Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2818 The end of fanaticism is perseverance until death

This is the end of the first phase of the plan.

Yes, that's right, even if it's the end, it's only the first stage.

In Malashenko's report plan that has been reviewed and finalized by Zhukov, this is only the first step. At best, it only serves as a link between the past and the next, nothing more.

If it is to be truly effective, it depends on what is to be done next, something that both Malashenko and Zhukov are well prepared for, and are also looking forward to what the effect will be.

At the same time that Malashenko left the forward observation post and began to return directly to the division headquarters.

Zhukov, who was observing the shelling operation from a distance of more than 30 kilometers outside Berlin, immediately took action to prepare for the implementation of the next plan after receiving the news that "the target had been destroyed."

"Will this work? Comrade Marshal, I always feel that those nazis really care about what we think they might care about? You know it is not just one thing, but many things, and everyone is different "

The chief of staff did find it a bit difficult to accurately describe and express what he wanted to express, and his words were a little convoluted, which made him sound a bit obscure.

But that's okay.

Because Zhukov, who was in the same scene, could completely empathize with this.

Even if the chief of staff didn't speak so clearly, it didn't matter. Zhukov, who knew what was going on after thinking about it, actually cared about the same thing. The only difference was that Zhukov was not so worried.

"Have you been reading a newspaper lately? A Kraut newspaper, or listening to their radio station."

It must be said that "listening to enemy stations" and "privately hiding enemy reports" are taboos in the military, and fools who do this kind of bad work will most likely get themselves involved. Neither stupid nor bad is an accurate description of this kind of incident in most cases, and it's not a good thing anyway.

But people at Zhukov's level are different.

When an officer reaches the level of Zhukov, "listening to enemy stations" and "privately hiding enemy reports" can be regarded as an important way to understand the enemy's current situation and effective information about the enemy through open source channels.

After all, "Know yourself and the enemy and you will be victorious in any battle." It is really not a big deal for a battle commander to understand the enemy's information through the enemy's open source channels. Zhukov himself also does it on a daily basis, so he is only in the car on the way back to the front army headquarters. would ask.

"Of course, I have been paying attention recently, Comrade Marshal. But with all due respect, if you only learn about the enemy's current situation through their propaganda channels and don't look at the actual situation on the battlefield, there is a high probability that you will have the illusion that we are being We were locked up in Berlin and beaten violently. When they beat us enough and are satisfied, they might let us go or capture us."


Even though Zhukov had been in a high position all year round and had great influence in the city, he still couldn't hold back and laughed out loud in front of the Chief of Staff's cold words: "It's a joke, but it's not a joke either."

I say this is a joke because from the perspective of objective reality, it is indeed a joke. The progress of the ongoing war is enough to illustrate the problem.

I say this is not a joke, that’s because if you look at what the German guy is talking about in the latest newspaper or on the radio loudspeaker, you will really feel that he is still serious and talking nonsense at this level. Badao's appearance is really "admirable".

What about "a great victory for our army", "the main road in Berlin is unobstructed", "the enemy's army was defeated", "the most powerful leader's division of the Russians has been pinned and annihilated under the city of Berlin", etc.

It must be said that those die-hard Nazis were able to overcome all difficulties and put up timely newspapers and ensure that radio broadcasts could continue to work when the city of Berlin was mostly paralyzed, with water, electricity, and nothing else. In this matter, it is really awesome to a certain extent.

Comrade Chief of Staff is indeed not joking. If you are someone who does not understand the war situation and is not on the front line of the battlefield, if you just read the newspapers published in Berlin and listen to the radio content broadcast in recent days, you will probably think that the millions of Russian troops are about to be imprisoned. He was beaten to death in the city of Berlin.

Zhukov and other "Stalin's minions" were already in extreme anxiety and panic, planning to surrender to the German army in order to save their own lives.

And Malashenko, "Zhukov's number one war dog" and "Stalin's guard captain", had also been defeated and fled. Like a bereaved dog, he was dressed in rags with his last few companions, and was in Berlin all day long to avoid the search of the German army. , or he will be brought to justice soon, and his head will be chopped off and hung on a telephone pole to serve as a warning to others.

Don’t say anything like “I don’t understand, but I was shocked”, because this is what is actually happening in Berlin right now. This is the serious Nazi base camp battle report and the Germans. Official announcement.

Killed millions of enemies and occupied Berlin.

This is probably what your Nazi leaders want to create right now, and indeed they have successfully created it to a certain extent. It is a mirage for fanatical Nazi believers and those who have not completely lost confidence in these twisted evil spirits. Something for fools to watch.

Don't say that spam information has no value. As long as some people believe it and some people like to read it, then this information has its value even if it is a piece of Ollie. What's more, the value of Nazi's "Battle Report on Base Camp" is not low. It can deceive a large number of idiots who have shit in their heads and go through fire and water without giving up. Until their death, they firmly believe that "the Russians imprisoned in Berlin This is a death struggle."

Zhukov once thought that all kinds of performance art by Qin Na were too nonsense. How could any fucking normal person believe this Ollie thing?

However, the facts gave Zhukov a solid slap in the face. Na's propaganda and campaigning ability has indeed reached a level that is incredible and incredible.

"The end is coming for you Russians! Haha! Kneel down and beg for forgiveness from Germany!"

"Soon, very soon! The wrath of the Führer will fall from the sky and burn you fleas who dare to run wild in Berlin to ashes! The descendants of you untouchables will always live in fear. You are born to be inferior to pigs and dogs. You thing, now you can still do the job of feeding the pig pen, haha!”

Stupid? Silly?

Does it sound the same as when the wall of the mental hospital collapsed and the second half took the opportunity to run out and yell?

But this was the excited laughter that Zhukov heard with his own ears from an SS captain on the other side of the barbed wire fence when he went down to inspect the prisoner of war camp.

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