Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2804: Fanaticism of converts

The evacuation order was issued, but it was still not an easy task for all the refugees living in the air defense tower as the core and the entire Berlin Zoo as the boundary to evacuate as soon as possible within two and a half hours. .

"Move, everyone, move! Old people and children follow, hurry! Come this way, move fast!"

The old, weak, women and children, carrying large and small bags and bringing their families with them, trotted in an orderly manner in the dark night, lining up to walk out of the air defense tower and leave the zoo. When they were done, they did not forget to stop at the material distribution center at the entrance of the zoo to receive the last meal from the soldiers. One ration and then go on the road.

It must be said that these war refugees were quite lucky. Meeting the Wehrmacht air defense troops stationed at the zoo's air defense tower was a blessing in itself in Berlin, a city filled with artillery shells and an unlimited supply.

Colonel Sternheim's men had been stationed in Berlin for quite some time.

Since he was forced to retreat to the rear due to injury, and he didn't want to work as an instructor in school to teach students or retire from the army, he got a "free" job as a commander of the air defense force through connections.

Dealing with various Allied aircraft has become the main theme of his life and work. After staying in Berlin for a long time, he got to know many people, including the families of his soldiers, many of whom were native Berliners.

Now, when it comes to dealing with war refugees, these air tower garrison troops under Colonel Sternheim can almost be said to be the best among all the Nazi armed forces in Berlin in terms of methods and methods.

Many of the refugees are neighbors, friends, and relatives of these air defense troops. No matter how arrogant they are on weekdays, they have to deal with the neighbors, grandparents, old, weak, women, and children who have watched them grow up. Courtesy and gentleness, right?

Seeing that most of the people in the air defense tower have been evacuated, most of the refugees who have weak legs and can walk without help have left one after another. Now there are only those who have weak bones and need help to walk, and some even have injuries. It's too easy to handle, so it's still in the air defense tower for now.

Regarding how to deal with the remaining 300 people, Colonel Sternheim was still undecided for a while, but unexpectedly he was about to go back to the tower to take advantage of the remaining time to think about it. When he was trying to find a solution, a certain SS officer in black who had never left took the initiative to stop him.

"Colonel, you have evacuated most of the people. If you drove people away to save food, your purpose has been achieved now."

"We must keep a minimum number of manpower to help us "fight". After all, no one knows what cruel methods the Russians will use when they come over. It is always better to have an insurance in hand than to make no preparations at all. What do you think? ?”

"Help us "fight"?"

Before Sternheim could say anything, the young adjutant who was listening with a puzzled expression spoke first with both confusion and disgust.

"Are you crazy? Or are you just fantasizing? The people left in the tower are not only soldiers, but also people who are so weak and disabled that they can't walk. You actually expect these people to help you "fight"? What do you want them to do? Beating? On crutches or in a wheelchair? Do you know what you are talking about?"

Being young means that he is easily impulsive and passionate, but this does not mean that the adjutant has lost his rationality for basic judgment.

In other words, in the adjutant's own view, the unpleasant armed SS officer in front of him, dressed in black leather, is a mad dog who has lost his mind. If he didn't tell the truth on the spot, he would have saved face for this thoughtless bastard. .

It was just that the adjutant himself never expected that his thinking was still on the first level, but the thinking of the leader of the second-level SS assault squadron opposite had reached the ninth level. The young adjutant even guessed the wrong direction from the beginning.

"I think you may have misunderstood, but it doesn't matter, the colonel will understand, right?"


Looking at the sinister smile on the face of the little SS leader in front of him, Colonel Sternheim, who has been on the front line and in the rear, has been in various situations, and has never seen any kind of person or human being. How could he not know what this guy is showing off now?

"Lieutenant Philip, let's call you that."

"Have you forgotten one thing? You and your people were only temporarily taken in by my order. Because you said that you and your large army were separated, had no supplies, and needed medical assistance, I only allowed you and your people to be temporarily taken in. Your people are here temporarily. When can you give orders and make decisions on my behalf? Did I say that all the remaining refugees must be left here? The state of power.”

"What? French!?"

The adjutant on the side was stunned on the spot after hearing this. He couldn't believe that the words he just heard with his own ears could be true.

Because I look down on these "illegal armed elements" and have always believed in the German armed forces, then the Wehrmacht, which has inherited the Prussian unification, should be the only orthodox adjutant, basically no match for the man in front of me. He had spoken to the "SS refugee chief" who had just arrived, let alone knew anything about him.

But the adjutant had always thought that this guy with blond hair, blue eyes, and skin as white as a woman was an authentic German without even thinking about it. And just looking at the appearance, he should be the type of "higher person" most respected by the SS IIs who are engaged in ethnography all day long. He should be able to get the position of SS leader. Not surprising either.

But when Colonel Stetheim said this, the adjutant who "never expected it" was dumbfounded on the spot.

A French SS lieutenant stood in front of a genuine Wehrmacht colonel and made irresponsible remarks, giving orders and showing off. How stupid a humanoid creature could do this?

But obviously, the French man called Lieutenant Philip himself did not think so.

"Oh, don't get excited, Colonel. I'm just making a suggestion, that's all."

"But you also know that the French are not the only foreign SS troops under my command. Especially the Finns and Czechs are the most disobedient. They keep talking about living or dying with Berlin, and insist on killing civilians who can't walk. Stay, if I don’t go in quickly to persuade them, I’m afraid something bad will happen if they continue to play for a while.”

"Why don't you agree and let me in? I'll be sure to convince them. At least they still listen to me now, okay?"

Lieutenant Philip deliberately paused between "agree" and "let me in", and played a pun. He was sure that his statement would be understood, and that he understood both the surface and the inner meaning.

The threat was very obvious. The adjutant, who smelled the smell of gunpowder in the air and was extremely unhappy, had already put his hand on the holster, as if he would draw the gun on the spot if he couldn't hold back for a second.

"So you are determined to keep civilians as your shield? Just like your fellow SS colleagues?"

Faced with the righteous words of the colonel of the National Defense Forces, who was much older than him, Philip could not feel any fear in his face but had a gloomy smile. He just whispered indifferently.

"The French, the Finns, the Czechs, all can die defending the German capital, so why can't the Germans themselves?"


Looking at the colonel of the National Defense Forces who just kept his eyes focused and stared at him in a noncommittal manner, Philip, who had not yet finished speaking, immediately threw out the last half of the sentence, and his gloomy and strange smile remained unchanged.

"The Führer said that all Berlin citizens should live and die with this city. As the Führer's loyal soldiers, of course we must fulfill our mission. There will be no problem at all and there will never be any change."

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