Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2808 Look at this powerful red Stalingrad! (Down)

"Have a cigarette and take it easy, Comrade Commander.

Comrade Stenev, the loyal guard in the sea soul shirt, really couldn't stand it anymore.

I don't know how to operate artillery, and I don't understand communication equipment. My only responsibility is to protect the division commander personally in the war zone as assigned by the political commissar, and I am not allowed to leave even half a step.

But Comrade Commander is not in danger now, and there is no need for him to sacrifice his life to protect him with his body and flesh in a sea soul shirt.

All the comrades at the scene were busy non-stop, even the division commanders were as anxious as ants on a hot pot, pacing back and forth. Except for Ste, who had nothing to do and could not help. Nev was in a hurry and had no choice.

After thinking about it for a long time, I finally had no choice but to take out the cigarette case from my pocket, out of good intentions to see if I could "share the worries" of my comrade.

Malashenko, who was indeed anxious and uneasy, stopped when he heard this. After a brief pause, he reached out and took the cigarette offered by Stenev.

The cigarette was held between his fingertips and ready to be put into his mouth. Looking at the lighter that Stenev had already taken the initiative to light and handed to him, Malashenko thought about it and gave it up, but he still couldn't take a puff of the cigarette. .

"I'll smoke it later. I'll smoke it again after the broken tower of Suka Bulie collapses."

It's rare to see Malashenko actively refusing to take a cigarette, and Stenev saw it today.

That's when the former Marine infantryman doesn't know what to say or do next.

The commander of the Rocket Assault Battalion, who had been busy working on it himself and leading the team to make drawings, finally took his freshly baked results and rushed to Malashenko with three steps and two steps, and spoke repeatedly.

"It's out! The result is out! Comrade Commander!"


Malashenko, who was anxiously running around in circles like an ant on a hot pot, was waiting for this sentence. Without saying a word, he grabbed the draft paper handed to him and spoke.

"Are the results sure? Are you sure there will be no problems?"

As he spoke the words, he was still looking at the shelling calibration parameters that had just been calculated and summarized on the draft paper in front of him, reading and confirming them again and again at the speed of one glance and ten lines.

Faced with the final inquiry from the division commander, the battalion commander, who did not dare to say 100% guarantee but had indeed tried his best, just spoke firmly.

"Check the calculation three times, and I will confirm it personally three times. If there are any problems, please ask military law to deal with it!"

"very good!"

Things on the battlefield are never 100% accurate, just like there is no responsible surgeon in any surgical operation who can tell you that there will be 100% no mistakes.

Being able to get such a result now makes Malashenko satisfied enough.

"Send the report! Send it out immediately!"


In this era of underdeveloped communication methods and lagging battlefield feedback timeliness, the "Red Stalingrad"'s reloading process, which took as long as half an hour, gave enough time to calculate and transmit precise artillery calibration parameters.

More than 30 kilometers away from Malashenko's position, there is a giant artillery position protected by tight anti-aircraft artillery positions, guards infantry, and tank troops.

Zhukov, who was sitting at the scene to supervise the battle and observe the battle, took the hot telegram handed to him by the commander-in-chief, glanced at the detailed numbers and text information recorded on it, and then spoke.

"Just fight as mentioned above, trust the comrades in the city."

"Yes! Comrade Marshal!"

The artillery major general who received the telegram from Comrade Lao Zhu quickly turned around and left, heading towards the "Red Stalingrad" which was not far away and was closing the next breech after projectiles and propellants were successively loaded into the chamber. Dash away.

"I still find it unbelievable that the Germans have created such a war machine, Comrade Marshal. I can't imagine that it is the same kind of this huge cannon that our comrades used when they bombarded us in Sevastopol. How on earth did he fight with such terrifying power until the last moment?"

Comrade Chief of Staff, who came with Zhukov, was not as powerful as Comrade Zhukov.

At the beginning, I was not on the special invitation list issued by the leader Comrade Stalin, and I was not able to accompany my loving father Comrade to the Kubinka weapons test site to experience the glory of the "Red Stalingrad" for the first time.

Comrade Chief of Staff was shocked when he witnessed this terrifying destructive power for the first time. He was so shocked that he didn't know how to use words to accurately express his mood at this moment. So much so that I couldn't help but think of those comrades who fought bravely to the last moment in Sevastopol, and it was under such destructive power that they proved their courage and loyalty.

"It's all over, and I guarantee that such a scene will never happen to our motherland again, ever."

The words Zhukov spoke slowly were inexplicably sad.

After experiencing countless mountains of corpses and seas of blood and fighting all the way to this point, he finally reached the last moment before victory. The indelible memory of the war was overwhelming and flowing in Zhukov's heart at this moment.

"Now it's time to let those scumbags who brought harm to the motherland have a taste of instant destruction, and send them on their way with the ultimate weapon they made with their own hands."

Before Zhukov finished speaking, the "Red Stalingrad", which had obtained the calibrated bombardment parameters and coordinates, had begun the final debugging and aiming before the second firing.

When the 48-meter-long main gun barrel was slowly lifted up again, the fully loaded gun breech was ready to spray out a second burst of fiery revenge.

Malashenko, who was looking at his watch and waiting anxiously in the city, had no idea that the terrifying roar, like a roaring train passing by his scalp, would once again envelope the sky over Berlin and cover the whole city in a few minutes. .

When the second shot will be fired after the first shot at the set time, Malashenko does not know the exact precise time. It all depends on the execution of the artillery position more than 30 kilometers away, which leads to Every second spent waiting for this moment to arrive seemed like an eternity.



When the shrill roar once again enveloped the sky over Berlin and flew overhead, Malashenko, who had never let go of his two hands on the telescope, immediately raised his hands to look.

It was like a meteor falling from the sky that once again hit Nazu's ultimate creation mercilessly.

The winner between the strongest Nasl Spear and the strongest Nasl Shield was revealed the moment the front of the projectile made of chromium-nickel alloy steel came into contact with the concrete.


"It hit the bull's-eye! It's worn!"

The accurately calibrated 1-ton projectile hit the enemy-facing surface of the anti-aircraft tower firmly, hitting the core of the entire tower without any bias and piercing it with one blow.

Huge perforations wide enough for tanks to drive through reappeared.

This time, there are enough obstacles ahead to block the advance, and the delay fuse, which has been modified to shorten the detonation time based on the results of the previous test launch, will no longer give the Nazis a chance to survive.


A huge explosion resounded from inside the towering air defense tower, and the thick smoke that spread in all directions was like an unstoppable pressure cooker exploding.

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