Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2836 High Speed

"I heard that many Nazis came to surrender to us?"

"Some surrendered, but some didn't"

He leaned against the hard seat board behind him to check the weapons in his hands. The roar of artillery fire outside the car was like the sound of wind. It did not disrupt the precision of Alsim's work at all. The bullets were filled with bullets and confirmed to be correct. The box was then inserted into the gun body.

"So that's why we were asked to go. The rest are the culprits of the culprits, die-hard elements who have been purified. Killing these bastards will make my blood boil."


Comrade Alsim Guan's plan to persuade him to surrender is called "Operation Purification", and the specific meaning is as simple as the literal meaning.

Malashenko's persuasion to surrender eliminated those capitulationists who were not firm in their will to resist, wavering between left and right, and were not sure whether they had the courage to fight the Red Army to the end, as well as most of the centrist German troops.

This is undoubtedly a good thing for the leading division and the entire Red Army participating in the Battle of Berlin, and it is the same for Alsim, but the specific meaning of this "good thing" is somewhat different.

What Alsim cares about is that the enemies he encounters in the next battle will all be refined by the comrade's actions to persuade him to surrender. There are no longer those cowards who cry for father and mother, beg grandpa and grandma for mercy once they are defeated and captured alive, but almost all of them are desperadoes.

This is good, very good!

What's the point of sitting in a pigsty all day and killing domesticated pigs? The men on the Siberian ice sheet, the best elite hunters, should target the most powerful beasts in the forest and start hunting.

The best hunters will win the respect of others, win survival resources, win the highest prestige and weight in the settlement, and even win the right to mate with their favorite females as one of the rewards.

Wildness, violence, killing, strength, blood! Men are born to be warriors. They live in battle and die in battle. They should end their lives in battle!

I have lived in such an environment since I was a child, bathed in the purest laws of nature and grew up believing in this.

Alsim firmly believed that he was about to face such a battle: after driving away all the cats, dogs, and cats that hindered him in the forest, only the most experienced, vicious, and most vicious ones were left. The bloodthirsty and most cunning savage hunter is waiting for him.

Hunting such high-level prey will give a sense of accomplishment. Just thinking about it now makes Alsim feel excited, and he can't imagine how passionate he will be when he goes on a killing spree later.

"Let us hunt those Nazis who have fallen into fanaticism. Berlin is our hunting ground. Let's go!"


"Let's go!"

"Fuck you!"


Although he has been joining Alsim Company for some time as an airborne company deputy with some of his old men, Sulovechenko still feels that he does not seem to have integrated well into this new group.

Well, at least not as good as I initially thought. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘ

"House or guest, man. We have to try to blend in with the new group instead of letting them change to accommodate us."

The old squad leader, who was born as a farmer, whispered suggestions to his former company commander and current company deputy. After hearing these words, Sulovechenko just watched the BMP43 infantry tank vehicle with the rear hatch closed start and slowly start. Leave without comment.

After probably thinking for a moment, Sulovechenko, who held the AK in his hand tightly, finally spoke quietly.

"That's right. The new collective has its own rules. Besides, we are not just for free."

"Ha, that's right! Who said that the mechanized infantry who were transferred to the slaves must be worse than the original combat engineers? Now we are all combat engineers. Regardless of anything else, working together to kill those die-hard fanatics will Okay, we’re almost winning!”

"Then what are you waiting for? Get in the car!"

Just like Alsim warned last time.

After learning the basic procedures from Alsim in the first battle of the transfer, Sulovechenko and Alsim were already riding in two infantry fighting vehicles from the second battle and leading their respective squads in the battle.

This is not to say that they are excluded or dislike each other, it is simply a double insurance mechanism between the military chief and the military adjutant. Riding in the same infantry fighting vehicle facilitates communication, coordination and tactical arrangements, but once the vehicle is bombed or scrapped, it will be a disaster for both the main and deputy commanders. The disadvantages of the entire company being left without a leader needless to say. .

"I heard that we are going to force our way in this time? Crossfire?"

"Yes, I heard it right."

Sulovechenko, who was the last to enter the tank, closed the door and closed the tail compartment. While sitting down, he quietly responded to the old squad leader next to him.

At this moment, just outside the infantry fighting vehicle where he was, there were more than a dozen fully packed infantry fighting vehicles parked densely, and 3 IS7 heavy tanks in a tank platoon. This is Alsim. All the troops this commando team can use for this mission.

Any more, and it would really be a living target for the Nazis. The path of attack where the combat engineers were littered with corpses was neither Alsim nor Malashenko wanted to see.

"Press the accelerator to the bottom, don't get entangled with any enemies along the way, rush directly to the destination as quickly as possible, and then get out of the car to join the battle. There will be enemies on all sides, so keep your eyes open and be alert, and immediately get off the car. Follow the command and attack the nearest street building, capture it and hold it firmly.”

"Did you hear everything clearly?!"


"no problem!"

"Listen clearly!"

Listening to the unanimous responses from everyone in the car, feeling the bumps and tremors caused by the infantry fighting vehicle starting off.

You can clearly feel that the dense artillery barrage that swept over like a mountain and tsunami just above your head has weakened greatly at this moment and is about to dissipate.

Sulovechenko, who only hoped that the enemy would react a little later, was ready for battle, along with all the comrades in the same car. Not long after the car continued to move forward, a high-pitched shout came into his ears from outside the car through the armored bulkhead in an extremely sharp manner.

"Russians! Russians are coming! The streets are full of Russian cars!!!"



"We've been discovered! We've been exposed! Everyone, sit tight and secure, use the main gun fire to suppress it!"

Dong dong dong dong——

Before the screams outside the car could finish, the roar of the main gun, mixed with curses, suddenly sounded inside the car.

This first shot of fire seemed to be the beginning of the prologue. The entire high-speed advancing convoy was on full fire in an instant. It didn't care whether the accuracy of the fire while moving was good or not, as long as it could roar the projectiles towards Germany. If the guy fights, if the German guy can hear the sound, see the explosion, be suppressed in trembling, and feel fear, then he wins.

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