Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2814 Open your eyes, soldier!

When the not-so-small stone weighed heavily on the body covered with mottled scars, it had been a long time since the unfortunate guy, who had been covered in bruises, finally woke up and barely regained a trace of consciousness.

"Uh, damn it! I, I, this is"

He wanted to raise his arms and try to move, but found that doing so was in vain, and he became even more unable to move.

The cause of this problem is obvious. The stone pressing on the chest not only makes the entire lungs feel breathless and the heart seems to be tightly grasped, but also makes the body subconsciously cover the chest to protect it the moment it is hit. His right hand couldn't move either.

"Is there anyone? Is anyone alive? Hey! Hey!!!"

The increasingly clear consciousness has been able to organize clearer language, blurting it out without thinking and subconsciously, using the last strength to seek help from the surrounding environment where even personal hair can't be seen.

But it was the unlucky guy who called for help after the cry for help, and then realized it with the subconscious movement of his head.

The surrounding environment that should have been so familiar that it could no longer be familiar has long been changed beyond recognition because of the terrible apocalyptic judgment that descended above us.

The place where the dome should have been directly above the head is now completely open, like a window paper that has been smashed by a fist and a big hole has been punched out. x ̸͍̘̳͂͊̂̊̀͊̕͘.̷̹̦̆̆c̶͙͈͚̽̄̈̎̒͜ó̶̧̧̝̳̠͇͕̺̲̹̔̈́ ́՝͝m̷̗͓̽̂̌̋̌̌

The steel bars that were forcibly broken by the strong external force hung so abruptly in the broken cement blocks. Even the broken steel bars themselves were connected to large or small concrete slag blocks and hung in mid-air. Just rushing towards the shaky formation, I don't know when it will suddenly fall because it can't support it.

What shone in from the huge hole above his head was not the sunlight from the outside, but the burning flames that erupted from the inside out, almost completely covering the entrance of the hole. Only the scorching firelight mixed with rays of sunlight shone down, which stung the local people's eyes and made it almost impossible to look straight.

The flaming mouth is like the gate of hell, and even now it is still spitting something down.

The unlucky man who was pinned under the rocks and unable to move took a closer look and discovered that they were broken concrete fragments and slag from the top of the air defense tower, as well as some metal fragments of unknown origin, which were burning fiercely. Enchanted by the attached flame, it falls straight down.

In a tower that was in a mess and was blown to pieces, such a scene in a confined space was like a rain of fire above the head. Even if it touched just a little, it would instantly make the upper body irritated.

"What the hell! I I gotta get out of here uhhhhh-"

The left hand that could still move, and was the only one that could move, was raised with all its strength, and pressed against the heavy concrete block pressing on the chest. Amid hysterical growls, he used all his strength to push it away and was able to escape.

But not all efforts and efforts in this world can yield results, but if you don’t even dare to make efforts and efforts, there will be no possibility of success.

Unfortunately, the unlucky guy who was pinned down by the concrete block belonged to the former. His efforts did not reap the rewards he wanted. With his bruises all over his body and the use of only one arm, it was really difficult for him to perform miracles and put the pressure on him. This thing on my chest was pushed away.

The sky is not responding to the call, and the earth and the earth are not working.

Whether he called for help or tried to escape on his own, the unlucky man who was pinned down by a large piece of collapsed concrete tried every possible method, but there was no way to save his life.

His consciousness was gradually blurring, and there seemed to be a stream of heat flowing slowly outward from his chest.

The unlucky guy, who seemed to be able to feel the life flowing out of his body, gave up.

In what should be the last moment of his life, he no longer chooses to call for help, shouts, calls for help, or tries to escape on his own, which he considers to be futile. Instead, with his only mobile left arm, he reached into his trouser pocket and took out the cigarette case and lighter that were put together.

"Hey, I can't decide when I'm going to die, but it's nice to be able to decide when I'm going to smoke my last cigarette."

It is really difficult to put the cigarettes in the cigarette box into your mouth with only one arm.

He licked his lips that were chapped due to lack of water and heat. After trying several times, he finally took out a cigarette from the cigarette case in his left hand and stuck it in his mouth.

With his left hand, he casually put down the cigarette case that he would never use again in his life, pressed the pulley of the lighter held in his palm, rubbed the flint and ignited the fire.



"Uh, it's finally over. I've had enough. Finally, finally."

Thick and slow smoke rose from the half-open mouth and was slowly spit out.

There are many people who hate this war, not only those who are on the front line and have suffered from the war, but also the young adjutants who have been staying in a relatively safe environment in the rear.

Why do you hate this war, you ask?

To be honest, the young adjutant himself didn't know.

However, it must be related to the fact that among his classmates who graduated at the same time, he is the only one who is still alive and alone among the people he can still contact.

Accustomed to seeing families broken up and people in tears, the young adjutant thought about why and for what this happened many times and couldn't find the answer. In the end, he simply didn't want to think about it, didn't want to think about it, or avoided thinking.

There will be no result anyway, and even if there is a result with just my own strength, I can't do anything, just like I can't push away the concrete block pressing on my chest and about to take away my life.

It's ironic to say that the young adjutant once thought that if someone could stand up and lead him to find a way to change the tragedy, that would be fine. It might be a kind of salvation for him.

But no one came to save my life in the past, and there is still no one to save my life now.

"Fuck the world, fuck the war, it's all fucking bullshit, all of it"

He muttered words that had no constructive meaning but could vent the truest emotions in his heart. He flicked off the last bit of ash from the cigarette end and put down the butt of the cigarette that was almost burning on his fingers.

It’s hard to say that I’m unwilling, nor that I’m satisfied. In short, it will probably end in such a confusing way that I can’t understand, and it will bring an end to my short life, just like many people around me, in this era, and around the world. Like many young people of the same age.

"Maybe Gotze is right. This is the life of our generation. We can't escape it and it is destined to be like this. In the end we can only accept it."

I recalled a familiar face that had been buried in the ground for a long time. I felt that the face in my mind suddenly came to life. It was smiling warmly to me and extending its hand, just like it did in the school days. One sunny afternoon, he invited himself to play football, and the young adjutant finally slowly closed his eyes.

"You're not dead yet, boy! Cheer up and open your eyes, soldier!"

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