Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2817 Welcome to Flame Mountain

There is nothing wrong with locating extremely fragile and vital reserve ammunition depots underground. It is the right thing to do.

The tall and sturdy G-type air defense tower is enough to protect the ammunition depot directly below. Theoretically, as long as the air defense tower itself is not penetrated, any aerial bomb that attempts to penetrate it will not even think of damaging the ammunition depot.

It is also because it is located underground and protected by a solid and thick concrete wall. Not only can it be completely immune to the attack of the initiation, but it is basically a wishful thinking to bombard the ammunition depot by penetrating the surface at an oblique angle.

However, this is only compared to conventional weapons. The problem is that the "Red Stalingrad" is not a conventional weapon at all.

The incredibly destructive 800mm concrete-destroying bomb was fired diagonally from the root of the air defense tower under the huge acceleration of gravity.

The seemingly indestructible outer wall of the air defense tower had only a limited weakening effect on the meteor-like strike, but had no blocking effect at all.

After penetrating the outer wall of the air defense tower without any suspense, the projectile, which has not yet exhausted its kinetic energy and whose delay fuse has not yet been triggered, continues to advance along the established ballistic route.

The seemingly thick concrete covering directly above the bottom ammunition depot appears so pale and fragile in the face of a kinetic energy impact that is enough to penetrate the outer wall of the air defense tower.

When the concrete covering is ruthlessly penetrated, and the ammunition depot continues down the ammunition shaft, there is no longer any effective defense to rely on.

The most vulnerable core node was completely opened in front of the violently bombarding projectiles, and all the results were determined at this moment.

When the delay fuze successfully triggers the warhead charge of the projectile and causes an explosion, the ammunition depot is not to say full, but at least there is a huge amount of 128mm shells with sufficient margin, as well as various 37mm, 20mm and other types of shells. The shells were also hit and exploded.

It is also worth mentioning that Comrade Lao Ma guessed one thing correctly, a very important thing.

There are indeed some other things besides ammunition stored in the ammunition reserve at the bottom of the air defense tower.

The G-type air defense tower is the ultimate creation with the largest volume, the strongest combat power, the most complete comprehensive facilities, and all kinds of emergency equipment among all types of air defense towers. It has the ability to be self-contained and operate independently in extremely harsh battlefield environments. of.

This not only requires the G-type air defense tower to have complete supporting facilities and emergency equipment, but also requires sufficient reserve materials, including various ammunition, food, drinking water, medical supplies, etc.

It is even more necessary for the G-type air defense tower, a "super power consumer", to have a considerable degree of self-sustaining power supply capability. Even if the power supply system in Berlin is cut off and destroyed, it can still continue to fight until the power supply is restored, so that the entire tower will not completely stop when the power is cut off.

After all, you can't expect the Germans to "generate electricity with love" in the event of a power outage to drive the hoists, lifts, elevators, lighting, and communications in the tower, as well as the numerous anti-aircraft gun groups and giant searchlights on the top of the tower. ,Right?

Therefore, when the external power supply is completely interrupted, it is necessary for the air defense tower to have self-sustaining power supply that is sufficient for its own use and can be maintained for a period of time.

Otherwise, the enemy can solve the problem by first destroying the external power system and paralyzing the air defense tower, and then using heavy bombers to carry super-heavy aerial bombs and clear them at targeted locations.

Although the Germans do come up with some crazy designs that make people confused.

But at any rate, they are considered a camp that has been in battle for a long time and has rich practical experience. It still has the logic of military doctrine and basic design thinking capabilities. It is impossible for an ultimate creation that was built with such painstaking efforts to be destroyed in the end because there is no electricity and it becomes a pure and defenseless target.

The final result of this is that De Lao has set up a backup generator set for each zone of the G-type air defense tower that can operate independently and even call power across zones.

Even if there is a power outage throughout Berlin, the G-type anti-aircraft tower will not lose power, at least not for the time being.

When things get really bad, the G-type air defense tower can even temporarily divert the power from the lower floors to the top floors for combat use. After the battle is over, the power supply will be transferred to the lighting and medical facilities on the middle floor to ensure the power consumption for basic life and medical treatment.

It sounds lofty, and it is simply the ultimate fortress for doomsday survivalists in this era, and the most ideal paradise refuge.

But the problem is that the generator does not generate electricity from the void. If you want the generator sets in various areas of the tower to operate normally, you must reserve fuel specifically for these generators in advance.

The risk factor of fuel can only be said to be even worse than that of ammunition. After all, the artillery shell has a fuse. If the fuse is removed, it is not so easy to explode. But there is no oil. A potent thing that explodes immediately. Let alone World War II, this is true even in the high-tech era of the 21st century.

Therefore, the safety level of fuel reserves must not be low. If necessary, it should even be higher than the safety level of ammunition reserves. If not higher, it must be at least the same level.

So where is the safest place in an air defense tower with relatively limited space?

There is no need to search or think too much, there is only one safest place - the underground storage directly below the bottom of the air defense tower.

So this can also be said to be a relatively helpless move. Storing ammunition and fuel together is the "only way".

Otherwise, what are you going to do? Should the oil depot be placed in the open on the top of the air defense tower to avoid occupying internal space? Is your brain okay?

The benefit is real, that is, the safety factor of the oil depot has reached the highest level of the G-type air defense tower, an independent combat unit, and cannot be higher.

But the result is also real, which is the live broadcast of the "Ruins of the Flame Mountain" that Malashenko saw before his eyes.

Your German guy was forced to store ammunition and fuel together, which directly led to the horrifying scene of the Berlin Zoo cracking open and spitting out fire. It was also the direct cause of the void fire dragon in the air defense tower soaring into the sky. It is the explosion of the ammunition depot that cannot cause such a large-scale "active volcanic eruption".

It was also because of the large amount of insufficiently burned fuel that was splashed on the surface and continued to burn under the action of open fires, which finally led to the complete formation of the "Flame Mountain of Ruin" and became a "spectacular thing" that had never appeared in the city of Berlin in the original history. Wonderful sight".

"What's next? The goal has been met."

The commander of the Rocket Assault Battalion, who did not know the complete combat plan, asked questions out of curiosity, and Malashenko who answered him only had a mysterious expression on his face with an indifferent smile.

"Of course, let all the Nazis in the city know what earth-shattering things we have just done."

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