Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2800 Swearing in the street late at night

Of course Malashenko knew what he was going to do, and he also knew better what the consequences of what he was about to do would be.

So before everything really starts, Malashenko still needs to make some trivial preparations.

At nightfall, everything was silent, and the land of Berlin, which had been scorched by the din of artillery fire all day, began to gradually cool down.

Near the line of actual control between the Soviet and German armies in the construction area of ​​the square, the two groups of soldiers who were mortal enemies during the day and fought with all their might all day long now fell into silence at the same time.

The two sides are not in conflict with each other, as if they are adhering to the ultimate tacit understanding that is not stated explicitly but is very clear to each other.

Even though there is only one building between the Red Army's Line of Actual Control and the German Army's Line of Actual Control, there is still peace between the two armies, each seizing the time to recuperate and prepare to fight again after the sun rises. The spirit has no intention of fighting.

Only a few street curses from time to time in the dark night would briefly break the silence and make it seem a bit dramatic.

"Grass mud horse! Shut your mouth, Russian pig across the way! Are you crying for your mother in the middle of the night? What you are singing is worse than killing a pig!"

"Fuck you Sukafasis! If you have the guts to wait, I will take off your head and hang it on a pole tomorrow! Singing is none of your business! If you have the ability, you can sing too!"

"Fuck me"

The singing of military songs in the middle of the night by the leading division's siege detachment was "seriously disruptive" to the people. The German troops on the opposite side, who had been nervous all day, were frightened by the sudden sound of military songs in the middle of the night.

One or two hurriedly got up and attacked the guys, thinking that the Russians were coming in the middle of the night and preparing to fight. Unexpectedly, it was a false alarm, and they couldn't help but start scolding them on the spot.

There was no good means of entertainment, so the grassroots instructors organized the comrades to sing before going to bed and use it as entertainment to relax. This activity just happened to boost morale, which attracted people from the opposite side to yell at each other. A good song "Ka" Qiu Sha's rhythm was ruined in this way, and it was no different than a mouse falling into a pot.

The leader who has been pressing your German brother to the ground all day long must not give in so easily.

I haven't lost to you on the battlefield, but can I still lose to you in a scolding battle?

Don’t you German guy not like us singing?

That's just right.

Not only do we have to continue to sing and sing loudly, but we also have to curse at you after singing a few lines.

Anyway, there are many of us and we are full of energy. If we get tired of shouting, we can change the group of people to continue the output. If you have the ability, you Germans can also take turns.

If you are still dissatisfied, you Germans can just copy the guy and beat him up. Who is afraid of whom? If you don't agree with your words, let's see the outcome with swords and guns.

Seeing that the Russian guy on the opposite side was getting more and more energetic, not only did he not stop, but he also had the momentum to kick his nose and face and continue to output.

The Germans, whose noses were so angry that they were so angry that they were jumping on the ground, were so angry that they couldn't help it. They even regretted why they took the initiative to start the film and found those vulgar and rude Russians to cause trouble.

Okay, now that we haven’t won the war with each other, we can’t sleep anymore. Let’s wait for the Russian guys on the other side to engage in rotation tactics and sing Soviet hits to you all night long, plus “The guy who washes his hair is a bad ass Sukabule.” .

But how to say it? It should be said that Lady Luck took pity on the Germans, at least allowing a large number of them who may not survive even twenty-four hours to get some sleep on the last night before their death. , also considered hospice care.

"Look how pitiful you are, Nacui! That's it for now. I'll spare you for now and go to sleep! Then wash your neck and wait for your Red Army grandpa to come tomorrow to pick up your dog head and hang it on a lamp pole!"

“The bastard Russian pig!!!”

Incompetent rage is probably the most realistic description of the German army's mood at this moment, because he really didn't dare to open his mouth to curse back, and he couldn't stand it anymore.

The Russians were really pissed off and couldn't sleep all night. Let alone fighting tomorrow, there will be a few of these surviving German soldiers who are scattered all over and can handle their guns and aim accurately. Three points and one line are not dazzling, this is still unknown.

Come on, the moron is powerful, don’t deny it, there’s no shame in admitting the truth after you’ve reached this point.

Let's each smoke a cigarette and go to bed, ah.

If you don't smoke, find someone to take a sip. If you don't want to take a sip, you can just put it aside and smell the second-hand smoke.

if not? What else do you want?

Just leave it like this, you can’t tell whether you’ll survive tomorrow or not, so there’s no point in thinking about so many things, right?

The late-night street scolding here has just come to an end. I still know nothing about this episode that happened in the square construction area and near the actual control line. At this moment, Malashenko, who is burning the midnight oil in the forward command post, I'm still busy with things that I have to do myself.

"Yes, I understand, Comrade Commander, then everything will be carried out as planned."

"Well, I know. Everything is ready. Now we just wait for dawn tomorrow. We have occupied a good high-altitude view. Inside the building, we have established a concealed artillery observation post. We have a very good view of the target building. , which will provide precise calibration coordinates between firing and reloading.”

Malashenko held the phone in his hand and kept nodding. Zhukov, who visited the headquarters of Chuikov Group Army late at night for an inspection and borrowed the phone to talk to Malashenko, continued to talk.

"No matter how many refugees are allowed to leave that building, Malashenko, all you have to think about is how to complete your mission and do what you should do. When the time is up, not even a single refugee will be released. , the bombardment will also start on time, and we must not let the enemy find out that they can take hostages and lead us by the nose. This is what I hope you understand and pay attention to. "

"Once the plan starts, we can't stop or look back. Do you understand what that means?"

What Zhukov wanted to express is similar to "there is no turning back when you shoot a bow." Being threatened by the Nazis with a human shield is something that will never be allowed to happen.

Malashenko, who clearly knew Zhukov's words, what he was going to do, and how many lives would be involved, still did not waver at all. He just grasped the microphone again and stood at attention, resolute.

"Please rest assured, Comrade Commander! I, Malashenko, guarantee with the honor of a soldier that the Leader Division will definitely complete its mission! That damn broken building that symbolizes the will of the Nazis will definitely fall under our artillery fire and let the city of Berlin All the nazis here know that the moment of collapse has arrived, and continuing to resist is a dead end and meaningless."


Zhukov on the other end of the phone rarely asked a rhetorical question. The last words he left for Malashenko on the phone after a few seconds of silence were a little extra intriguing.

"Our enemies never know themselves clearly, and maybe this time there will be a different outcome. Let's see if your plan works, Malashenko."

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