Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2791 The big fish in the building

“Comrade Commander, our comrade is waving from the front, seemingly towards us.

"I saw it. Pull over to the side of the road and wait for me in the car."

The TOS-1A rocket assault tank that drove all the way along the street slowly stopped on the street. The excellent transmission system inherited from the Stalin series of heavy tanks made this huge steel beast appear flexible and flexible.

Apart from the lack of a dual-stream transmission for in-situ steering, this heavily armored vehicle had no problems moving forward or reversing. It only took a moment to pull the joystick and step on the pedal to park steadily on the street.

"I'm finally here. I've been waiting for you for a long time. Don't get me wrong, I mean you are the savior that our comrades have been waiting for, indeed."

Because there is a huge launch box on the vehicle body, the overhead hatch for the crew members to enter and exit can only be opened very close to the edge of the vehicle body.

Comrade Commander, who was seeing tank soldiers emerging from such a place for the first time, was a little curious, but he still did not forget to greet them with a smile and whisper. Comrade Commander, who quickly slipped out of the car, just smiled and laughed.

"Comrades should help each other. Comrade Major, just tell me, what do you need us to do?"

"Okay, since the war situation is urgent and that's what I have in mind, I'll just say it straight away.

The commander of the main siege unit with the radio call sign "Volga" is a major commander of the tank battalion affiliated with the 1st Heavy Combined Brigade.

Don't think that the official position is low. In fact, this is a level configuration that only exists in the main attack direction. The commander of the offensive in several other surrounding secondary streets was even the captain of the company.

There is no way, because urban street fighting is one of the most restrictive battlefield environments among all battlefield environments.

No matter how Malashenko has an elite field group with a total strength of nearly 30,000 troops, the street area is only this small and the battlefield width is only so wide. If you throw all the main forces into it at once, that is not called street fighting, that is called street fighting. Queue to die.

If there are too many people gathered, a small steel cannon shell from the German can hit an entire squad with a direct hit. Malashenko, who claims that his soldiers are only one in a hundred or one in a thousand, will not engage in such a loss-making business.

A battalion is invested in the main attack direction, and the battalion commander major is responsible for leading the team and commanding the front-line operations. This is already maximizing the density of offensive forces under the marginal effect.

Any more, and it’s really just performance art to fool people just for the sake of good-looking numbers.

"This is the situation"

"Have you seen the intersection in front of you? Once you pass that intersection, turn left and you will see a tall administrative building standing at the end of the street about 500 meters away. The building is very tall. It is too late to count the exact number of floors. , but the fire points and observation posts set up on the upper floors and tops of the buildings are enough to cover the entire street within the field of vision. They have both direct firepower and indirect firepower, and they can be hit when they see it. "

"I just asked a few refugees who had not escaped. That building is the highest administrative building in the southern district of Berlin. It is very old. It is not a modern building. It is a pure masonry structure but it was obviously reinforced twice by Nazi engineers. The walls made of stone slabs and bricks, combined with concrete and armored plates, were so hard that it made people feel numb, so we had to step in to solve the problem. "

"But these are not important. What is important is that some refugees told us that the city defense commander of Berlin's southern district is likely to be in that building. He has been seen frequently riding in and out of this building in the past few days. Just now we I did see a lot of traces of communication antennas and telephone lines on the upper part of the building and the surrounding open space, and it does look like a command center.”

Hearing this, Comrade Commander, who had been squatting on the ground and looking at the map spread out on the ground, nodded. He felt that he had roughly understood the basic situation and understood the intention of Comrade Commander, and then responded immediately.

"One thing needs to be made clear. Once we open fire, no matter what rank the Nazi commander in the building is, there is absolutely no chance of survival. In the building that we bombed, the Nazis will not be blown to pieces or killed by the shock. , It was smashed into a pulp by the collapsing ruins, and there were almost zero survivors. Have you considered this? "

There is no doubt that a devastating weapon like the TOS-1A definitely possesses the most terrifying destructive power among all army armored vehicles of the same era.

All beings are equal in front of TOS-1A. No matter whether you are a general of the Wehrmacht or an ordinary soldier of the SS, 16 rounds of 310mm rockets will only rise to the sky when hit by 16 rounds of 310mm rockets.

If the comrade commander wants to catch live animals and fish big fish, then the comrade commander can only express his helplessness.

I'm good at demolition and destruction, but if you want to capture people alive, it's better to keep TOS-1A away and hire someone else.

Fortunately, the comrade commander who proactively requested support and called in the TOS-1As clearly knew what he needed, and he also had a better understanding of what and how he should do in the current battlefield situation.

"I have thought about it, and I can think it through and understand it."

"My answer is just let it go! We can't worry about so much anymore. We can't move forward unless we pull out this damn nail. We don't want to blow up the whole building, but we must use all the firepower with a caliber of 20 mm or above." We can't let the soldiers charge with large-caliber direct and indirect fire, even if they are protected by tanks. "

"As for the nazis in the building, it's up to you."

"I don't care who he is or how big his official position is. It doesn't matter even if it's a hair-washer working inside. The order I received is to attack forward, clear all obstacles along the way, and completely crush the Nazi resistance. It's not to capture a The big fish will fill the hole with the lives of the comrades, let him live or die, just feel free to blast!"

"Once the attack is successful, I judge that the enemy's command in the neighborhood may be temporarily or completely chaotic. It depends on whether you can take down the German command post. This will in turn be beneficial to our next attack. Once we succeed, , the enemy's reinforcement dispatch and defense command are likely to have problems, and it all depends on you. "

Pressing the map on the ground with his left hand, his right hand sketched out a plan of action on the rugged map filled with pebbles and debris. The major confirmed from his eyes that the commander had understood and then gave the final order.

"My people will open an attack channel for you, push forward a short distance against the enemy's direct fire, and attract fire."

"But even so, your attack window is still very short. The TOS-1A is too big and the battlefield recognition is too high. Enemies occupying the commanding heights will definitely be able to see it as long as they are not blind. Once you appear on the streets, it won't take long. They'll be able to react and notice you until they turn their firepower on you, which won't take long."

"Before that, open fire! Shoot out all the rockets you brought and retreat immediately! Your equipment is very important and difficult to replenish. My people and I will do our best to cover your actions. If you need anything, contact us immediately on the radio I, you know, if there is no problem, then start taking action.”

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