Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2813 Want to play a game?

"I said"


"It's about to be the sixth shot. Do you want to bet, how many more shots does this thing have to go before it goes down? I'll bet on a bottle of Walter's two packs of cigarettes. I bet it will take two shots. It will be the seventh shot before it goes down. You and me?" Not with?"

"Oh, it's interesting. Well, I'll go with you. Just like you, I'll get a bottle of Watt's and two packs of cigarettes. I bet you'll get three shots, and I'll lose you on the eighth shot."

"What about you? Who wants to play? Buy big, buy small, buy it and leave it. Comrade Senior, do you want to play?"

Unlike ordinary major generals and division commanders of the Red Army, Malashenko is the kind of leader who has no official airs and is both able and willing to get along with the soldiers.

For example, the lower company has a big pot meal, holds a bonfire party with the soldiers, and even performs a show for the soldiers. These are all things Malashenko often does whenever he has free time.

So, our comrade, the division commander, has a very good reputation among the soldiers. Not only can he lead his comrades to victory, but he can also share the joys and sorrows and have fun with the most ordinary soldiers.

Although Malashenko has not participated in this kind of "betting game" that fighters often play now, he has witnessed it many times and knows that it happens.

This kind of thing, it definitely can't be considered gambling. After all, it doesn't involve anything like life and fortune, making big money, etc. It's purely about the soldiers using the daily public supplies for entertainment, even if they really lose the bet. Nothing really.

After all, when you don't have a cigarette to smoke, as long as you are willing to ask the comrades around you to ask for cigarettes, you can almost always get cigarettes. There is no situation where others are smoking while you watch, as long as your character is not so bad that it annoys others.

Invited by the soldiers to join this entertaining "battlefield game", Malashenko happened to catch up with him in a good mood when he had nothing to do. His mind changed, and after thinking for a while, he walked forward with a smile on his face.

"Well, I won't play anymore. You guys have your own fun, and I won't participate."

Before he finished speaking, he looked at the expressions of the soldiers around him, looking somewhat disappointed. A game without the participation of comrade commanders always seemed to be missing something, and it didn't feel quite right.

Malashenko, who was aware of this himself, had not yet finished speaking, and then he continued to speak to the soldiers gathered around the table while digging into his pockets and feeling for things.

"I'll give you some extra rewards, here! Three packs of my cigarettes. That's all I have on me. They're all here. I only have half a pack left for myself to smoke. The rest are all yours."

"Whoever guesses correctly gets to take the item away, that's a bonus."


Malashenko had just slapped his three packs of general-level cigarettes on the table, and heard the sounds of swallowing from the soldiers surrounding the table.

Compared with the general brother guards, the leader's division already has the highest treatment. In other troops, only officers can smoke boxed cigarettes, but here in the leader's division, every soldier has a share.

Distributing loose tobacco to soldiers to roll their own cigarettes and smoke them has been part of the past history of the leadership division since a long time ago.

This is what Malashenko, as the division commander, fought for for his soldiers. Not to mention Malashenko’s backdoor or trustworthy relationship, it was true when Malashenko applied for special treatment. Something to say.

"My troops are so capable of fighting. The corpses of dead German soldiers can be lined up from Leningrad to Moscow's Red Square. We conquer all Nazi militants in the name of our leader. Why can't we enjoy some of the results and combat effectiveness?" The treatment? If anyone is dissatisfied, let’s have a record similar to that of the leader.”

Well, although it has been achieved that everyone has a good cigarette to smoke, how many of the serious soldiers during the war years dared to say that they had enough cigarettes? Especially those veterans who have been through battle for a long time, basically all of them are super smokers who are addicted to smoking.

So there is nothing superfluous to say about cigarettes. We accept everyone who comes, and we take as much as we can. This is the same truth as no one in the world thinks too much money hurts their hands.

However, the "fund-raising game rewards" for the soldiers were initially limited to ordinary cigarettes, and the best of them was just a box of school officer-grade cigarettes given to them by the commander of the Rocket Assault Battalion. This has already made the surrounding soldiers and even the squad leaders and platoon leaders short of breath, and they regard it as the top prize.

So when Malashenko slapped three boxes of general-grade cigarettes on the table, you can imagine how excited the soldiers around him were.

This is Jiangguan cigarette, an absolutely high-end product that most people present have never experienced.

Who allowed only one general to lead the division? Any comrade in the leadership division who was lucky enough to smoke a general's cigarette only got it from Malashenko. For example, Iushkin, who smoked cigarettes with his comrade the train commander every two days.

Looking at the soldiers around him getting more excited, elated and elated, even the commander of the Rocket Assault Battalion, who had not planned to join the game just now and was just watching the soldiers play, now looked eager to try, and seemed to want to go to the "ultimate game". "Grand Prize" launches an attack and tries your luck.

Malashenko, who smiled and turned back to the window sill, glanced at the time on his watch. Based on the average rate of fire of 35 to 40 minutes just now, it should be 10 to 15 minutes before the next shell is fired. Right or left, we have to wait for a while.

"Come on, let's see how long you can last, you bastard."

Malashenko is actually more interested in the matter of "how many more shots are needed to knock down the anti-aircraft towers", and is also more inclined to the possibility of "it should take 2 more shots".

Why, you ask?

It can only be said that the reason is obvious and visible to the naked eye, because the current condition of the zoo's air defense tower is really extremely bad.

I don’t know what part of the tower and what specific gadgets were destroyed by the “volcano eruption” three-point ball blast just now.

The only thing that is certain is that there is a fire inside the zoo's air defense tower. The raging fire is spitting out hot smoke, and the flames are rising and burning, spreading to everything within the range.

The plume of smoke that shot straight into the sky spewed out from the hole on the top of the tower that was blown up and shot straight into the sky. Malashenko, who was holding a telescope to observe the situation at the top of the tower, could even see a large group of flames coming from the top of the tower. A hole emerged from the breakdown hole, which shows how serious the internal fire was.

"Damn it, what the hell was this thing set on fire? The fire is so big, could it be possible that the Germans also built a fuel depot in the tower? I really don't understand."

The severe damage to the physical structure, and now coupled with the crazy burning of the raging fire from the inside out, even Malashenko understands and believes that this G-type air defense tower is really, really hard and damn solid. But under such two-pronged destruction, even the strongest human structures will not be able to last long.

What's more, the shelling hasn't stopped yet, right?

The next shell is about to follow, and in the rising fire like hell, it will once again deal a devastating blow to the severely damaged zoo air defense tower.

It's just that all the comrades present, including Malashenko, did not expect that the next artillery bombardment coming from a more tricky angle would have a destructive effect far beyond everyone's imagination.

I'm sorry, brothers. I have to get up early tomorrow to go to another place, so I have to go to bed early. I'll put the update here for the time being. I'll take the time to make up for everyone's debts in the past two days.

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