Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2797 Although different

In this era of scarcity of material life, normal people living in peacetime still lack the means of entertainment, let alone those soldiers who have suffered in the war.

People who get along well and have many friends can probably find a few buddies to play cards or something like that, or even worse, they can find someone who is equally free and easy to talk to.

But those who are not gregarious can only have fun and pass the time in some self-killing ways. Among them, the most timid and introverted people usually use such a self-enclosed way to relieve their depression - write journal.

For example, Sulovchenko is currently weighing this thing in his hands.

March 1st, sunny.

God, I can’t believe I’m journaling again after all these years. When was the last time I wrote in a diary? Three years or four years ago? I don’t remember exactly, but I feel like I’m really in a bad mood right now.

Also, I still wonder if I am dreaming, or am I sick? Passed out?

I mean I actually picked up a gun and went into battle with a bunch of uniformed men? I never thought in my life that I would be a soldier! And he was still captured and used as a soldier.

Those people just gave me a gun, and then threw me into that barren place, with a group of poor people who knew nothing like me, trying my best to learn something like herding animals. Ability to fight?

Oh my God, are they crazy? Or took the wrong medicine?

I am an imperial elite! I am a top student in the Department of Architecture at the University of Berlin! He is a top student who his instructor says will achieve great things in the future!

Is this how they call me? Throw me together with a group of half-clothed poor guys, roll around in the mud all day long with a broken gun that's probably as old as my grandfather, and punch and kick me if I disobey?

This is not what I went to school for! I study hard to become the top student in my grade so that I can display my talents! Not for this!

These bastards with brain problems must be deliberately trying to mess with me. Maybe I provoked someone to do this?

The head of state will definitely not agree to such a thing happening, definitely not! How can the imperial elite be casually consumed on the battlefield like those street goods?

By the time I get out of here, I mean I'm sure I won't be here too long and someone will be here to get me out soon! Let me develop my true talents and display my academic abilities.

Then, when I leave here, I will definitely complain about the unfair treatment I received here! I want hell! I want to accuse these stinky conscripts to the principal and the head of state! I will definitely repay their insults to me twice as much!

Just be patient for a while longer. It won't take long. Hope it will come soon.

Be sure to hold on!

"What's written in this?"

Sulovechenko, with a cigarette in his mouth, finished reading the first chapter of the diary. The old squad leader on the side couldn't help but come up and read with his head stretched out. The former honest Bajiao farmer who didn't understand German could only ask for help. Deputy Comrade Yu Lian.

"The diary of a Nazi strongman, this is quite interesting, his identity is unusual. According to what is said here, the person who wrote this diary is a college student. The University of Berlin should be the best university for Germans? Anyway, it's not bad. I heard that before I told the prisoners that it’s not easy for anyone to go to school here.”

"The diary complained that he received no formal training, received a broken gun, and rolled around in mud ponds and gnawed grass every day with a group of strong men who were forcibly captured like him. He didn't want to be a soldier at all. How can I be a talented architect and curse the Nazi conscription in my diary?"

"Huh? A student from the University of Berlin?"

The old squad leader sounded obviously surprised. Although his education level was not high, he more or less knew what this meant.

"Are they crazy? No, I should say that I knew they were crazy, but I didn't expect them to be so crazy. Do they know what they are doing? College students from top universities are all recruited to be young men. This group of Sukkas, when we fought in Moscow It’s not like this during the battle.”

"In addition to those who voluntarily signed up to join the army, they are not necessarily allowed to do so. The college students during the Moscow Defense War were all sent to safe places in the rear. My neighbor's son is one of them. What these nazis are doing now is to They are rooting for their own nation and country, are these bastards beaten stupid by us? "


Compared with the surprised and puzzled look on the old squad leader's face, Sulovechenko seemed indifferent and calm. The slightly raised corners of his mouth even seemed to be teasing.

"So they are the Nazis and we are the Red Army."

"As for the internal propaganda materials of our division, the newspapers and periodicals issued by the division organization were given to us. I still remember that one of the periodicals contained an article written by the division commander himself, and it said so."

"The fundamental difference between us and the Nazis lies in the nature of why we fight. One day the Nazis will burn everything around them to defend themselves. Since they are going to die, they will drag everything around them with them to be buried. And the Red Army knows that What we have to defend ourselves is not to let those who are supposed to be protected stand in front of us and take the bullet for us.”

"Before we are burned out, the enemy cannot even think of stepping over our defense line to harm the people we are protecting behind us. This is the meaning of our fight, and it is also the difference between us and the Nazis."

"So you see, what Comrade Division Commander said has come true now. These Nazis have been, are, and until they are destroyed, they will drag all the things around them to be buried with them. This should be "Fighting for the Nazis to the last Germany" People falling,’ yeah, that’s what’s happening right now.”

"It is indeed like what Comrade Commander said. In terms of why they fight, these rubbish are fundamentally different from us. After listening to Comrade Commander's words, it will become easier to understand when you come into contact with some realistic things. A lot, isn't it?"

Talking about philosophy and macro principles with ordinary warriors is a bit of performance art in itself.

Because you can't expect everyone, especially ordinary people, to understand those high-level talks you make when you are in a high position and overlook all living beings.

Therefore, Malashenko never talks about philosophy, grand narratives and lofty ideals to his soldiers. He only talks to the soldiers about things that can be understood in conjunction with the reality happening around them. Mom is all bullshit.

Of course, the owner who wrote this diary was obviously not so lucky, and the guys who dominated his "strong man's life" didn't care what he thought.

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