Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2835 I knew you wanted his name

"What's your plan? Comrade Commander.

All the comrades present stood in a full circle around the table, eagerly waiting for their comrade, the division commander, to speak.

After hearing the questions from Comrade Political Commissar, Malashenko, who had been thinking deeply with his chin in his hand, was able to immediately switch his thinking back to the present moment.

"Yes, but it is just an idea at the moment. When it comes to the specific implementation, we have to see how it can be achieved. The prerequisite is that the last block in front of us on the north bank of the Spree River must be captured quickly and neatly. Please don’t let the troops of the 9th Parachute Division stationed on the north bank of the bridge withdraw to the south bank to report the news.”

"If the enemy gets the news that the north bank of the bridge has been completely lost, then they will definitely blow up the bridge without hesitation. To cover our enemies with battlefield fog, at least they cannot be sure that the north bank of the bridge has been completely lost, and the key to achieving this is It is to prevent the enemy on the north bank of the bridge from retreating across the river."

After hearing this, the political commissar and the chief of staff looked at each other, and then the chief of staff, who had never closed the folder in his hand, pointed to the map and explained.

"According to existing intelligence, the enemy's 9th Parachute Division stationed on the north bank of the bridge are all light infantry without heavy weapons. This is probably the reason why the enemies on the south bank of the bridge dare to completely block the Moltke Bridge. Because they stand on their side From a perspective, there will be no heavy equipment of our own that needs to cross the river, at most only lightly armed personnel.”

"The good news is that the enemy has also made special preparations for this. There are two simple pontoons set up by German engineers on the river. Although it cannot accommodate heavy equipment, light vehicles such as trucks and jeeps of a few tons as well as personnel can pass. Yes, it can transport personnel and supplies or evacuate the wounded.”

"Aerial reconnaissance photos show that the two pontoon bridges are still there and have not been demolished or damaged so far. It is expected that this will be the retreat channel for the enemy on the north bank of the bridge in the worst case scenario."

"If you want to prevent the enemy on the north bank of the bridge from retreating across the river, or if you have any tactics to implement, then deploying around these two pontoon bridges should be the best choice."

"Yeah, two pontoons."

The intelligence and suggestions given by Comrade Chief of Staff are undoubtedly useful, and Malashenko, as the military officer in charge of the final decision-making, also needs to further think about how to make good use of it and implement it.

"Obviously, we cannot blow up these two pontoon bridges. At the very least, we should make the Germans on the south side of the bridge think that there is still hope for their comrades to withdraw, giving them some more defensive forces that are already very valuable now."

"If you can neither blow up the bridge nor allow the enemy to withdraw, then the answer is obvious."

"Outflank and block the intersections leading to the two bridges! Don't the German paratroopers stationed on the north side of the bridge lack heavy weapons? Don't they still have armored support and no quick reaction capabilities?"

"Well, I will use heavy equipment to quickly penetrate and cut through their defense zone. There is no need to rush to eliminate them. The important thing is to block the choke point leading to the bridge as soon as possible before the enemy reacts. The priority is to ensure that we have If the troops cannot occupy it, we must establish a fire blockade. In short, we must use our methods to effectively control it.”

"My goal is not to put a single German paratrooper on the pontoon bridge. I know this is not easy to achieve, but all participating troops must perform it with the highest goal of completing this task."

What's that paratrooper thing?

It is the heaviest firepower in hand. It is estimated that Ding Po Tian is something like Iron Fist or Tank Killer, which only one person can carry. The size and weight of the Tank Killer can be considered a "paratrooper". If you really want to go on a plane and parachute, you can't even take this thing with you. You have to put it in an airdrop weapon box and deliver it separately, and then pick it up after landing.

The snake strikes at seven inches, specifically picking out the weak spots.

Since you can't deal with the heavy-armed troops, I will use the heavy-armed troops to attack you. This happens to correspond to the area where the leader division is best at, and it can be regarded as an advantageous attack.

Looking at the two-block ferries closest to the pontoon that Malashenko used as a drawing pen to mark on the map, and thinking for a moment, the first person to speak was still our political commissar comrade.

"Indeed, if we can establish temporary garrison points based on buildings at the ferry crossings of these two blocks, the firepower of the garrison troops can completely cover the two pontoon bridges. Even if an enemy who slips through the trap is lucky enough to approach the ferry and try to cross the bridge, they will be With a commanding view inside the building, it is relatively easy to block and annihilate the enemy.”

"But it should be noted that after the enemy discovers our intentions, there is a high probability that they will fight back desperately in an attempt to recapture these two street intersections. Considering that there are not many troops that can actually reach these two temporary garrison points, and once the battle is over, After the attack was launched and the first round of surprise was lost, it will be very difficult to send support troops to these two garrison points in the future. "

"Therefore, the troops who made the first round of rapid raids and were stationed at these two garrison points must have superb tactical skills, rich combat experience and perseverance in fighting will, and have sufficient determination to resolutely complete the combat mission."

"We must persist until the large forces arrive after penetrating the enemy's defense line. We must resist the enemy's counterattack and prevent the enemy from crossing the river. The battle pressure will be very huge, and the risks and rewards are almost equal."

"Do you have any options in mind? Comrade division commander, which unit are you going to choose to carry out this mission?"

The great thing about comrade political commissars is that they are not only proficient in political work, but also top-notch in their own work of ideological and spiritual construction of the army, and they also have military attainments that ordinary political commissars do not have. Jobs such as chief of staff and deputy military commander can be done very well if left to the hands of political commissar comrades.

Comrade Political Commissar's words provided a complete analysis of the combat environment to be faced as well as the pros and cons. Therefore, Malashenko, who was able to further improve the combat concept, immediately spoke.

"The Alsim Company now belongs to the Volga Siege Division, right?"

"I knew you wanted his name."

The political commissar comrade who had already guessed what Malashenko would say was not surprised, and immediately picked up the drawing pen at hand and pointed at the map spread out on the table in front of him.

"Here, the Volga River siege team is deployed. Their offensive starting position is indeed very close to the target street. It is one of the two closest siege teams."

"Then let them go! Tell Alsim to lead my team to guard that intersection, and then nail them there! No two-legged creature is allowed to cross the bridge!"

"The other street next door is handed over to the Neva River Siege Team. Their goal is the same as that of the Volga River Siege Team. The mission must be completed!"

"Those Nazi paratroopers with their nostrils pointed in the sky, aren't they said to be able to complete any mission in hell? Well, I will send the Slavic supermen who crawled out of hell alive to fight with them, but I want to see what is going on in this land. Who is the boss!"

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