Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2798 But the result is the same

The chat with the old squad leader came to an end, and the surrounding soldiers who were cleaning up and searching the house were basically busy.

Sulovechenko ordered to take a breather, drink a few sips of water to adjust his condition, and then continue to set off. After all, continuous battles require a gap between battles, especially bloody street battles like stuffing meat into a meat grinder.

Taking a proper breather does no harm but does good. This is one of the things Alsim has taught Sulovechenko after he was transferred to the Combat Engineer Corps.

"What's written behind this? Is there any content?"


Sulovechenko, who was holding the diary in his hand, planned to go downstairs to take a look. If nothing unexpected happened, he would greet the people and get ready to go.

Hearing the old squad leader's curious question and looking at the thing he was still holding in his hand, Sulovechenko felt that there should be some time to satisfy his curiosity and then opened it again.

"Okay, let's see what the naughty young man said next."

"Yeah, it's interesting. This idiot is actually waiting for someone of his own kind."


The old squad leader didn't need to ask any more questions. Sulovechenko, who was squatting on the floor with the corpse at his feet but seemed to turn a blind eye to it, immediately read out the interesting content on the second page of the diary to the translator.

March 3rd, sunny.

It's the third day, maybe not just me. On what day was I arrested? Damn it! That torturous training bullshit is driving me crazy! Is this still over? Where are the rescuers? Why hasn't anyone come to fish me out yet?

Are those officials trusted by the head of state all stupid pigs? Every day I stay here is a loss for the empire! Damn it!

March 4, rain.

It rained. I thought this was a good thing. I should be able to sleep in that smelly barracks for a day. Now my whole body hurts! But it turns out that I was wrong and underestimated the ferocity of those demons.

I trained in pouring rain and mud puddles, well, so-called training.

Just crawling around in the mud pit with that broken gun, crawling around like a maggot! Terrible!

I say it again, and I will say it again several times! ?

I am an imperial elite, not those damn inferiors! Those bugs!

I'm afraid no Jews have suffered such torture, right? Maybe there is a traitor among us, we are controlled by the enemy, and the Führer has been deceived! Those evil people must want to destroy our motherland by treating me and the imperial elite like this.

I was as cold as a molted chicken that had just been fished out of ice water! Then when I returned to the barracks, I saw an even more unbelievable scene. The sky was about to fall!

There is a new guy in the barracks, I haven't seen him before. This may not be accurate because I am also new here, but he is indeed newer than me because he only arrived today.

He told me that he was the architect of the city hall. Who could believe such a thing?

I laughed at him for deceiving me like a three-year-old child. Don’t tell me that I don’t believe this nonsense, even the homeless people on the street may not believe it.

But who knew he told me a lot of things and professional knowledge that only people in our field would know. He even knew how many buildings in Berlin were planned and designed. He told me when I couldn't close my jaw because he was involved in planning it.

Damn it! He is over fifty years old! The same age as my father!

Why are such people still being captured and sent to the army? I can't figure it out, don't understand or understand.

After chatting with him, I really couldn't sleep, so I went to the radio studio and listened to the radio for a while. This is my only way of entertainment now.

The radio said that the most loyal troops of the Führer had won again, beating Stalin's bandits and leaving their corpses strewn across the land. There are more enemies considering surrender, the front will soon advance to Moscow, we will return to the bandit den and win the war.

I am looking forward to and eagerly looking forward to this day coming soon, so that I don’t have to be sent to the battlefield. I also want to continue going back to school. I haven’t finished my graduation thesis yet.

I'm sleepy, I think I've said enough, I hope I won't be so achy tomorrow.

March 6, cloudy.

Am I deaf? Or am I hallucinating or hearing hallucinations?

The person in charge of guiding our training is a useless person with no complete parts of his own arm.

He told us that today is the last day of training? Oh, I was so happy that I almost jumped up. Someone finally came to save me, an elite of the empire.

But this guy followed up and said that he would send me, the old man from the city hall, and all the low-class people to the front line to fight tomorrow?

Oh my god? Have things reached this point? Why does the head of state's army still have to let us go to the battlefield after consecutive battles? Shouldn't there be more professional people to do this?

I'm too tired, something must be wrong somewhere, what I know now shouldn't be true, it must be like this.

I'm going to rest. Tomorrow morning I can get on the car specially picked up for me and set off back to school.

Maybe I should think about what to write next for my graduation thesis. It would be a good idea to fall asleep like this. Good night.

"Is this stupid guy's brain rusty? Why does his writing seem so messed up, with the preface and the follower not matching up, as if he's crazy?"

The old squad leader couldn't bear to listen anymore and couldn't help but complain. He felt that there was no need to continue reading. Sulovechenko, who had already translated nonsense literature, closed the diary.

"The gap from heaven to hell is so big, it's not surprising."

"Yesterday he was a highly envied young talent with a bright future, full of dreams of a bright future and a lot of money from women. What happened? The next day, he was captured by the Nazis and thrown into the mud in a smelly ditch. After playing games and talking to strong men with a higher social status than him, his "sickness" became even worse."

Just before closing the diary, Sulovechenko casually flipped through a few pages. Sulovechenko, who was very fast at reading and translating, read ten lines at a glance and roughly understood the following contents in just a few seconds. What criticism.

"This thing will be like a medical record in a mental hospital in the next few days. This idiot even thought that everything he experienced was sleepwalking. Someone fed him an unknown drug to cause him to be like this. When he wakes up, It’s business as usual.”


The old squad leader, whose consciousness and spirit were "shocked", was speechless. He took the last puff of cigarette from his mouth and stamped out the cigarette butt. After thinking about it, he couldn't help but ask one more question with the last trace of curiosity.

"What about the result? What is the final result in the diary?"


After hearing this, Sulovechenko turned around and saw at a glance the position of the soldier who had just given him the diary. The body in the corner that had been searched was probably not cool yet.

"Well, there it is. Just like the wood in the furnace, after the consumables are burned, there will be some ash left for people to see. The wood approved for high-end furniture is not necessarily more durable than the wood cut from the forest. After it is burned, The rest is the same."

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