Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2796 Just a few years older than my son

The entire 100 rounds of fully loaded ammunition belts were fired without stopping and completely.

What remained at Sulovechenko's feet were hot metal bullet casings scattered on the ground, densely packed and even on more than one level, piled up like steamed buns.

Crack, crackle, crackle——

Another crisp sound of reloading suddenly sounded, and everyone, including Sulovechenko, once again replaced the weapons in their hands with fully loaded ammunition supplies.

That is, at the moment when the sound of reloading had not yet settled, a sudden change occurred again that no one expected.

Click, click, click—

The wooden ceiling, which was riddled with holes by an unknown number of bullets, and the floor on the second floor, finally could no longer withstand the pressure of the heavy object on it at this moment. The most severe fracture seemed to be broken off Like the chopsticks, they completely broke and collapsed, and along with the life-or-death objects they carried, they fell straight down and hit the floor heavily on the first floor.

"Damn, this shit has been swept through a sieve. The metal content in the smelly meat must be several kilograms."

What crushed the shattered ceiling and fell down with it was a corpse of a German soldier that had been riddled with holes.

As a soldier who couldn't help but "sigh" said, this German stick that fell from the second floor had been beaten into pieces under the indiscriminate shooting of the "violent penetration" tactics led by Sulovechenko. The total weight of the bullet inside is definitely measured in kilograms.

tens of

No, to be precise, it is estimated that there must be at least hundreds of bullet holes all over the body, because many rifle bullets that penetrate the body have two holes in one shot instead of one.

It is also because the warhead still has strong kinetic energy after penetrating the wooden ceiling, and its power has not weakened much. It also becomes more powerful because of the ballistic instability caused by penetrating the wooden board.

So this

Well, let’s call it a “corpse”. After all, it is also an object left behind after the death of biological humans.

Therefore, the posture of this "corpse" in front of you at this moment is simply incomplete, severely torn, and broken.

A warhead with severely unstable ballistics will leave more than one hole and two holes when it penetrates the body.

Its huge cavity effect directly amplifies the destructive force geometrically. If a warhead cuts into the flesh, it can instantly tear off a large piece. If it hits the forehead, half of the Tianling Cap will be blown away on the spot.

The scene in the movie where after being shot, the body sprays a cloud of blood mist, leaving only a few bullet holes, twitching and falling down as if stepping on a switch, and the body is basically fine, that will only exist in popular movies. , rather than on the battlefield.

Looking at the mutilated corpse that had been beaten to the point where it was almost unrecognizable, Sulovechenko, who had no emotion at all, returned the borrowed machine gun and took his own AK with the same hot barrel. Come back and hold it tightly in your hand again.

He raised his head slightly and looked at the gap in the ceiling above his head. While remaining vigilant, he quietly gave the order again.

"Go up and take a look, pay attention to the situation."

Without the enemy's hindrance, crossing the blasted staircase became a very easy task, especially for these Slavic men who were strong and powerful.

With almost no effort, he climbed over to the opposite side of the staircase fault.

Sulovechenko, who could barely keep his footing, made sure that the thing he was stepping on would not suddenly collapse with him inadvertently and was quite stable, then he raised the back of his hand and waved it forward quietly. He gave a signal and at the same time stepped to the stairs, raising his gun on guard.

"Everyone looks dead, even the deputy comrades."

The second half of the sentence seemed a bit awkward or uncomfortable to say.

Sulovechenko can certainly understand that his current title, at the same moment yesterday, still belonged to another living person, a loyal, brave and steadfast Communist Party member, and an equally young Red Army soldier.

It’s easy to understand and don’t mind the fact that soldiers who are not under his command are still unfamiliar. The biggest advantage of Sulovechenko, who is a “ruffian” himself, is that he does not stick to trivial matters and never behaves badly. What a stinky air.

In this regard, he was very "like-minded" with Alsim, who was leading a team to attack another building across the street.

"Two minutes to see if there are any valuable discoveries. Pack your things, drink some water, and prepare to leave."

Cleaning the streets where enemies are stationed is so troublesome, but it is real.

The "Volga River" siege team, which cannot knock down all the buildings one by one, still needs to send infantry to clean up the incomplete buildings that have been suppressed by heavy firepower. Only after the ruins of these buildings are confirmed to be safe can they continue to advance.

Otherwise, you don’t want to be walking, and an MG42 suddenly pops up from behind your butt and shoots at you and your comrades, right?

Any resurrected firepower point may cause a cost several times or even ten times higher than that of capturing this firepower point.

Those who are greedy for success and rush forward will only be attacked by the firepower of the enemies who are constantly resurrecting behind them, and they will even regret it and have to be reincarnated in the next life.

Clearing out enemy troops house by house, floor by floor, and room by room is both troublesome and unavoidable.

The grueling street battle is like a boiling cauldron, stewing the dead and steaming the living at the same time. Only the warriors with the strongest physical and mental strength can withstand the test and successfully pass the level.

Sulovechenko, who ordered the soldiers to disperse and quickly search and clean all the rooms on the second floor, was not idle either.

He stepped forward and came to a German soldier who was leaning against the wall and lying dead in the corner. He put his palms against the lifeless drooping head and raised it up. A face that was staring at death suddenly and truly appeared in front of him.

"He looks only a few years older than my son, no more than three years old."

Sulovechenko did not look back when he heard this voice. The person who said this was a squad leader he brought from his old army, a young man who was drafted into the army in 1942 and was originally just an honest Bajiao farmer. Nearly forty veterans.


Sulovechenko, who remained silent, pulled something off the body's clothes, placed it in front of his palm and glanced at it twice, then lifted it back and showed it to his old subordinates to see with their own eyes. .

"The badge of the Shampoo Youth League, I think it's better to change the name. It's more suitable to call it the Shampoo Nipple Group. This kid is only fifteen years old."

He threw away the meaningless bloody metal garbage in his hand, and looked at the 1888 Commission rifle next to the child's body that had been shot in two by bullets. He was probably older than his father.

The Nazis, who have used all possible means, desperately searched for all weapons that could be launched, armed all those who could be armed and those who should not be armed, and used them as disposable items to fill the battlefield and use them to fight against the Soviet Red Army. The top elite field groups go head-to-head.

This is what Nazui is doing now and plans to continue doing.

Sulovechenko, who had seen too much and was numb to this, didn't want to say anything more. Killing such children really makes people unable to get the slightest interest, even if they are armed enemies.

"Commander, I noticed that I found this. You should take a look. It might be of some value."


He reached out and took the object handed over by the warrior who came forward. After weighing it for a moment, Sulovechenko felt that it still had some weight. He couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth.


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