Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2792 Sniper confrontation in the middle

Although it received reinforcements from TOS-1A, this did not mean that the "Volga River" siege team would be able to push forward at the cost of zero casualties.

No matter how powerful a weapon is, it has its weaknesses. There is no truly perfect weapon that is perfect and all-round in this world.

At least before lifting up the huge rocket launch box to spray destruction on the enemy, the TOS-1A is extremely fragile from the moment it appears in the enemy's field of vision until it completes the launch deployment.

The heavy armor on the chassis of the car body, as well as the homogeneous steel shell that is put on the launch box as thickly as possible, and even an additional layer of additional composite armor hung outside the box shell.

Don’t get it wrong, these are not used to help your TOS-1A charge into battle and step on the accelerator until it dies. This is not the original design intention and battlefield positioning of TOS-1A at all.

This heavy armor protection, without exception, is used to save the lives of you and the comrades around you who may die because of your explosion when you are inevitably attacked. This is the only the goal of.

In order to protect this heavy fire support equipment that is heavily armored but actually extremely fragile and whose survivability is relatively worrying, the "Volga" siege team must use relatively more fragile and vulnerable infantry tanks to coordinate the offensive, along the lines that have just been destroyed. The repulsed street fighters then charged forward a certain distance, trying every means possible to project suppressive firepower on the target building and attract attention.

The purpose is just one - don't let the Germans have too much energy and firepower to go towards TOS-1A.

Once this thing is blown up, not to mention all the members of the vehicle crew will not be left with any residue. All living creatures in the surrounding half of the street, even the protective light armor, will be annihilated. In a blink of an eye, Nothing remains in the passing time.

Except for the Stalin tanks that kept a certain distance and were protected by heavy armor, it was conceivable that there would be nothing left after the explosion in the sky.

This "shabby equipment" that is so troublesome, restrictive in use, and sounds like a lot of faults, is actually a "land bomber" that scares the enemy and boosts our own morale.

This is war, war is so real. The reality is that both you and the enemy may be disgusted or hurt by the same weapon in different circumstances, regardless of whether the equipment is an enemy or a friend.

"Let's go! The attack formation moves forward. The infantry should follow the tanks and not fall behind! Be careful of the enemy's artillery fire and be careful to hide!"

Less than twenty minutes had passed since the last wave of offensive failed and they temporarily retreated. The "Volga" siege team, which had stayed on the street for a short rest and completed the rotation of personnel, launched another attack.

This time they increased their firepower. Not only was the TOS-1A trump card hidden behind them that had not yet been revealed and unknown to the enemy, but the ISU-152A self-propelled artillery that arrived first for reinforcements also joined the battle.

They replaced the two IS6 heavy tanks that had entered the city earlier with a "two for two" replacement, and followed the two IS7 heavy tanks at the front to launch the attack.

The relatively clumsy, turret-less, and slow-responsive ISU-152A can only stay in this position. After all, the scum on the street are not only entrenched in the tall administrative building at the end, there are also swarms of swarms in the streets on both sides of the road. There are all kinds of long guns and short cannons everywhere.

Only a super-heavyweight giant like the IS7 is most suitable to stand in such a position and charge forward. The larger caliber firepower upgraded from 122 in the previous round to 152 can suppress the target administrative building. The essential.

"The Russians are here again! Fire, fire!"

Chi la la la la -

Da da da da——

Boom - boom -

call out--

The two IS7 heavy tanks at the street entrance had just driven out and appeared within sight. They were stationed in the buildings on both sides of the street. The German infantrymen, who were only more than a hundred meters away and in close combat, immediately took up their hands. All the weapons available in the game are fired wildly.

Machine guns, submachine guns, rifles, panzerfausts, rocket launchers, anti-tank guns

The explosion of the frying pan, which was like fried beans, resounded throughout the street and was deafening in just one puff of cigarette. The abundant ammunition and tight firepower of the German troops stationed in this construction area exceeded the "Volga River" to be precise. "The siege team's previous predictions and judgments were learned in the previous round of failed attacks.

This time, the fully prepared "Volga" siege team was still fearless.

The two IS7 heavy tanks at the front, regardless of the flying objects and projectiles coming from the opposite side, forced themselves on top and immediately used their main guns and machine guns. Relying on the relative stability of driving on paved roads, which is much stronger than off-road roads, in the forward posture, the car can be walked and fired without stopping.

Dong dong dong dong dong——

"Good high-explosive bombs!"



The Germans had intensive firepower, and the two IS7s also fought back resolutely, not wanting to be outdone.

The roaring roar of the 5mm coaxial machine gun and the 130mm main gun came again. Both sides of the street had been destroyed, killed, and blown to pieces in the previous round of offensive, and now they were swept in again, in ruins. The German soldiers stationed in the battle followed in the footsteps of their comrades before they could even use up a handful of bullets.

"Ah! Ahhhhhh!!! Legs, my legs--"

"Mom, help me, someone help me! Mom, woo woo mom"

The wounded German soldiers who were half-battered by 130mm high-explosive grenades and shot in two by 5mm heavy machine gun bullets were shouting, demanding hope of life when they were about to die.

"Go up! Don't retreat, stick to your position!"

"Ammo hand, this ammo hand is dead! Who will be my ammo hand? I need ammo hand!"

"Iron Fist, bring up the Iron Fist! Quick!"

Ignoring the shouts for help from their comrades who were close behind them, knowing that there was no need to save them because it was very likely that they would be like this before long, the surviving German soldiers continued to fight desperately.


Sharp gunshots pierced the sky and suddenly rang out from the commanding heights on the top floor of a building on the street.


The Red Army soldier following the IS7 heavy tank was shot in the chest. He groaned and fell to the ground, his life or death unknown. No matter how closely he followed the tank, he could not avoid the condescending sniper's precise shooting.

But the good days of the German snipers ended here.

"Loading complete!"

"Good high-explosive bombs!"

The reports from the main and auxiliary loaders sounded almost at the same time, followed closely by the commander's unthinking shout.

"The balcony on the third floor of the red house on the right, fire!"


The Russians are violent and fair to snipers.

The sound of a 92mm gunshot brought violent retaliation from the 152mm artillery fire.

Cannons were fired, people were broken, and debris fell to the ground.

Only the residual smell of the pungent warhead charge that had not been fully burned, along with the fresh smell of blood, still echoed among the ruins of the third floor that had been blasted with a huge gap.

Single shot, bolt action, mirror, accurate shooting, can kill people in seconds.

Tell me, you German stick, why is this not considered a sniper attack?

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