded as a Soviet-style paradise.

Because of this, considering the coordination and cooperation issues between the three crew members, the crew distribution pattern of TOS-1\\A is different from any previous Red Army tanks.

The driver is still located at the front of the chassis, and there are no changes to the single-person single seat. This also retains the original driving operation system, and does not make too many design changes as much as possible to reduce production difficulty and shorten construction time, so as to facilitate improvement as soon as possible during wartime. Yield selection results.

When it comes to the specific level of front-line troops, this is also beneficial.

As long as the driver is able to drive IS2 and IS6, he can directly start driving TOS-1 in combat without any additional training, which greatly simplifies the personnel running-in process of new equipment from entering service to forming actual combat effectiveness.

And the remaining two crew members - the commander and the gunner.

They sit horizontally side by side and spaced apart, one on the left and one on the left. Together with the driver sitting alone in front, they form a "pin"-shaped layout of three crew members from an overhead perspective, with one in front and two in back.

By turning their heads slightly, they can see each other's gunners and commanders, greatly improving their communication and cooperation efficiency.

The design that does not require loading in the vehicle also saves the fourth person's loader's seat.

In short, the TOS-1, which was born under the collaboration and joint design and development of Malashenko and Kotin, is definitely a weapon with a Soviet tank design style and bold innovation.

And these seemingly "bold innovation" designs are actually the final results obtained after long-term practice and continuous improvement, so they will not be as messy as those "bold innovations" of Zande Lao.

It's just that this practical improvement process does not occur now, but in the future on another timeline. It is Malashenko's otherworldly memory that brings a military wealth that is more precious than any treasure in the world.

The huge TOS-1\\A rocket assault tank ran over the smashed and deformed German steel helmet and passed over the large crater made by the 152 grenade. Relying on the strong passability brought by the heavy tank chassis, it slowly drove into the already messy and devastated construction area. The scene visible to the naked eye as far as the eye could see was a piece of broken ruins.

"Car No. 131, can you hear me? I am the commander of the "Volga River" unit, requesting support! Repeat, requesting support as soon as possible! Where are you now?"

Using the major rivers of the motherland as radio call signs for the siege unit was a decision made by division commander Comrade Malashenko, and the commander with the call sign "Volga River" is currently the one with the highest intensity of fighting and the longest distance of advancement. The main siege force.

The noisy firefight and the rapid shouting on the other end of the radio were mixed together. The situation sounded quite bad. Even across the radio waves and physical distance, the No. 131 TOS-1A commander could still feel the tension. He picked up the receiver and replied.

"131 Received, Comrade Volga, I heard you very clearly. I am leading the support platoon towards the location of your headquarters. We expect to arrive in two minutes. What can I do for you?"

"we me"


The sound of the radio was intermittent, and it sounded like the equipment was malfunctioning or was subject to some interference. The captain of No. 131, who held the radio station with one hand and started debugging, while still holding the microphone tightly with the other hand, was still asking questions.

"Can't hear you clearly, Volga, please repeat! Please repeat!!!"

Maybe the debugging worked, or maybe the brief radio interference was restored. In short, the clear but noisy echo came again not long after.

"We encountered heavy fire suppression from the enemy, and they deployed machine guns and mortars with reinforced bunkers on the commanding heights of the building! Direct-aimed bombardment by tank guns is difficult to achieve, and the enemy's firepower points still survive. It's up to you to clear the obstacles."

Berlin, which has been painstakingly managed by the Nazis, has long been like an iron barrel in key defensive areas of the city. The construction area located at the end of the square is a typical representative.

The high-level and flat dual-purpose machine guns placed on the commanding heights of the administrative building had enough depression angle to block the block, and they fired wildly downwards to exert violent suppressive firepower. The mortar position, which is also placed on the commanding heights and on the top of the building, has an excellent shooting range. Without direct aim, it can send the shells to the top of the forehead of the Red Army siege unit from the angle of initiation, relying only on the communication from friendly forces.

The condescending range blessing allows these light and small-caliber mortars to dominate. They can bring any Red Army siege unit that attacks the built-up area into the range without being exposed. In addition, the high rate of fire of the light projectiles brings Rapid firepower projection and explosive power.

To say that this is a decapitating hammer hanging over the heads of the Red Army siege detachment, and every time it is hammered down, a Red Army soldier who got out of the car and walked will die on the spot is the most appropriate way to describe the disgustingness of it.

If you want to launch an attack, you must first get rid of the machine guns blocking the street.

But the permanent firepower point reinforced with armored steel and concrete was made of a lot of materials. Its hardness was comparable to or even stronger than the German bunker on the beach in Normandy.

IS7, which is responsible for the direct fire support mission, was repeatedly bombarded with 130mm full-caliber naval semi-armor-piercing projectiles and high-explosive grenades, but it was destroyed with no success.

The shells exploded outside without damaging the inner layer at all, which shows the thickness of its defense.

This kind of perverted defense that cannot be hammered or flattened simply made the "Volga River" commander who was responsible for commanding the core area of ​​​​the attack so angry that his scalp was numb, but he was anxious and had no other choice. .

Fortunately, the division commander, who had anticipated this, sent the aviation-grade heavy fire support they needed most: the TOS-1A rocket assault tank.

A bombing barrage of 310mm times 16 salvos, the hard work of destroying the steel plate and concrete was about to begin.

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