Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2807 Look at this powerful red Stalingrad! (superior)

In an instant, it was like a meteor falling from the sky. The giant projectile trailing a crimson tracer was so powerful that it aimed at the unusually abrupt tower that stood above an open space in the zoo and fell straight down.

The 1-ton projectile, after crossing a range of more than 30 kilometers, still retains a destructive power unmatched by any traditional barrel artillery on the planet.

The maximum penetration depth of military-standard concrete is up to 7 meters, which is unstoppable. It only takes a moment that is difficult for the naked eye to react, and it mercilessly penetrates the thick defense of the target building and penetrates it.



A huge explosion swept through the air together with a scream that had not yet dissipated.

The fully loaded warhead charge in the 1-ton projectile detonated in a delayed manner, but it exploded loudly in the moist soil behind the target building.

The astonishing destructive power raised up an unimaginable amount of dust and debris, which shot up from the center of the projectile into the sky like a volcanic eruption.

The force of the debris flying all over the sky was so great that it jumped up to a height that was even higher than the already tall air defense tower itself.


Dense pieces of debris fell straight down from the top of the head like hailstones, smashing into the top of the air defense tower, which was still peaceful for the time being. All the German soldiers on the top of the tower were confused and didn't know what was going on. They were confused and at a loss, even Colonel Sternheim.

"What the hell! What happened? Why did it suddenly rain hail from the sky?"

"Are you stupid? Open your eyes and see, this is not hail, it is dirt!"

"What the hell is going on? Where did all this dirt come from???"

It's hard to imagine what these air defense soldiers who are on duty at the top of the air defense tower and can't even see what the earth looks like all day long and whose eyes are all about the sky will suddenly see dirt falling from the sky. What a feeling.

The caliber of the "Red Stalingrad" is so huge and the quality of the projectiles is so high that this cannon can definitely be called a strategic weapon of World War II, even if the projectile wall is thicker and the warhead charge is thicker. When using concrete-destroying bombs with less mass and higher penetration depth, the explosive yield of the charge delivered in one shot is also far higher than that of conventional aerial bombs.

The explosion in the ground at the foot of the air defense tower can be like a volcanic eruption, as evidenced by the huge amount of soil debris raised to the height of the tower.

The frightened adjutant couldn't even stand for a moment. After the huge explosion dissipated and the dust of the flying soil and debris temporarily settled, he ran to Stetheim with three staggering steps and fear. In front of the colonel, he spoke in panic.

"Colonel! What on earth was that just now!? I just heard a whirring sound, and then boom! My head almost exploded, and then there was dirt falling from the sky! Is this the end of the world? "

A young man who had never seen much of the world and had been working as a security guard in Berlin, the capital, was so frightened that he almost peed his pants on the spot. He looked like a coward who was out of his mind.

But not Colonel Sternheim.

Shocked to horror, shocked to shocked, Colonel Sternheim, who suppressed all the negative and unfavorable emotions in his heart, was still able to maintain his iconic poker face without changing his expression.

"Those Russians actually did it. The apocalypse predicted by the Slavs has come."

"Colonel, what are you talking about? Colonel, I don't understand!"

The young adjutant became more and more panicked as he became more confused about the situation. He almost started crying when he finished speaking. This unimaginable supernatural phenomenon really scared him out of his wits.

"The Russians promised that they would destroy the tower, and as you can see, they have already started to do so, and they are really capable of doing it. That blow just now is proof, or a warning."

Malashenko didn't care what the German guy in the tower opposite was thinking at this moment, or how he would specifically react after receiving that inaccurate shelling that might not have caused any casualties.

Malashenko only knew that he had clearly seen the first shot from more than 30 kilometers away through the telescope. In fact, it was not that perfect. It could indeed be said that the result was as expected and not surprising. Accident.

The 1-ton chromium-nickel alloy steel concrete-destroying bomb indeed achieved a first hit and hit the target in a test launch.

Considering the accuracy of casual bombardment these days, plus the bombardment distance of more than thirty kilometers.

Even for a seemingly easy-to-hit giant fixed target like the G-type air defense tower, such a result is not easy and gratifying.

Unfortunately, the hit point and damage effect of the first shell are not very good.

The powerful and heavy projectile, which was like a meteor falling from the sky, was indeed extremely powerful, but the result was that it only hit the wall near the edge on the left side of the air defense tower, and penetrated all the reinforced concrete along the way.

On the outer wall of the air defense tower, a ferocious hole was left that was probably wide enough to drive a tank through, and the "harmless passage" was successfully achieved.

The projectile completely penetrated the edge wall of the air defense tower, and finally crashed into the ground of the zoo at the foot of the air defense tower, leaving an unfathomable hole and then exploded. Then there was the horrific volcanic eruption that "shocked the Germans for a whole year", and the hot soil debris was thrown all over the Germans' heads, faces and bodies on the top of the tower.

Giving the zoo's air defense tower a "dirty garbage bath" is not the result Malashenko wants. What Malashenko wants to see is that this thing, as the ultimate creation of the Nazis, is completely destroyed in the Earthquake Mountains. In the shaking explosion, it returned to dust.

"Mark the impact point of the cannonball. Proshev quickly measures the distance. Don't be careless! Hurry!"

"Calculate the ballistics! Please focus on the homework on the map, hurry up!"

"The debugging equipment is ready to send! Prepare the backup transmitter and switch it immediately if necessary!"

The artillery team was busy playing with the luxurious and professional artillery equipment, and the communications team on the side was debugging the equipment non-stop and preparing to send reports at any time.

In order to adjust the bombardment coordinates accurately, the artillery team even built a temporary workbench in this dilapidated house using a few tattered ammunition boxes left by German sticks and half a broken table to launch a special artillery attack. map.

Relying on the freshly released first-hand measurement data from the observation team on the side, and taking out compasses, pens, rulers and various tools from their satchels, the three of them started working on the map on the spot.

Time passed by minute by second, and Malashenko, who was pacing back and forth with a telescope in his hand, never spoke, and he did not want to disturb the most capable team under him from completing the task. He just kept raising the telescope in his hand again and again, looking at the dilapidated air defense tower again and again, looking restless.

The tense atmosphere almost solidified in the entire dilapidated room.

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