Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2802 Countdown to Destruction

The shrill screams that broke through the sky were indeed Russian artillery fire, but the shrill screams that broke through the sky were limited to that. The loud explosions that occurred day after day and every day did not matter. Then it rang.

Colonel Sternheim, who had just been escorted into the tower by the guards and had not had time to go upstairs, felt something was wrong. He suddenly stopped as if the pause button had been pressed, and even his eyes seemed to be frozen.

"What's wrong with you? Something happened, Colonel."

The adjutant on the side was puzzled as to why his commander suddenly stopped, and turned back to look at Colonel Sternheim with slight surprise.

"Listen, something is wrong! There was no explosion, but the Russians clearly fired a roaring artillery barrage."


The speechless adjutant realized what the problem was only after hearing this. He was only thinking about fulfilling his duties and hurriedly escorted Colonel Sternheim upstairs to hide. He had no time to care about this matter. .

"Is it true!? There was really no explosion, but the Russians clearly knew what was going on?"

This abnormal and bizarre situation has never been seen before, let alone encountered or even heard of it.

Berliners who had been bathed in artillery bombardment all day long may have known for the first time that there were still Russian shells that could not be fired. At least this was true for the young adjutant.

"You'll know when you go out and take a look. Come with me!"

"Yes! Everyone, follow us! Protect the colonel!"

Although they were a garrison unit with little combat experience, at least Colonel Sternheim and his men, who had received sufficient and professional training, did a good job in enforcing orders and prohibiting them and executing them efficiently. Especially compared to most of the current German soldiers who are running all over the ground, it is really many times better.

The group of people led by Stettheim quickly ran out of the air defense tower and returned to the place where they were standing and talking not long ago and had just left for a short while. But at this moment, what they saw when they stood here again was A different scene.

Looking up at the night sky, there are not only countless stars dotted with cold and desolate moonlight, but also unknown white paper flying all over the sky at this moment, falling like heavy snow in winter.

"What is this? Where did all this come from?"

It is not surprising that the young adjutant who has been working as a security guard in the Berlin garrison has never seen such a scene.

However, Colonel Sternheim, who was forced to retreat to the second line due to disability from the front-line field troops, fought in the first half of Operation Barbarossa, and did not "gloriously return to Berlin" until 1944, knew very clearly What is this "flying snow" in front of me?

"The Russians' surrender leaflets were stuffed into large-caliber artillery shells and fired from howitzers at us. We often see these things after 1943. The last time we saw this scene was in southern Ukraine. It's really nostalgic."

It is not a high-tech job to stuff rolls of surrender orders that have been stored in advance into the hollow warhead of large-caliber projectiles, and then "deliver express delivery" to the enemy from a long distance. It is no surprise that the Red Army, which has always adhered to artillery doctrine, played this trick. It can only be said to be one of its special skills.

What really surprised people, to be precise, what surprised the Germans and Colonel Sternheim, was the content written on the surrender leaflet.

Colonel Sternheim picked up a piece of paper from the ground and curiously wanted to see what was written on it. After reading it quickly at a glance, Colonel Sternheim just looked solemn.

"Aren't these Russians joking!? They're bragging! They must be, they want to scare us. Even those soft spaghetti can easily see through this kind of childish trick, it's definitely fake!"

The adjutant who also picked up a leaflet and finished reading it spoke first. His words were full of self-comfort and disdain. It sounded like he was trying to convince himself with these words. Convince yourself the same.


No matter how disdainful the young adjutant was, and how much he raised the decibel level as if to embolden someone, only Colonel Sternheim's increasingly solemn expression remained unchanged.

There is not much content on the leaflet. The concise German text only explains one thing.

The pure creation behind Colonel Sternheim is indestructible in the eyes of countless German soldiers. As Dr. Goebbels and the Führer himself said, it symbolizes that Germany will never fall, let alone fail. The giant air defense tower is about to be ruthlessly destroyed by the Russians.

The Russians used long-range heavy howitzers to send leaflets all over the sky, just to express the simplest meaning.

Abandon this seemingly majestic and indestructible air defense tower. All Germans who receive this leaflet, whether military or civilian, should leave as soon as possible.

If you are a member of the Nazi armed forces, you are welcome to keep this leaflet properly after seeing it, and then use it to find the Red Army troops nearby to surrender. This leaflet is your preferential treatment certificate. Those who surrender to the Red Army with this leaflet will be guaranteed life safety and basic survival supplies.

If you are injured or injured, you can even get basic medical assistance with this item.

Of course, all this must be based on your voluntary surrender. Please think carefully and keep this leaflet properly. Now there is no need to die for the cruel and ruthless Nazi gangs who are approaching the end of the world.

As for the other situation

If you are an ordinary Berlin citizen, you are a war refugee who was forced to live here due to the war.

That's easier to do.

The only thing you need to do after receiving this leaflet is to take your relatives and friends, and all those who do not want to die in this zoo and under the air defense tower, escape from this place as soon as possible and stay as far away from the control of the Nazi armed forces as possible. To avoid being used as a human shield and ensure personal safety.

If necessary, you can take refuge in the areas liberated by the Red Army. You can rest assured that the Red Army will not regard unarmed civilians as targets of attack.

The Red Army will ensure the supply of basic living supplies, medical assistance, and all necessary humanitarian relief.

It can be said that it was explained in detail, but the text written on the leaflet was very short, so short that Colonel Sternheim, who read it quickly, had enough time to think.

He rolled up his sleeves and glanced at the time on his watch. Colonel Sternheim, who had already lost his entire left hand in the war, had to rely on the way the cloth was wrapped and fixed to keep the watch from falling off his forearm.

Now, the time accurately pointed on the watch was less than three hours away from the deadline clearly written in black and white by the Russians on the leaflet, that is, at dawn.

In the Russian script, the second hand that symbolizes the countdown to destruction is ticking, and the ultimatum time limit is passing by rapidly.

Whether the Russians are bluffing or telling the truth is obviously the first priority that must be determined as soon as possible.

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