Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2834 Two enemies, a pair of bastards

"Guard Guards and Skeletons? Okay, flies and mosquitoes come together~ But it's okay, just slap them both to death without having to fight twice, which is exactly what I want.

There are not many German troops who have fought against the Leader's Division and managed to escape alive. After 1943, most of them were German soldiers who fought head-on with the Leader's Division. Either the whole organization was reimbursed and went to see the Kaiser, or most of them were reimbursed and a small number of people were left to build socialism in Siberia.

But there are exceptions to everything. Just like a field group as strong as the Leader's Division, it cannot swallow the German sticks whole and wipe out the entire organization every time. Although the German army can escape from Malashenko alive, Few but not none.

For example, the Standard Guard and the Skeletons.

The last time he fought against the Guards Division, Malashenko thought about it and it should have been in the Prokhorovka area on the southern line of Kursk.

In that battle, the three elite armored divisions of the SS Reich, Totenkopf, and Guardsmen came out and beat Malashenko's headquarters, which was still a brigade-level organization at that time, to a miserable state.

Three divisions surround a brigade, you really think highly of us.

Malashenko's troops, who fought hard to the end and refused to retreat, were almost wiped out. Even the brigade commander, Malashenko himself, was shot in the abdomen and fell to the ground.

Thanks to Vatugin, he really regarded Lao Ma as a brother. As a responsible leader, he did not abandon his subordinates.

At the end of the day, the reinforcements arrived at the critical moment and in a very timely manner, and finally Malashenko, who had been shot, was brought back from the brink of death. After many twists and turns of rescue and being sent to Moscow for recuperation, Malashenko finally saved his life, but the price was a bullet hole in his stomach and a scar that will never be erased.

Malashenko has not forgotten this account.

Although the Guards Banner Division was the unit that participated in the battle to encircle and suppress Malashenko's headquarters, it was hit hardest by Malashenko's headquarters and suffered the greatest casualties and equipment losses.

It is true that the Guards Division, which worked together with two other SS divisions, almost wiped out Malashenko, but it also suffered heavy losses of its own. After retreating from Prokhorovka, it also completely withdrew from the Battle of Kursk. He never participated again and took a full three months of rest before returning to the Eastern Front.

However, Malashenko doesn’t care about the size of the loss of your Guard Flag Division. Malashenko only remembers that he almost killed himself. It would be unkind not to avenge this!

Oh, right!

Speaking of this, the stupid Skeleton Division was also one of the miscellaneous troops participating in the "three against one" at that time.

If we really want to say that Malashenko almost gave up his life in Prokhorovka, the Skeleton Division also had a share. Now revenge must be taken and he must settle accounts with this gang of bastards.

The only slight difference is that after the Battle of Prokhorovka, Malashenko's division, which was reborn as the leader division, actually had a fight with the Skeleton Division.

If Malashenko remembers correctly, the most recent one should be the train robbery.

Yes, it was the time when the Soviet treasure, the Amber Room, was taken back from the Nazis.

Otherwise, it is said that we are enemies on a narrow road. The Skeleton Division's gang of bastards were resting by the train station, preparing to receive the delivery equipment and personnel supplies transported from the railway line.

As a result, the equipment and supplies did not arrive, but the murderous leader did.

At that time, Malashenko's troops were no longer comparable to the strength they had during the Prokhorovka tank battle.

Wu Yangyang, the leader of the division with nearly 300 tanks, rushed over. The formation was full of power and the dust was flying like a sandstorm. It was enough to frighten the Skeleton Division, which had been fighting for many days and had already suffered a lot of losses. .

The commander of the Skeleton Division is also a shrewd man. He is really different from the dizzy, fanatical and rigid SS leaders. At least he is a bastard who cherishes his life very much.

If you know you can't defeat the leader, then you might as well die as a fellow Taoist rather than as a poor Taoist.

Without even giving a notice, he just greased his feet and took the troops and ran away, treating the National Defense Forces garrison originally stationed at the train station as a scapegoat and fled on the spot.

The highly mechanized Skeleton Division ran very fast, but Malashenko had other priorities at the time. The main goal was to hijack the train rather than to keep the Skeleton Division as a bunch of bastards.

As a result, the opportunity for revenge was naturally lost, but at the same time, a batch of pretty good "compensatory gifts" were obtained.

It is the "Panther 2" medium tank battalion that has been used intensively so far and exists as an independent tank battalion under the leadership division structure.

Malashenko still remembers the scene when he first seized these treasures. They were brand new cars, and even the muzzle brakes were new without smoke stains. This batch of equipment that was supposed to be used to replenish the battle damage of the Skeleton Division has now become the treasure of Malashenko's men. It is also the only unit under the leader's division structure that uses German weapons so far.

There is no other reason. Black Panther 2 is indeed good and really good.

Although the "medium tank" defined by the Germans is already in the same tonnage level as the "heavy tank" of our Red Army.

But there is a saying that goes well, no matter medium or heavy-duty, as long as it is a good car.

The Black Panther 2 is undoubtedly very consistent with this characteristic. It inherits all the advantages of the previous Black Panther 1 and maximizes the shortcomings of insufficient armor protection.

Even the "moving to tears" reversing speed has been enhanced by the replacement of a new multi-speed gearbox. At least it can now reverse at double-digit kilometers per hour, which is a major breakthrough compared to the single-digit speed of the previous generation.

He was specially poached by Malashenko. In the existing history, he was the "Slavic superman" who drove T3485, defeated three King Tigers and retired with great success - Comrade Oskin. After being promoted to major and battalion commander by Malashenko, the evaluation of these German elite tanks was also quite good, and overall it was one level higher than the evaluation of the T3485.

Now in the Z area, the last defensive zone in the center of Berlin, he could confront these two old enemies who had slipped away from him before and failed to be crushed by a straight ball.

Malashenko felt that his luck was very good, and he understood that this opportunity must not be let go. The boundary of Zone Z in the center of Berlin is the grave of these two Nazi bastard divisions. Otherwise, there will be no second outcome.

But first, Malashenko must solve the thorny problem in front of him - seizing the Moltke Bridge, and then he can put his plan to destroy these two groups of bastards into practice.

As for how to seize this broken bridge that looks too hot to eat, Malashenko feels that some of the successful tactics that have been used before may not be used a second time now.

After all, the German soldiers who had witnessed such tactics were now either mailed or sent to Siberia to participate in labor reform. Therefore, it stands to reason that the group of SS bastards opposite could not have guessed what Malashenko wanted to do in advance.

It happened that Malashenko had people and equipment on hand, and the environment in which he could perform seemed to be better than before. This inevitably made Malashenko, who felt that the plan was highly feasible, start to "have wild dreams."

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