Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2801 History will judge itself

The fighting during the day has dissipated, and the remaining Nazi forces in the city are completely exhausted and exhausted.

But for many people who were struggling to survive during the war, Berlin was just the beginning of the day after nightfall. Those war refugees who had to escape the deadly war and survived to this day have long been accustomed to living day and night. generation.

The ordinary citizens of Berlin who were trapped in the flames of war were unfortunate.

Not only do they have to face the separation of life and death from their loved ones, the destruction and displacement of their homes, and the possibility of losing their lives at any time, but they also have to find a glimmer of hope in this apocalyptic hell-like city and fight with their lives to find any necessities and supplies for survival. Food is just to survive, it's that simple.

But from another perspective, these Berlin citizens who live in the Berlin Zoo and rely on this giant air defense tower overlooking the city as a refuge to barely survive are lucky.

Colonel Sternheim, the Wehrmacht commander in charge of commanding the Berlin air defense tower, is a person of flesh and blood and emotions, at least in the eyes of the vast majority of Berlin citizens who live under the air defense tower and in the zoo.


Because Colonel Sternheim allowed these impoverished war refugees, who were struggling to survive and even living a life of luxury, to set out on their own at night when it was relatively safe to search for daily necessities, and then come back before dawn.

As for how much living supplies you can find and whether you can get them back, it all depends on your own ability.

We cannot just say that Colonel Sternheim is cold-blooded and accuse him of forcing the refugees to die without providing relief food.

This giant air defense tower located west of the Capitol and located in the zoo actually has insufficient material reserves. Colonel Stetheim, who is responsible for the defense of this place and surrounding areas, is helpless in the face of the huge number of war refugees.

It is already Shithai's fault to allow refugees to go out to forage on their own at night when it is relatively safe, instead of being selfish and desperate for the sake of so-called safety, locking large living people in zoos and starving to death. Colonel Tom did the best he could within the scope of his authority.

Everyone knows that the G-type air defense tower is the largest and there are only three in the entire city of Berlin. It is a well-deserved pillar node of the entire Berlin city defense. It is a morale monument that boosts morale and symbolizes the unyielding Nazis. It is also an important tool for medical rescue. Center and oversized material storage warehouse.

The German troops fighting in the neighborhoods around the air defense towers not only sent the wounded to the air defense towers with complete medical facilities for rescue treatment, but also took the initiative to come to "beg for food" whenever they were hard-pressed and couldn't survive. As long as it is something that can come in handy, you can give me whatever you want. You can have whatever you want for food, drink, and whatever you want. Anyone who comes is welcome.

Logically speaking, any German army that comes to ask for help is part of Berlin's defense force, and they are all their own people in both a literal and connotative sense.

Colonel Sternheim asked himself that he could not help others, especially when he saw the war-torn faces of those who might not survive even twenty-four hours, reaching out to him with pleading eyes that did not look like a soldier at all. Come here just to beg for the stuttering time for your brothers who have been fighting for a whole day.

It doesn't matter whether you say you are soft-hearted or you say you have no principles.

Colonel Sternheim, who was already tired of this war and thought a lot about it. He really hoped that more people could survive and build a new home on the ruins at the end of the war. In the end, he still followed his own path. My conscience made the choice of "helping when I can, and helping when I need to".

But Colonel Sternheim underestimated the number of people who came to ask for alms, and also overestimated the ability of the seemingly piled-up anti-aircraft tower supplies to withstand consumption.

The final result within a few days was that not only was the air defense tower no longer able to help other people in need, but even the German troops originally stationed here, namely the troops led by Colonel Sternheim, had insufficient rations. .

According to the current momentum, even if the supplies are distributed in the minimum supply, it will only last less than a week at most.

But can this hopeless war end within a week?

Colonel Sternheim, who was confused and couldn't find the answer, didn't know, let alone who to ask for help or what to do.

Colonel Sternheim, who had no choice but to do so, had no choice but to let people go out to search for survival supplies under the protection of night. This was the only way he could think of since he could not contact any superior support or friendly forces to help.

"We are a lone army, Colonel. We are bystanders who can do nothing while the Russians wield their butcher knives, and can only watch helplessly from the side, as if we have never worn this uniform and never been in the army. It’s like making a promise under the flag.”

Colonel Sternheim, who had rarely come out of the air defense tower for some air, was now standing at the bottom of this huge building. The emotionless words that rang in his ears came from the mouth of the adjutant standing next to him.

"I won't deny that you think so, but you can't deny that we are doing something meaningful, Hans."

"Look at these people. They are the people who should be protected by us. They are the people, relatives, and brothers and sisters who trust us."

"But what's the result? The result is that we can't protect them at all, and because we fail to fulfill our responsibilities, we direct the war on them, causing countless people who should be protected by us to die because of what we do."

"Is this what German soldiers should do? Is this the honor inherited by Prussia? Is this the content and desired result of the oath you, me, and all our comrades swore under the military flag?"


The adjutant on the side did not speak, perhaps because he was inspired to think about something, or he just did not want to argue too much and reserved his opinion, but his expression that seemed to be the same as a poker at least did not mean to completely deny it.

"History will judge what we do today, Hans. But I always believe that we should never give up hope at any time, because there should always be something meaningful that we can do as Wehrmacht soldiers."

Before he finished speaking, he looked at the group of refugees in front of him who had just returned from searching for supplies and could not be considered as "returning with a full load". They lined up not far away and were inspected by the guards one by one in an orderly manner. They handed in a copy for each person. The pass I use is then allowed to pass back to the tower to reunite with my relatives.

Colonel Sternheim, who was planning to go up to take a look and ask what was going on in the surrounding city, suddenly heard a howling storm in the night sky above his head before he could even take a step forward.

"Watch out! Russian shelling!"

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