Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2799 Target Locking

This battle of stuffing living people into a meat grinder and turning them into sausages continued until dusk.

The siege troops of the Leader's Division, who had been fighting for a whole day, took the initiative to stop fighting.

Of course, this was not a spontaneous stop by the soldiers. The ceasefire order came directly from Malashenko who was sitting at the forward command post.

The goal of today's battle itself is not to eradicate the remnants of the Nazis in the square construction area, so there is no need to compete with Tianhei to kill these bastards.

"There's a ceasefire ahead?"

Malashenko, who was standing by the window with a telescope in his hand, was still looking at the scene in the distance. The black smoke rising from the embers of the war was floating in the sky over the war zone, and it looked quite tragic against the orange-red afterglow on the horizon.

Of course, this is more than just "appearance". Under the wisps of black smoke and the embers of the war, there were countless corpses of soldiers from the Soviet and German armies lying on the streets. Even the most elite soldiers were still killed in such a meat grinder. It's hard to survive, but whoever can survive can't say that he has some luck?

"The fire has ceased, and the enemy has no intention of pursuing us. Reports from some neighborhoods said that the enemy even watched us retreat. If they don't want to pursue us, they won't say anything and don't even bother to fire their guns. It's like, well, it's like It’s like he’s afraid that if he offends us, he’ll fight back.

Putting aside the past, Malashenko often denied his subordinates’ overly optimistic “likes”, “shoulds” and “possibles”. As a military chief, he always puts determination first and does not engage in adventurism in offensive operations. .

But, this time is different. This time, even Malashenko himself clearly knows that the German is really unable to hold on any longer.

Why, you ask?

The answer is simple.

Not only the leading division, but after Zhukov's order, the Red Army was now overwhelmingly pressed with overwhelming force on almost every front in Berlin.

Planes are bombing in the sky, cannons are exploding above your head, tanks are charging on the ground, and behind the tanks are a large group of howling beasts that will come up to kill you with knives, fists or even fangs.

What is a meat grinder fight?

This is.

The Red Army, which has superior strength, can organize multiple siege teams to fight in turns. The previous one will retreat immediately when its offensive energy is almost exhausted, and the next siege team who is waiting in the rear and holding back its energy will immediately take over. , the main focus is a continuous attack without leaving any gaps.

Especially for heavy-duty synthetic field groups like the Leader Division, Malashenko has a lot of elite troops at his disposal. He is not afraid of not having enough troops, but he is worried that the width of the battlefield where the troops can be deployed is not wide enough.

In the rotational combat, the Germans were so overwhelmed that they didn't even have time to urinate. Even if they were peeing, they had to hide in their crotches. They kept loading bullets in their hands and firing to fight with the Red Army until they were wearing the crotch. Soak in the warm thin current and drive westward.

It is not difficult to imagine the state of the German troops who could not stop for a moment, let alone retreat. They either surrendered or were crushed to pieces by their leading divisions as dusk approached.

Human body functions have limits, and the military commander's operational concept must be based on whether the human body functions of ordinary soldiers can keep up.

It cannot be said that we completely rule out the possibility that your German guy will still do a bad job in this job. After all, everything is possible.

But here in Malashenko, he no longer cares much about whether the German guy will bite the lighter next.

The meat grinder is right here. If you want to stick your head in, that's up to you.

All in all, Malashenko, who basically has the preliminary operational summary at hand, can say with relative certainty that today's operational objectives have basically been achieved.

However, this does not mean that everything is over, because there are other tasks to be done in the next night, and the entire plan prepared by Malashenko is only half completed so far.

"Rest and recuperate the troops, and deliver meals to the soldiers to eat first. Each siege unit immediately shifted to a defensive posture and took charge of their respective defense zones for the border in accordance with the actual control line."

"Comrade Commander, what should we do if there are Nazis who take the opportunity to break out and escape at night?"

Malashenko put down the telescope in his hand and glanced in the other direction. A tall building visible to the naked eye was already standing in the field of vision, and the distance was no longer far away.

Malashenko, who has a clear goal, is not mainly focused on these naive remnants. The time to truly show his strength is not far away.

"Let them run. If they run away, it will save us trouble. But the prerequisite is that our front line cannot be broken up. Let the Germans run north towards the city center. If they dare to attack our defense line, they will kill them. Use guns to tell them that there is no such thing. Counterattack, only escape.”


After Kurbalov took the order and left, he stood at the window of the deep building in the actual control area of ​​the leader division, overlooking the smoke-filled city shrouded in war and the tall landmark building in the distance.

Knowing that doing so would inevitably lead to innocent casualties, possibly many, Malashenko had no choice, and would not waver in his determination and will because of such a thing.

As I said to Gil earlier, kindness is not a good thing at this moment, it is a weakness. It is a fatal weakness that will cause double the critical damage to you when the enemy catches you with a knife.

If Malashenko had to choose one of the two groups of people to die,

Sorry, the only ones who will die are your German civilians. No matter how many old, weak, women and children there are, this is not the crux of the problem. What Malashenko must ensure is to be responsible for those comrades who trust and entrust their lives to him. This is the only and most important key.

Even if it could end this war half a day earlier, or let the scumbags in a divided war zone surrender a few hours earlier.

Therefore, the number of people who survive will be hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands. This alone is worth doing for Malashenko.

On the last eve of victory, it was no longer necessary to sacrifice so many comrades, so we had to use seemingly cruel and ruthless means to end everything early.

"Let us see if your determination and will are as firm as the broken building you built, Nas minions. No Nas creation in this world is indestructible, including your broken building."

The leader division's siege is already halfway through, and one of the three G-type air defense towers in Berlin that stands in the Berlin Zoo is now fully visible.

Now, Malashenko has to watch with his own eyes this damn Nazi building being destroyed in front of him, just like all the Nazi creations that dare to stand in the way of the leader's division are destroyed without exception.

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