Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2805 Everything is over

Converts who defend their fervent beliefs to the death and are determined to fight until the end.

The existence of these people and the words spoken by the leaders among them are not meaningless but at least give someone an impact.

The adjutant who followed Colonel Sternheim in the elevator was silent, but it was not that he had nothing to say, but he had been thinking about the words he had just heard.

Those words may seem nonsensical, but when you think about them carefully, they make you feel self-doubt.



The person being called, the superior, and the immediate superior seemed not to have listened. They kept silent postures, facing each other with their backs, and remained silent in the small and slowly ascending elevator room.

"I said Colonel, I"

"You want to talk about the Frenchman just now?"

The sudden speech interrupted the young adjutant's hesitant words and he didn't know how to continue speaking. The adjutant who was hit by the words was facing the colonel who didn't even turn his head at all and still had his back turned to him. But suddenly I found that I almost didn't have the courage to admit it.

"It seems so. It should be said that his fanaticism makes you feel ashamed? Isn't that right?"

As a strong man who fought in the first half of Operation Barbarossa, Colonel Sternheim has undoubtedly seen many young people who, as young as adjutants, carry guns and go to the battlefield in the best years of their lives. .

They come and go, stop and go, and most of them never come back. Even in some worst cases, it is common to die without returning.

Secretly lamenting that it is easy for people to recall the past once they get older, Colonel Sternheim, who did not have much nostalgia for the past prosperous years, after thinking about it, he only had some simple words to say to him. The adjutant spoke.

"In order to prove that their choice is correct, they will do anything to prove it, even if they lose their lives."

"But aren't we the same? Just on different paths, even the Russians who killed us."

"This war will soon be lost and it will be over, kid."

"The future belongs to you young people, not to our old and withered bones. I firmly believe that my choice is correct, and I firmly believe that it is meaningful to work hard to survive and realize value after the war is over. Each of us will do it for our own Choose to pay the price, for better or for worse, and that French lieutenant's time is coming."



Along with the sound of the elevator arriving at the station, the electric fence door was automatically opened. The colonel, who had also come from this fanatical and young age and knew that it was useless to talk too much, finally left a trace of his back and walked away without looking back. .

Sora's mind went blank, and the young man, who had temporarily forgotten what he should do next, stood alone.

"I hope you can figure that out, kid."

This was the only sentence that was not expressed in language, which the young adjutant could not hear with his own ears.

Men, after all, cannot rely on the guidance of others to live their lives.

If you don't believe that you can overcome this hurdle, no amount of help will be in vain.

This is one of the truths that mankind has experienced during the thousands of years of civilization development.

In Berlin, the top of the zoo's G-type air defense tower.

The last ray of cold wind before dawn whistled from the top of this tall and towering building. The four twin-mounted 128mm anti-aircraft guns standing in the shooting positions on the four corners of the tower are probably the ones used by the German army in Berlin today. The most powerful firepower in the world.

But unfortunately, the almost zero downward shooting range and the embarrassment of no depression angle make it only a delusion to use these four 8-gun cannons to support the German army in the city.

It must be said that at the beginning of the Battle of Berlin, these twin 128 gun groups on a total of three top G-type anti-aircraft towers in Berlin, including the Zoo anti-aircraft tower, really gave a powerful force to the initial battle. support.

Through the long-range artillery support of flattening the gun barrel and reducing propellant, the heavy artillery bombardment from the top of the G-type anti-aircraft tower did cause certain troubles for the Red Army siege troops in some directions.

These heavy-duty double-mounted anti-aircraft artillery batteries with semi-automatic loaders are not comparable to ordinary conventional army artillery. In terms of operating principles and design concepts, they are more like naval naval guns.

With a sufficient team of loaders and highly efficient semi-automatic loaders, the eight 128-guns on just one G-type anti-aircraft tower can deliver firepower that exceeds the unit time projection of the heavy artillery battalion of the German infantry division.

Not to mention that there are not just one such high-definition air defense tower, but three.

It was not that the leading division had not suffered disaster because of this thing. During the initial one or two days of siege fighting, the heavy artillery shells were hit on the outer streets in the south of the city.

Malashenko initially thought it was the surviving German self-propelled artillery in the city. Of course, it cannot be said that Malashenko was completely wrong, but he was not entirely right. To be precise, it should be the 128 gun on the anti-aircraft tower, which used the minimum propellant to assist the remaining German self-propelled artillery in the city to strengthen its firepower.

But that’s all.

When the leading division tore through the defenses on the southern outskirts of the city and advanced deep into the southern part of Berlin, the 128 gun crews were unable to do anything because they were too tall and had no depression angle. I can't hit it even low.

Apart from masturbating, I could only watch helplessly as the leader rushed left and right in the city, robbing the sheep, but could do nothing.

Recalling the past few days, except for helping out for the first one or two days, Yao Yao almost worked as a refugee rescue team for the remaining few days. Colonel Sternheim, who had already arrived at the top of the air defense tower and was preparing to welcome the dawn, couldn't help but I feel a little lost.

"Everything is normal, Colonel. It was rare that there were no night air raids last night. I arranged for everyone to have a rest during the shift. Now everyone here is energetic and confident to deal with any aircraft that will attack throughout the next day."

The major in charge of command at the top of the air defense tower took the initiative to come forward and report.

Scanning the surroundings with the increasingly clear light cast by the white fish belly on the horizon, Colonel Stetheim nodded when he found that everything was indeed in order, just as the major said. After some final thought, he decided to tell the major about something that might be about to happen.

At least, people have to be mentally prepared. Colonel Sternheim is convinced that every soldier fighting on the top of this air defense tower has the right to know this and should be respected.

"I have something to tell you, but I'm not entirely sure about it, about those leaflets that the Russians bombarded last night."

"You mean those flyers? It's true that some of them landed on the top of the tower, but I ordered them not to be photographed."

Colonel Sternheim, who even checked his watch before reaching the top of the tower, thought he still had enough time, but what he never expected was that this soldier had been following him in the war for more than seven years and had always been loyal and reliable. The artillery mechanical watch actually broke down and became inaccurate at such an unexpected time.

The ensuing result, or rather the unnoticed price, was the terrifying howling wind that was as terrifying as the sky collapsing.

"Shasen! Russian shelling!!!"

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