Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2819 The Conqueror of Divine Objects

The answer is obvious. ‘6’ ‘9’ ‘s’ ‘h’ ‘u’ ‘x’ ‘.’ ‘c’ ‘o’ ‘m’

If the Nazi propaganda machine is allowed to continue roaring like this, then even if the Red Army finally takes Berlin, it will have to fight until the Nazis' hearts stop beating, and with this group of fanatics who remain loyal until death. Fight to the end.

We have survived too many difficulties and obstacles, and the battle has been fought to this point. We were about to welcome the final victory, but we fell at the last moment on the eve of dawn.

Not to mention that Malashenko felt that such a result would be unacceptable to too many Red Army commanders, fighters, and political workers. Even those who hold high positions are good at fighting in the "double-high" way of high battle losses and high results. Zhukov felt that. Now that we have come to this point, if possible, such a tragic ending on the eve of dawn cannot be said to be a good one.

In this matter, Zhukov thought carefully and felt that Malashenko's words were right.

"No matter how magnificent a grand narrative is, it is all based on countless individuals. If this grand narrative cannot focus on individuals after all, then why are we rushing towards this grand narrative regardless of our own safety?"

The Nazi propaganda machine cannot continue to be so careless. This is the consensus reached by Malashenko and Zhukov.

How to stop the Nazi propaganda machine from being so careless was for Malashenko to personally draft a plan approved by Zhukov.

"Look at this, then think about the broadcasts you have heard in recent days, and combine them to express your views. 6̾̾"

Facing the newspaper handed to him by Zhukov who was sitting next to him in the back seat of the car, the chief of staff stretched out his hand to take it and took a closer look. All he could see with the naked eye was a single line of bold German characters in black on a white background.

"Continue fighting! Grit your teeth and fight like a devil! The power of the Führer is radiating to each of us through the three German towers! 》

"Have you read it? It's just the title."


The chief of staff responded to Zhukov's question in the most concise way, followed closely by Zhukov's words that continued to speak slowly.

"Turn it over and look at the back."


Zhukov's words were straightforward and calm, and the chief of staff who obeyed immediately turned the newspaper to the back without saying a word. What came into view was the similar but different fonts as before.

"Berlin is Unbreakable!" The three Führer Towers once again repelled British bombers and bombarded Stalin's minions. Long live Germany! 》


"This is almost the same as the Suka garbage news on the radio, or it is completely the same. It still has the same smell and tone, which is unbelievable and disgusting."

The chief of staff's answer was as expected. In fact, the vast majority of senior Red Army commanders reacted and commented in this way on the content of the German propaganda in recent days.

This is exactly why Zhukov said what he said next.

"Since Nazu created gods for those three towers and gave them political significance above military significance, then we might as well follow their plans and follow their wishes."

"Let all Germans in Berlin know that their sacred objects are not as indestructible as the Nazis said. As long as the Red Army deems it necessary and necessary, it can pull out these nails one by one like nails. The towers were pried off one by one."

"We have one and only one thing to do: let all Germans in Berlin know that the Nazi propaganda machine is lying, and let the Nazi lies be destroyed by the Red Army in broad daylight, with irrefutable truth Let all Berliners see with their own eyes that the extremely high political significance attached to the Nazis can and will be completely destroyed by the Red Army like the tower."

Zhukov's words were sonorous, powerful and unswerving, and the power conveyed through his words was enough to inspire people. Even the chief of staff, who had been with Zhukov day and night for a long time, couldn't help but praise him.

"If this is successful, the words you just summarized will definitely go down in history, Comrade Marshal. This is something we have never tried before, and this is a great pioneer."

Comrade Chief of Staff knew that his words were sincere and sincerely praised, but he did not know that Zhukov's next answer was completely unexpected.

"No, that's not what I concluded."

"Ah? This and that"

"It was Malashenko who said it. He told me first, and then I will relay it to you now."


Comrade Chief of Staff was deeply surprised and before he could say his next words, Zhukov's next words had already blurted out.

"If we don't occupy the high ground of public opinion, the enemy will also occupy it, so since it can be used by me, it must not be left to the enemy. Intangible information is often a more useful invisible weapon than tanks, airplanes, and cannons. If it is forced If you want to find a specific description, then I think its power is at least 50 divisions, just a lot more."

"Then this sentence is"

The chief of staff, who could no longer be as firm as before, tentatively spoke, and the answer he was left with was still Zhukov's firm words.

"It's the same, it's what Malashenko said. I have been taught, so I will repeat it to you. What about you?"


Perhaps Comrade Chief of Staff still needs some time to think before he can give a definite answer.

But obviously, Zhukov, who had quietly turned his head and looked out the car window at the scene of war ruins in the suburbs of Berlin, had thought of other things in his mind.

"Sometimes I also think that he is an orphan who has no parents and has grown up relying on charity to survive. Before he joined the army and entered the military academy, the only close friend he had had was the one he had with him. He is also an orphan, a descendant of a white bandit noble."

"But it was such an environment that created a person like me who has never seen another person of the same kind. A young man whose cognition, vision, and opinions are completely incompatible with his age."

"I took out his resume from the beginning of written records over and over again from his desk, flipped through it, read it again, probably no less than a hundred times so far. But I just can't find anything in it that is consistent with There is a causal connection to why he is so extraordinary now.”

“Environment shapes people, I thought this was true until I met Malashenko.”

"It may not be appropriate, but other than "truth subverter", I can't think of any more accurate adjective. He is like a wordless blank paper that you can look at but never see through. , and this is still the case even now.”

The enlightened Comrade Chief of Staff stopped thinking about the issues for which accurate results could not be obtained for the time being, and turned the topic to Zhukov to speak again.

"Then will you pursue the truth about Malashenko?"

Zhukov, who was holding his chin with his right hand and looking out the car window, turned around after hearing the words. His expression before he could speak directly seemed to be thinking about something, and there was a moment of hesitation, but he finally gave a smile after a moment. past answer.

"Comrade Stalin once told me that it is not necessary to make everything so clear. Some things may be better to maintain the status quo. I personally feel that this is just like Comrade Malashenko's loyalty and bravery are unquestionable."

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