Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2794 20952 kg

Chapter 2794 2 kilograms

"They are coming! Concentrate your firepower to suppress the target building, don't give the Germans a chance to show off!"

The Volga Siege Division has advanced far enough on this offensive path that has failed once. The German troops stationed on both sides of the street for more than 200 meters from the street entrance to the current position have been swept away. The ruins on both sides of the street that have been bombarded once have been bombarded a second time and become even more shattered. Unbearable, even dusty.

After receiving the order from the battalion commander, the two IS7s and the two ISU-152As immediately stopped at the same time. The muzzles of the main guns, which were still exuding scorching residual heat, were aimed at the target as quickly as possible - the building that is still standing today. Fire, the irritating Kraut broke into the building.

"Fire now!"

Boom boom boom boom——

This is the continuous firing of the 130mm and 152mm main guns.

Dong dong dong dong——

Da da da da——

This is the roar of fire from the 5mm and 62mm coaxial machine guns.

"Machine gun suppression, machine gun! Load the machine gun! Quick!"

Even the latest RPD light machine gun, the backbone of the infantry team's firepower, joined the battle. The machine gunner put up his bipod and placed it on the rear of the IS7 and ISU-152A and started firing violently. It was basically a burst of fire. Without any thought, just pursuing the maximum rate of fire, just pull the trigger and fire on the spot.

Suddenly, the administrative building, which had been "tested" by the war and was riddled with holes, was once again baptized by the storm.

The crazy firepower was concentrated on the upper floors of the building, covering almost all fire points. The concrete and masonry debris from the outer walls were blown away by 130- and 152-mm grenades, flying in all directions. The reinforced firepower point was not completely penetrated by the straight ball, but even exposed the armored steel plate specially reinforced on the inner layer by German engineers.

This situation seems to be on the verge of collapse. Just one more powerful blow can completely destroy this annoying defense that made all the heavy firepower blast before useless.

Those German soldiers stationed in the firepower points who knew nothing about the disaster they were about to face would indeed receive the final blow of destruction.

But it was not carried out by 130mm and 152mm, but by 310mm heavy rockets like "Spitfire bombs" to send them on the road.

"Shasen! I can't see the target anymore, cough cough - it's all ashes - cough cough cough -"

"Fire! Keep firing! Hit the position just now and suppress the enemy!"

It cannot be said that concentrated firepower and violent suppression bombardment is a pure waste of artillery shells. At least the dust thrown up by the peeling and crumbling building exterior walls, and the pungent and irritating gas left after the high-energy charge of the projectile warhead is blasted, are all filled with cleansing. When in a narrow indoor space, it is true that people can't see clearly and have tears and runny noses flowing for a while.

But even for such a short time, it is enough for the TOS-1As who have already driven onto the street and stopped their chassis.

"Target confirmed, all vehicle crews! Attack the building where friendly forces are setting fire!"

"Fire a full salvo! Repeat that! Fire a full salvo, leaving no bullet behind!"

Three huge TOS-1As stopped at the intersection in a formation of two in front and one behind. The three launch boxes each loaded with 16 rounds of 310mm heavy rockets were completely lifted up at the fastest speed visible to the naked eye.

The command of the comrade platoon leader echoed in his ears, and the three gunners almost aimed at the target at consecutive moments less than a second apart.


The ready-to-fire ammunition fully loaded in the launch box is not the usually used ammunition that is the same type as the Andlyusa vehicle-mounted rocket launcher. Instead, it is specially equipped for the battle in urban areas, using specialized heavy-duty rockets with reduced range and strong charge.

The warhead's explosive charge of 8 kilograms is close to the power of a 100 kilogram aerial bomb.

But this is just the power of a 310mm attack heavy rocket

At this moment, at the intersection of the land below, there were three TOS-1As fully loaded with ammunition, breathing fire on the spot.

3X16 is a full 54, and 8 is a full 2 ​​kilograms of warhead charge, which is approximately equal to the power of 334 152mm high-explosive grenades.

The violent, ruthless Russians, who would kill without leaving a trace behind, just launched more than 2 tons of high-energy passivated RDX explosives and the power of 334 152 grenades in just six seconds of continuous firing. And after a short and roaring flight, it was firmly swung into the German's face.

The Nazis would not have had the opportunity to see and realize how they died, as Malashenko once officially described TOS-1.

"She will destroy any nemesis who dares to stop us on the ground, leaving no trace of struggle."



The terrifying explosion that followed was not the sky-piercing scream that the rocket had already passed overhead as it flew.

It’s because the TNT yield produced by the explosion was so large that it was approximately equal to a 5-ton gas tank dropped by the Pe-8 bomber on the Zelo Highlands. The explosion shock wave it produced was very similar to the most violent Moscow winter in 1941. The wind and snow swept across.

It's just that the wind is hot wind, and the snow is the last bit of liquid residue left in the world after the nugget turns into dust and powder. It is mixed with the blast wave and blown up, sweeping the streets.



Before the dust of the astonishing explosive power and terrifying shock wave had settled, an even more ear-numbing and terrifying sound of distortion and deformation could be heard immediately.

The outer wall of the building was swept and hit by 54 310mm heavy attack rockets. The entire administrative building faced the enemy side of the Red Army and collapsed like a fruit split in half with a knife.

Broken masonry mixed with a large amount of concrete debris took off in place, and the dust in the sky rose and spread like a sandstorm blowing in place.

When Alsim, who was following closely behind the IS7 heavy tank, stood up from hiding, holding the butt of the vehicle with his hands and looking again in the direction of the building that was still spitting out tongues of death and fire, everything was completely different.

There are no tall buildings, or they are not the same kind of buildings.

The sincere engineering quality of the Germans did play a role, but it was not enough to save lives, let alone change the outcome.

The face of the building that was washed away by three TOS-1As on the spot had completely collapsed. It was still barely standing amidst the endless flying dust, which showed how ingenious the precise German engineering was. The remaining parts were just the damned ones. It was just the other half of the ruined building that was not completely destroyed in one breath.

Only half of the office was left, half of the desk hanging upside down on the broken floor, and even half of Nazhi's corpse that had been blasted was entangled in wires and hanging in the air.

Wrapped together with the tattered Nazi flag that should have been hanging on the wall of the office, it uses the most vivid and true expression to interpret the iron-clad reality that the Nazi scum are only worthy of being buried with their rubbish beliefs.

"Have you and us combat engineers always fought in this kind of environment? Did you come all the way here?"

Sulovechenko, who suddenly felt that the battlefield was quiet, couldn't help but talk more and ask questions. What awaited him was the crisp sound of Alsimna pulling the charging handle again after changing the magazine.

"Sometimes it is."

"But in the end, all the nazis who dare to point guns at us will turn into corpses. This result is the only constant."

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