Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2793 Your firepower is still insufficient

There are many times in this world where you can predict the worst situations, changes, and disasters, but what you can predict is not directly related to the event itself. It should be the worst, and it will come in the worst form, and it will not happen. It won't change just because you can predict it.

Just like the situation the "Volga" siege team is encountering now.

Dong dong dong dong——

call out--

"Mortar! Get down!"

When the whistling sound like continuous drum beating came, it was accompanied by a unique scream that could make people's ears numb.

The first reaction of a squad leader who was following behind the IS7 heavy tank was to shout loudly and tell his soldiers to get down quickly. What happened in the next second was enough to prove the squad leader's decision. How true.


Continuous mortar shells continued to fall on the streets like hail from the sky. The moment they fell, they exploded into bright and deadly fireworks, spraying hot chemical energy, roaring and deadly.

Most of the soldiers who fell to the ground in time escaped unharmed, but that was not all.

There were still several soldiers who were neither shielded by the thick tank armor nor lucky enough to survive due to the reduction in the area affected by bombs. They were directly hit by sharp shrapnel that hit at high speed, and their blood was spilled on the spot.

"Uh-huh, arm, my arm."

"Don't move! The arm is still there! Hygienist! Where is the hygienist!? There are wounded here!!!"

"Be careful, here we go again! Hidden!!!"



War is the best classroom, and bloody battles are the best teaching materials.

The Soviets were not the only ones who learned their skills from the purgatory school of Stalingrad.

Although they were unable to bring out an entire group of experienced troops from that city of purgatory to teach and share tactics and combat techniques like the Soviets did.

But the Germans did not gain everything

They summarized their experiences and lessons, searched for all the telegrams and combat reports sent and received during the battle, and found all the survivors of the Sixth Army who were lucky enough to be allowed to return home for leave before the encirclement was closed, and who also experienced the brutal and bloody battle.

Try every means possible to convert the memories in their minds into words, materials, and entities that can be copied, learned and used.

The "rooftop mortar hoisting" was originally invented by the Soviet army and used in defensive operations. Now the Germans who "learned and used it" copied it without any changes and used it in what they now use as a weapon. During the Battle of Berlin on the defensive side, it was like a big pendulum hanging from the head, constantly hitting the Russians' heads hard.

When the offensive and defensive roles were reversed, it was now the Red Army's turn to taste what the Germans in Stalingrad felt like when they were pushed on the street and bombed until they lost their temper.

You are thinking of calling the field artillery group outside the city for counter-artillery operations. Firstly, there are buildings blocking the trajectory of the direct fire. Secondly, the accuracy of artillery fire is really not that good these days. You want the long-barreled long-range direct-fire howitzer to hit the roof of a high-rise building. The goal is really difficult.

At least it can be confirmed that most of the shells will fly over or beside the target building.

If artillery with direct fire is not easy to use, what about artillery with direct fire?

Don't ask, don't even think about it. At least until you blow down the entire building, those mortar teams that are not within your visual range are not afraid of you at all. The solid building and the high-throwing trajectory that does not require visual contact are their best talismans.

But this is still not enough to be helpless. At least the "Volga" commander in charge of leading the team thought of other methods this time. Regardless of whether it is possible or not, Chengdu plans to try it first.

"Ocharov, answer me! How is the situation over there? What was the result of the test!?"

On the other side of the radio, a bearded captain who had just led his men to evacuate the area and found that the plan did not work after some attempts was holding a transmitter in his hand. He was obviously out of breath after running for his life and answered.

"No, Comrade Battalion Commander!"

"I took people to try it. Those Nazi bastards' cannons are bigger than us and can hit farther than us. They are also condescending and have a range bonus. Our small cannon can't reach that high a target distance. A few shots were all missed, so I had no choice but to take my men out first.”

"Damn it! Sukabule!!!"

Comrade "Volga" angrily cursed directly on the radio, but he was not scolding his own soldiers, but the cunning and treacherous Germans on the opposite side.

There is a rule of truth in the military that is universal in all times, and it is called: When you don’t know how to restrain a sharp weapon in the opponent’s hand, it is optimal to use a weapon that is as close as possible to that sharp weapon to counterattack and hedge it. Solution.

Since a cat cannot catch a mouse, then raising a mouse to fight the opposite mouse can at least theoretically give you a 50% chance of winning.

The reason is such a simple truth.

Therefore, Comrade "Volga" wanted to try whether he could raise the mortar with a mortar.

Unfortunately, the answer is no.

The mechanized infantry of the Leader Division, which pursues high mobility, are all light infantry. Not to mention the towed howitzers of the conventional infantry division, even the mortars are only symbolically equipped with some small and medium-caliber ones.

The mortars deployed by the Germans on the roofs of high-rise buildings are obviously not good. Large-caliber and long-barreled mortars are inevitable without even thinking about it.

These gangsters dominated the entire square construction area from a high position, and the few small-caliber mortars brought in by the "Volga River" siege team were no match at all.

The horizontal heights of the guns on both sides are not on the same plane at all. If the depression angle of the gun barrel is lowered, the range can be reached, but the height cannot be reached. The shells cannot be sent to the roof of the building and can only hit the middle of the building. If you raise the elevation of the gun barrel, the height is enough, but the range is not enough. The shells will only land at a relatively close position downstairs and make a sound, or kill some unlucky German who is passing by, but it is still useless. Not top.

The leader division, which has a powerful direct-fire self-propelled artillery cluster and an even more powerful direct-aiming support firepower cluster, has conquered so many battles in the east and west with numerous results and is invincible. This is really the first time that I have encountered such a disgusting situation. .

The first time I encountered both direct-fire artillery and direct-aiming artillery, I couldn't handle it. I had to use slingshot mortars to do the job, but I didn't have the bloody moment to take advantage of the weapons.

But the problem is only relative after all, as Malashenko said.

If your artillery fire is not enough to solve your troubles, then there is a 99% chance that your firepower is still insufficient.

The self-prepared last resort has proved to be unable to solve the problem. Comrade "Volga" has no choice but to resort to the last resort - the three 16-tube steel behemoths that are driving through the street.

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