Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2795 The other’s advantage, I will

The hard nut to crack was leveled, and the biggest threat that hindered progress was no longer there. The "Volga" siege team, which had been waiting for this moment for a long time, naturally had nothing to say, and immediately rushed up and shouted. The sound of killing echoed through the sky.

"Comrades! Attack the enemy and crush the German fascists! Hurrah!!!"


The biggest obstacle on the attack path was gone, and the condescending machine gun fire and drop artillery fire were cleared away. The German firepower on the same level on the street alone could no longer stop the "Volga" siege team's offensive, and a collapse and defeat leading to the ruins at the end of the street began.

"Russians! The Russians are coming! Stop them! Hurry!"

"Are you fucking crazy? What are you trying to stop!? That tank is fucking better than—"

call out--



The 62mm medium-power rifle bullet entered from the left temple and exited from the right temple. The strong tearing force caused the German soldier who didn't even have time to finish his words. In the blink of an eye, only half of his head was left. It looked like a watermelon that had been split into two pieces with a knife, exposing the bright red pulp inside the half-drawn head that was connected to the neck.

What? The first half, you ask?

What else could the upper half be like? It can only be instantly smashed to pieces by the bullet of the 62mm intermediate-power rifle bullet, mixed into the flesh of the lower half of the head, indistinguishable from each other, and followed the next second. The unconscious corpses, like sandbags, twitched and fell straight down.

At the end, it splashed all over the face of another German soldier not far away who was having a conversation just now. The frightened German recruit immediately turned around and ran away, crying for his father and mother, staggering towards He rolled and climbed up the stairs.

"Russians! Russians came in, Freeman was killed! Help! Help!!!"


Just a few seconds after the impatient footsteps disappeared at the end of the stairwell, a powerful and heavy flying foot suddenly kicked open the weak door, followed closely by a humanoid tank wearing armor. Standing at the door holding an assault rifle.

"Go up! Clean up the second floor, follow us! Hurry!"

Sulovechenko is indeed a "newcomer", a newcomer who has just transferred to the combat engineer unit.

But this newcomer is a little different from the newcomers we usually understand.

He is proficient in killing techniques, familiar with tactics, understands how to lead his troops, and knows more about what kind of enemies he will face and how to defeat them.

"Watch out! Grenade!!!"

Sulovechenko, who was leading the team at the front of the team, had not had time to reach the stairs. The sharp-eyed warrior at the front saw the smoking thing that was spinning and thrown down from the stairs on the second floor. , while he quickly dodged, he did not forget to loudly remind the comrades behind him.


There was a muffled explosion like a cannon fired from a pot, accompanied by dust and debris flying in all directions. Because it was thrown away, it just fell at the corner of the corridor and did not roll directly to the floor of the first floor. The M24 grenade was greatly restricted. The power.

Its final damage radius is only limited to the stairwells. The walls that grenades cannot explode and fragments cannot penetrate are the limits of its damage.

Perhaps it was good luck, but it was the German's poor bomb-dropping skills and quick reactions that allowed Sulovechenko to barely escape. He leaned against the wall, panting, and glanced sideways at the corridor. After the intermittent scene, she was scolded on the spot.

"Damn it! The stairway exploded and collapsed!"

It must be said that the original owner of this two-story building along the street must have been a very particular person with good taste in life.

The exterior of the brick-concrete hut doesn't look too old, but inside it looks like a simple wooden structure.

It seems that except for the walls and load-bearing structure, which are made of brick and concrete, everything else in the house is made of wood, including the floors, furniture, decorations, and even the stairs leading to the second floor.

When a grenade came down, no one was injured. The stairs connecting the first and second floors for going up and down were blown to pieces and collapsed on the spot.

I don’t know if your German guy did it intentionally or unintentionally. In short, this saved their lives. Even if it was only temporary, it was enough for them to live a little longer.

Sulovechenko, who was ready to lead people upstairs to kill, was blocked. Facing the fact that the only road leading to the second floor was cut off, he could only stare anxiously but was helpless.

"Stalin eats shit! Death to the Russian pig!"

? ? ?

"Damn it! How dare you curse people like this!"

Sulovechenko here hasn't figured out the next solution yet. The idiots upstairs, who don't know how many in number, and who don't know how far they are looking for death, actually took the initiative to curse in the street.

Not only did the enemy refuse to surrender to me, they also dared to call me names!

Sulovechenko, who could understand German and knew what the idiot upstairs was shouting, was so angry that his scalp was numb and he was spraying white air from his nose.

However, the qi returns to qi, the hemp returns to hemp, and the reason is still there. When fighting, you still need to be reasonable and organized, and you must not let your anger lead to action.

"These bastards! If you want to kill me, I'll do it for you!"

"Give me the machine gun!"

While handing over the AK in his hand, he also exchanged weapons with the machine gunner beside him, and immediately handed over the latest RPD light machine gun.

Check the ammunition chain and the receiver. The 100-round fully loaded ammunition chain that was just replaced is fully loaded with bullets and ready.

"I want to see if your stinky body is bulletproof! Hit me!"

Whether the battlefield environment is good or bad is not static. It changes casually according to changes in the enemy's and our situation and tactics.

The wooden stairs were the Kraut's advantage ten seconds ago, you have to admit.

But this does not mean that ten seconds later, the floor made of wood cannot be an advantage for the Red Army. This is also a fact.

Da da da da da——

Dong dong dong dong dong——

When the automatic firepower composed of SVT40 semi-automatic rifles, AK assault rifles and PRD light machine guns accounted for the majority of the entire class.

This "ceiling-sweeping contest" under the leadership of Sulovechenko, the moment everyone pulled the trigger and fired overhead, it directly evolved into a white-hot fried beans situation, with constant crackling and popping.


Hot bullet casings like raindrops continued to fall, and quickly piled up at everyone's feet, forming a "metal coating" covering the floor.


One magazine was fired, but the company deputy comrade had not given the order to stop. The machine gun with more bullets in his hand was still firing, roaring, and raining bullet casings.

Soldiers who know what to do don't need to waste too much nonsense and give orders. They take out the spare magazine loaded with bullets from the chest, push it open, and insert it into the receiver.

With a backhand palm, he moved the charging handle backward and loaded it with one hand, and then he raised the gun again and fired.

Sorry, brothers, the chapter names are messed up again...

That’s it, the content is fine, just watch it

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