Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2816 The sky collapses and the earth collapses

When the 1-ton 800mm projectile roared down again, the final judgment was destined to end at this moment.

boom! ! !

Boom! ! !


"Damn it! What's this movement? What did we hit?"

If the power of the cannonball and the noise caused by the shell just now were comparable to a volcanic eruption, then the scene after the sixth shell hit and fell at this moment can be called the earth shattering.

The G-type air defense tower, which was already battered and crumbling, was hit by the sixth 800mm concrete-destroying bomb with a slightly deviated landing point, which penetrated the outer wall near the root of the tower and close to the ground with unstoppable force.

An earth-shattering explosion followed in just a few seconds, and the sky-shaking rage tore through the surface of the zoo, instantly rushing out from beneath the surface like lava.

However, even such a terrifying scene is just the beginning at best. The truly terrifying and explosive momentum has only officially begun now.

The ground collapse and flames tumbling outside the air defense tower are already so terrifying. It is basically conceivable what the scene inside the air defense tower located directly above the center of the explosion will be like at this moment.

The rolling wave of flames is very much like the flame dragon that just rushed out of purgatory. However, this dragon has no material form. It is just a pure energy that crazily destroys anything it comes into contact with, even if it is Steel and concrete are no exception.

The steel was directly blown apart and twisted into hot steel twists.

The originally solid concrete was blown apart by this astonishing explosion with unknown power, just like a firecracker being exploded. It was blown to pieces in the astonishing torrent of energy release, with fragments flying everywhere.

After destroying everything that could be destroyed within a short range, the energy contained in it was still surging wildly, and the wave of flames was still unstoppable. It continued upward and was enveloped by the inner wall of the air defense tower that had not yet been destroyed. Concentrate the most powerful energy torrent on the top of the tower, aim at the large burning hole on the top of the tower, and rush straight away.


Basically, it can be said that what is happening when a real volcano erupts, then what is happening in the current scene is literally the same.

The huge gap was already wide enough to accommodate the entry and exit of tanks, but under the impact of the powerful energy torrent, it spread to an incredible extent.

The concrete along all the edges of the entire circumference of the punched hole was directly pushed away, like the ejecta all over the sky during a violent eruption of a volcano, it was instantly thrown all over the sky and flying in all directions.

Some of the debris that was mixed in the torrent of energy, including but not limited to steel fragments and human tissue remains, were also launched into the sky along with the concrete fragments on the top of the tower. After being ejected to an incredible height, it began to slowly fall due to the exhaustion of kinetic energy and the force of gravity.

That G-type air defense tower is breathing fire! The entire zoo air defense tower has now turned into an active volcano with an active eruption!

Just drive a fucking heavy tank towards this formation, let alone people approaching it. Anyone who dares to get close to the nozzle where the energy torrent gathers will be instantly crushed to pieces without leaving any trace of struggle.

Malashenko was so horrified by this scene that he didn't even have time to think about what happened. He just held the captured black high-end binoculars tightly with both hands and stared intently. What happened next was even more shocking. We, Comrade Ma, have experienced what a fucking thunderbolt is all about.

"Damn it! Sokka!!! That tower is cracking!"

Just as the screams around him said, Malashenko, who firmly held the telescope in his hand and kept his gaze fixed, could indeed see it.

The seemingly indestructible outer wall of the air defense tower has been subjected to who knows what terrible internal impact. Huge cracks visible to the naked eye have actually appeared on the surface of the tower wall! And it is still spreading violently!

"This tower is finished"

Malashenko muttered in his heart, "The words have not yet been spoken." He saw that the air defense tower, which had been damaged by internal pressure to the edge of collapse, was finally destroyed under the impact of the last straw that broke the camel's back.


Another horrifying explosion sounded from the ground under the air defense tower, and the crack in the ground of the zoo, which had been torn apart, once again sprayed out violent flames that were even more intense than the previous wave just like before.

Only this time, the G-type air defense tower, which had been shattered by shelling and chain explosions, finally could no longer withstand this fatal blow and ushered in final destruction.

While the entire air defense tower was still erupting, it seemed as if it had been forced open from the inside by some unstoppable force. It instantly split into two halves from the center of the tower, and within just a few seconds, suffered more severe damage.

The tower body collapsed and debris flew everywhere. The power of the large pieces of concrete debris that hit at high speed was even comparable to that of a cannonball. It accelerated from a high altitude and dived straight down, smashing an unlucky barrel truck parked at the bottom of the tower into pieces.

If you had not seen it with your own eyes, it would be difficult to imagine what a magnificent military architectural creation like the G-type air defense tower would look like when the moment of its collapse and destruction came.

The earth trembled, the air vibrated.

Countless concrete debris collapsed together with various miscellaneous metal fragments. On top of the original foundation of the G-type air defense tower, an aggregate of building ruins that resembled a giant mountain of garbage was instantly formed.

There is no sign that life exists here or at least existed here. There is only the smell of dust and destruction floating in the air. There are still large groups of flaming embers on the rubbish mountain formed by countless debris. combustion.

Malashenko is not Sun Houhou, Comrade Comrade Political Commissar is not Tang Sanzang, and as the leader of a group of heroes, he has never been to the West to learn from the scriptures.

But Malashenko always felt that if there really was a Flame Mountain in the world that even monkeys wouldn't dare to break into, then it would probably be right here.

He took one last look at the endless ruined mountain burning with hellish flames, and saw that the surrounding area had been swept into a dust storm-like dust that had not yet settled. But Malashenko, who knew that everything was over, had already put down the telescope in his hand, and was slowly speaking with a considerable degree of emotion and even stronger shock.

"Six rounds. It seems that only six concrete-destroying bombs are needed to completely destroy a G-type air defense tower."

"But the premise is that the key points must be hit. For example, right below the bottom of the tower is a reserve ammunition depot that is used to maintain the high-intensity battle of the entire tower. There may also be some other things inside."

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