Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2812 Zoo volcano erupts

As the saying goes, every shot is full of surprises, and every shot is different.

Due to the huge recoil when firing, the entire weapon system of the "Red Stalingrad" with a total combat weight of up to 1,350 tons cannot actually guarantee that every shell will accurately hit the same or very close position.

Even if it is a huge fixed target such as a G-type air defense tower, at a straight-line distance of more than 30 kilometers, the "Red Stalingrad" will be shaken backwards on the rails and shake three times every time it fires. No., after the gun body is reset and the shelling coordinates are calibrated again, the actual impact point of the shell fired is actually quite different from the previous one.

It is not easy to make the artillery shells continue to hit the target and hit the target.

As for where to hit it specifically, that's up to chance.

It cannot be said that this is not a good thing or necessarily a bad thing. After all, the impact point and result of each shot are different. This is indeed something that people watching the excitement, such as Lao Ma and his comrades, look forward to.

The final impact point of the fourth 800mm concrete-destroying bomb was really surprising. It was aimed at the top of the air defense tower like a 3-pointer, and the huge bombardment poured in diagonally was very exciting.

The powerful and heavy 1-ton concrete destruction bomb fell straight down from the sky, trailing a dark red tracer like a meteor falling from the sky.

The terrifying impact energy under the acceleration of gravity smashed through the top of the air defense tower that could withstand heavy aerial bombs with one blow on the spot. It was without any suspense.

This is not to say that De Lao's design is not good, but that this design of defense is not designed to prevent direct bombardment from a 1-ton, 800-mm diameter concrete-destroying projectile.

The average heavy-duty aerial bomb only weighs 1 ton, and if it is used to death, it weighs 8 tons or 2 tons. This is already a sky-breaking level among conventional aerial bombs.

There are even larger special anti-aircraft bombs, but bombers carrying such huge bombs should not even think about doing evasive maneuvers. You use this thing to blow up the G-type anti-aircraft defense that is already an anti-aircraft fire hedgehog. The tower is almost like seeking death.

In addition, Berlin's three G-type air defense towers are arranged in a triangular position. They can support each other and not fight alone. The regional air defense firepower is so strong that there will be basically no heavy bomber formations seeking death and survival. They dare to leave. This thing is dangling too close. The G-type air defense tower has a high probability of not getting bombs, and even if it does get small bombs, there is really no need to design a special dome defense specifically for those abnormal five-ton upward-facing aerial bombs.

The impact potential of an aerial bomb that is one or two tons, without the support of propellant and is accelerated by gravity alone, is just that. The concrete protective layer designed to withstand this level of attack was smashed through by a 1-ton artillery-launched concrete destructive bomb and could not stop it at all. To be honest, it is normal and the design cannot be blamed. question.

And one blow that penetrated the top of the zoo's air defense tower was just the beginning, not the end.

The shocking impact of the 800mm projectile not only opened a big hole in the Tianling cover of the air defense tower, but also destroyed a twin-mounted 128mm anti-aircraft gun on the top of the tower, and a quadruple-mounted 20mm anti-aircraft gun next to it. A factory reset was performed on the spot, and it was torn into parts and scattered all over the place.

That's not all the power of the giant 800mm projectile. It was just because the two anti-aircraft guns blocked its trajectory and were torn into parts like a skewer of candied haws.

Oh, worth mentioning.

I don’t know if the downward passage inside the tower collapsed or the elevator was broken, so there was really no way to go down, or something else.

When the fourth 800mm projectile hit the top of the tower, Malashenko was surprised to find through his telescope that there were still German air defense troops on the top of the tower who had not evacuated. He was so frightened that he ran around, like stepping into a cockroach nest and watching the disgusting things explode and crawl all over the floor.

What happened next was even more exciting. Malashenko directly witnessed the birth of the "Nacui Flying Man".

Yes, the literal meaning of "Nazui Flying Man".

Because the impact potential of the 800mm projectile is so huge, the aftershock of the physical collision shock wave caused by the moment it penetrated the top of the tower was enough to knock away the unlucky German air defense soldiers who were running back and forth like cockroaches a few meters away. It goes up to the sky, and it is the kind that can be seen in telescopes.

That's the basic situation.

Malashenko watched helplessly as the two German air defense soldiers were sent directly to the sky while they were still alive and conscious. In mid-air, it showed its teeth and claws, danced with joy, fluttered all the way through the high-magnification binoculars, and fell down the tower while shouting.


Although Malashenko was not at the scene and could not hear the specific movement, it is a reasonable guess that the sound at the scene should be like this.

The thing in his hand was these black high-end binoculars, which were customized high-end items seized from a certain German lieutenant general.

Otherwise, the optical sighting equipment made by Zeiss, your German guy, is awesome. It allowed Malashenko to clearly see how the two German air defense soldiers who fell down the tower alive were wailing and dancing around. , and eventually fell to the ground and died tragically in despair, turning into two lumps of fresh tomato sauce.

"Grass, a bit too hellish"


Before Malashenko could finish his words, the air defense tower, which had been torn open on the sky cover, was shaking again, and suddenly there was another volcanic eruption.

The final detonation point of this 800mm artillery shell in the tower should not be far from the breakdown point, because the power of this volcanic eruption is indeed a bit too fierce.

There was a large amount of unknown debris and metal parts. It was really like a volcanic eruption. It was instantly ripped open from the already large hole on the top of the air defense tower and was torn open by the explosion. burst out.

The astonishingly powerful explosive eruption threw all kinds of indescribable things into the air. Dust, smoke, and fire shot straight into the sky. It was simply spectacular.

Malashenko once again clearly saw through the telescope that the remaining German soldiers on the top of the air defense tower who could not escape met the same fate just after the two unlucky companions. It was blown up to the sky by the eruption impact that was more powerful than the breakdown shock wave, and together with all kinds of eruptions, it shot straight into the sky.

Some people are dead, but some people are still alive, and some people are even more alive and kicking in the air, screaming and wailing throughout the sky.

Crack, crack, crack, crack—

Just now, two people were killed by the fall, but this time, a lot of them were killed along with the pile of erupting garbage, and there were more than a dozen lumps of fresh tomato sauce at the bottom of the zoo's air defense tower.

This time, not only Malashenko, but also a soldier on the side who was observing the shelling with an artillery scope couldn't help but complain.

"These idiots died worse than pigs. I really hope the hair-washing guy will end up with the same fate."

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