Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2811 3-pointer

"How long can this damn tower last? Is it the end of the world? Sokka.

The third shot was already the third devastating shell with a momentum comparable to that of a meteor falling from the sky. Literally, all three shots hit the target, and the last two shots also caused an implosion with strong damage effects.

However, this Nazi tower still stands tall like a ghost, standing stubbornly on the land of Berlin, which is an eyesore and irritation.

Hearing the slightly anxious complaints from the commander of the Rocket Assault Battalion, Malashenko, who had been observing the damage effects with a telescope in his hand from just now until now, put down the telescope and then spoke slowly.

"It doesn't matter. We have plenty of artillery shells. If we shoot ten or twenty rounds, I don't believe we can do this today."

"Send the report, the strike coordinates remain unchanged, repeat shooting! Keep firing!"


Malashenko knows that the G-type air defense tower is very hard, very hard, and it is not easy to knock down the G-type air defense tower even if the giant red Stalingrad is lifted over.

This thing is the kind of stuff that engineers use to blast explosives, and dozens of tons of explosives make a loud noise, but they don't collapse even after shaking.

Indeed, it must be said that the 800mm concrete-destroying bombs like the Red Stalingrad have powerful destructive power due to the kinetic energy impact they project. In terms of the same unit mass of explosives, they are more destructive than the engineer blasting plug explosives. In addition, An extra layer of kinetic energy impact destroys the BUFF.

But these three cannons have not delivered much explosive yield so far, right?

Even with the additional damage buff of kinetic energy impact, just knocking down a G-type anti-aircraft tower with three shots is a bit too much.

So, we, Comrade Ma, are not in a hurry. The current situation can only be said to be within expectations and a normal phenomenon.

Malashenko was anxious at first because he was worried about whether the 1-ton concrete destruction bomb could penetrate the outer defense of the G-type air defense tower.

The destructive principle of concrete destruction bombs is actually similar to that of high-explosive bombs. They rely on the chemical energy blasting of the projectile warhead to achieve the main destructive effect. The thicker bomb wall than the high-explosive bomb is just to ensure that the concrete-destroying bomb can penetrate the deep enough concrete layer defense and explode inside the enemy's permanent fortification building to maximize the aftereffects.

So if the concrete destruction bomb cannot break the outer concrete wall of the G-type air defense tower, then honestly Malashenko might as well use a high-explosive bomb to blast the ball.

Failure to break through the defense means that there is no essential change. Since both concrete-destroying bombs and high-explosive bombs cannot break through the defense and can only explode shallowly, why don't I use high-explosive bombs with larger charges and more powerful explosions? Woolen cloth?

The good news is that Malashenko's fears did not come true, and the concrete-destroying bombs did demonstrate powerful enough destructive power.

Among the objects that were captured together with the red Stalingrad, there was also a large group of German special artillerymen responsible for serving this super cannon.

The work of interrogating these people was later assigned to Comrade Beria by his loving father Comrade Stalin. The Ministry of Internal Affairs took over the interrogation instead of the military level, and it was required that all the useful knowledge contained in these people's heads must be extracted. , and ensure authenticity.

Of course, Comrade Beria, who was good at this job, did not disappoint his loving father Comrade Stalin.

Many German special artillery commanders who know the core performance of this super cannon said that according to the performance calibration according to the technical parameter book given by Krupp, the 1-ton concrete-destroying projectile can be used with special propellants and large When launched at an elevation angle, the gravity acceleration potential energy brought by the high parabolic trajectory ensures that it can penetrate the military-standard concrete layer defense up to 10 meters away.

What is the concept of a 10-meter-thick military-standard concrete layer?

The Red Army's underground ammunition depot in the Sevastopol Fortress did not have such a thick protective layer including the surface soil and concrete. That's why the final result was not good: the 800mm concrete-destroying bomb of Gustav No. 1 was successfully breached and detonated in the underground ammunition depot, triggering an earth-shattering port explosion.

Not only was the ammunition depot blown up, but the entire port of Sevastopol was also blown up by the super explosion, and the boats moored on the dock were reduced to parts. This makes it even more impossible for the Red Army, whose reserves of ammunition have been exhausted, to defend Sevastopol.

Understanding this situation, Malashenko comforted himself at first: No matter how thick the defense layer of the G-type air defense tower is, can it still be as thick as the underground ammunition depot in Sevastopol? Is it possible that this fucking German guy can really stuff this stupid anti-aircraft tower with more than ten meters of military-standard concrete? Are you bored or what?

Although he always comforted himself with such hints, to be honest, Malashenko was still a little bit confused until the 800 mm 1-ton projectile really penetrated the concrete layer with one blow, hitting a hole wide enough even for a tank. After driving into the super big hole, it exploded after filling it inside.

Comrade Lao Ma's heart, which was anxious at first but still hanging on, was finally relieved at this point.

As for the next thing, it's actually easy to handle: as long as it's effective and can be penetrated, then just continue to pile up.

The reason why this huge tower has not collapsed now is because of its good structural resistance, which is completely different from being able to withstand attacks.

As for the structural resistance of a building, to put it bluntly, it is just like the BOSS health bar in the game. When it is damaged to a certain extent and can no longer hold up, it will inevitably collapse.

This is just like a house standing ten seconds before a major earthquake does not mean it will not fall down ten seconds after.

Why did it fall down ten seconds later?

Quite simply, the structural resistance can no longer hold up. The health bar of a building was shaken by the earthquake. To put it in a down-to-earth way, it was as simple as that.

As long as the G-type air defense tower is a building, it cannot escape this principle, and it will not be fundamentally different just because it is a pure creation.

So what Malashenko has to do now is to continue to pour 800mm of bombardment into the belly of the broken tower, and wear down the health bar little by little until the thing is completely worn to death.

"Well, the fourth shot is almost here, get ready to watch the fireworks!"

When things got to this point, all the comrades in the special operations team, including Malashenko, were actually quite relaxed.

The artillery shells can break through the enemy's defenses, and the shelling coordinates are accurately calibrated without having to change. As long as the artillery shells don't miss suddenly, there is no need to calibrate the firing again.

The rest is just to use various viewing equipment to watch the "live broadcast".



The emotional Malashenko shouted loudly, and the huge shell roaring like a sky train flew overhead and fell straight down. This time, it aimed at the top of the G-type air defense tower and went straight in.

"Grass! 3-pointer!"

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