Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2806 The roar will envelope Berlin

Back to 5 minutes ago, the leader division's reconnaissance company was in the artillery observation post established near the forward actual control line.

Malashenko, who persuaded Kulbalov that "it's too dangerous to be too close to the enemy" on the grounds that "I can go wherever the soldiers conquered", was standing in front of him. In this dilapidated room, which was not only filled with bullet holes, but also shattered to pieces by the explosion of a grenade in a confined space, I looked out at the scenery outside the window where the glass had long been shattered.

This is the commanding height on the edge of the leader's actual control area, with the shortest straight line distance from the zoo and the best view.

Just in the last hour before the sun set yesterday, an important stronghold of a German squadron was still occupied here.

If all the German troops upstairs and downstairs were counted, the number would be even greater, so much so that it was estimated that there would be more than one platoon.

Looking at the busy artillery soldiers and communication staff around them, as well as a large number of artillery observation optical equipment and communication equipment that have been set up.

Malashenko, who attached great importance to this combat plan and wanted to personally come to "supervise the work", did not want to make any slightest slights or mistakes. The commander of the rocket assault battalion, who personally directed the specific work on site and was directly responsible to the division commander, was reporting to Malashenko.

"All preparations are in place, comrade division commander. Considering that the actual combat rate of fire is maintained at about half an hour to forty minutes, we have enough time to calculate and correct the artillery coordinates, and then use telegrams to transmit them. As long as there is no Accidents come in time.

To tell a joke, the most powerful tank unit in the leadership division and the most fearful to the enemy is actually affiliated with the artillery.

This is somewhat of a black joke, but most of the Nazis who meet the Rocket Assault Battalion have no chance to know the truth.

After listening to the truthful report from the commander of the Rocket Assault Battalion that he had resumed his duties as an artilleryman, Malashenko raised his hand and glanced at the time on his watch but felt uneasy. Then he took out the pocket watch he was wearing at the same time. After taking another look and making sure that the time on the two watches were consistent and consistent, he spoke.

"Don't take it lightly, everything has accidents, but this time you must block any accidents from me, and there must be no mistakes."

The commander of the Rocket Assault Battalion, who was well aware of the importance of this mission, nodded slowly. He was directly under the command of the division. He knew very well the temperament of the division commander. If he could say this, he was definitely not kidding you, and Malashenko The words continue.

"We still don't know the specific damage effect of the shelling. Theoretically speaking, the tower is almost indestructible. Even the explosives used by engineers for construction blasting are hundreds of tons upward. Conventional artillery hits it no matter how big the caliber is. itch."

"But we have unconventional artillery, and she is the strategic weapon of this era."

"The theoretically indestructible strategic cannon versus the theoretically indestructible Nasal Tower. No one knows what the consequences of this collision will be, and it is unpredictable, so this is the task you must complete.

"Always keep an eye on the artillery target, keep an eye on this thing for me, and then completely record all the artillery parameters and accurately assess the damage effects. Among the artillery of the entire division, I specially selected you to take on the important task. You must have a sense of responsibility on your shoulders, but you must not be pressured. Come on, do what you have to do and do it well.”

"Engrave the names of you and all the comrades under your command in the history books, so that your deeds will always be remembered by future generations. I believe you can do it, so go ahead and do it!"

Although Malashenko was speaking fast enough with a machine gun like a candy ball in his mouth, the limited time still did not allow Malashenko to make a long speech like a morale mobilization. The last moment was already before the words fell. advent.

"One minute countdown, everyone is in position!"

Following the order from the on-site commander, the commander of the Rocket Assault Battalion, the artillerymen, who were as tight as a slingshot, immediately rushed to their respective posts, holding various "long guns and short cannons" artillery observation equipment and aiming at the target.

It must be said that although you German guy is not good at making cars, you are damn good at making optical equipment.

All kinds of artillery optical observation equipment and imaging range-finding equipment from the famous Zeiss were set up and ready. These were captured by the leading division from various German divisions and even military senior artillery units in past battles. .

Not to mention in the hands of the Red Army, even within the German army, these gadgets are high-end products that can only be used by a very small number of high-level artillery units. They are also the result of the leadership division gathering capable manpower and using German original parts to maintain them as much as possible. .

In order to ensure that this mission was foolproof, Malashenko basically invested all the treasures he could use and take out.

Next to the artillery observation position, the communication team was also in place. The subsequent artillery coordinate calibration and damage assessment analysis would be immediately fed back to the artillery units dozens of kilometers outside the city.

At this moment, somewhere on the outskirts of Berlin, there is an artillery position more than 30 kilometers away from the center of Berlin.

This place is even more heavily guarded than the super-large-scale artillery position at the Belarusian First Front Army Headquarters. Counting various garrison and task forces, the total strength is a full 5,000 people.

But the contrast is that in such a large-scale and heavily guarded artillery position, there is only one main artillery that can really play a role.

A super cannon that was personally inspected, inspected and named by leader Comrade Stalin. It is the only super cannon in the entire Red Army. It is the "strategic weapon of this era" in Malashenko's mouth - the "Red Stalingrad" 800mm Super heavy train gun.

Second Miss Dora is now in the form of a loving father and comrade, but this is not important.

The important thing is that Comrade "Red Stalingrad", who abandoned the dark side, joined the Red Army, and devoted herself to the great cause, is about to make her first actual combat debut. It will also be her first actual combat fire since leaving the factory.

Even the group of Nazis who created her failed to enable her to actually fire and bombard the enemy, but Comrade Malashenko who guided her to join the Red Army did.

This has to be said to be a great irony, indeed.

When the 1-ton 800mm caliber chromium-nickel alloy steel concrete-destroying projectile was lifted onto the projectile transport vehicle by a crane, it was then sent into the gun breech by a human-powered orbital projectile transport vehicle, and the gun breech was closed.

When the 48-meter-long 6-diameter giant barrel was raised to the firing angle and the adjustment was completed.

Zhukov, who dedicated two precious hours to going to the scene to supervise the battle, heard the commander-in-chief report to him that all preparations were completed, and watched the pocket watch in his hand freeze the second hand to the agreed last moment and point in place.

Then he quietly spoke an order that could be recorded in history.


The largest-caliber barrel artillery actually built in the history of mankind roared and roared. The earth-shaking impact instantly rose from the ground, sweeping everything under the huge cannon like a storm, deafening.

Even Malashenko, who was inside a building in Berlin, could hear the terrifying roar coming from the sky, as if a heavy-loaded train was speeding past him on top of his head. Extremely shocking.

"That naughty guy in the tower is finished!"

This was Malashenko's only thought when he heard the horrific screams.

And the reality came true in the very next second.

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