Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2840 The meat grinding begins

"The station is ahead! Get ready! The last two hundred meters!!!"

"Two hundred meters? Sokka! There are only two hundred meters left!?"

I thought I still had five or six hundred meters to go, but I didn't expect that Sulovechenko was shocked when he heard the news that there was only the last two hundred meters left, but that was all. But it doesn't stop at all.

Dong dong dong dong——

"We'll be there soon! Everyone pack their things, load their bullets, and get ready to get off!!!"

"What about you? Company deputy!"

Sulovechenko, who had just put the scope on an enemy, was not in a hurry to answer, but suddenly pulled the trigger.

Along with another burst of vehicle body shaking, the German paratrooper who was standing by the balcony on the second floor with his iron fist raised within the field of vision was hit by the 25mm cannon and exploded on the spot. A cloud of blood mist.

It was only after the target was eliminated that Sulovechenko's attention was temporarily freed up, and then he hurriedly spoke.

"Leave me alone, you get out of the car first! I'll be the last to leave! There can't be anyone in this position! I'll cover you!"

"But, this"

The old squad leader wanted to say something else, but Sulovechenko, who had already found a new target, had no time to talk nonsense.

"Okay, it's nothing! Execute the order!"


The team arrived at the terminal less than half a minute later.

The speeding BMP43 infantry combat vehicle did not slow down and brake in advance, but kept the accelerator depressed in order to arrive as quickly as possible.

Drivers with excellent driving skills also take an unconventional route. They hold the left and right joysticks with both hands and step on the pedals with both feet to directly perform extreme operations. Using both hands and feet, the BMP43 infantry fighting vehicle immediately started drifting on the street.

Crunchy and sizzling——

The piercing screeching sound sounds like fingernails scratching a blackboard when heard outside the car. It makes people extremely uncomfortable, not to mention how people in the confined space inside the car feel when they hear the sound.

Sulovechenko, who felt like his ears were about to be ripped off, did not see the exciting scene of "sparks and lightning" caused by the BMP43 infantry tank as it floated down the street, nor did he see the BMP43 infantry tank being thrown away by the crazy rolling tracks. What is the scene like when the street debris rushes into the air and is lifted high together with the sparks?

But in short, after the BMP43 infantry tank stopped the remaining inertia after drifting with its "raptor tail swing".

Sulovechenko, who had regained his stable posture, said nothing, immediately resumed his old business, held the main gun operating end in front of him and continued shooting.

The comrades in the infantry cabin behind him did not neglect at all. Under the leadership of the old squad leader, they kicked open the double doors at the rear of the car, picked up the loaded bullets in their hands, and rushed straight out.

"Let's go, quickly, quickly!"

"Follow me! Lower your head! Move quickly!"

"Company officer, hurry up! Everyone is out, only you are missing!"

Dong dong dong dong dong——

Sulovechenko, whose mind was filled with the roar of the main gun in his ears, could not hear the shouts of the old squad leader outside the car, let alone look back to see if his comrades were finished. They only want to maintain the firepower output and must not stop it. They must provide cover at the most vulnerable link when the infantry is gathering out of the cabin.

"Damn! He can't hear!"

"I'll call you! Leave it to me, comrade squad leader."

That was the moment when the old squad leader and his group gathered outside the car were anxious, and the young soldier planned to volunteer to ask the company deputy comrade to evacuate quickly.

At the same time, in the car, the driver who climbed from the front driving position to the commander's position took the initiative to take over the gun position and replace Sulovechenko.

"You? Why are you here if you don't drive?! Come back quickly"

"There is no need to drive anymore! Company deputy comrade! My mission is to send you here, and then help to hold on to the garrison point! From now on, we will have fixed firepower for the fort, and we will not and cannot leave from here! So don't worry and leave it to me. ! I have been trained to take over the crew position, and I am qualified! Only two people are needed here!”


For a brief moment, Sulovechenko wanted to argue something, but when the words came to his lips, he realized that he couldn't say them out, and there was no time to waste at the moment. At the end of the day, he could only say "take care", then he turned around without hesitation, stood up, picked up his AK, bent down and ran out of the car along the infantry cabin at the rear of the car.

Da da da da da——

Bang bang bang——



"How is the situation? Report the situation!"

Facing the Russian armored convoy that finally stopped, the German paratroopers were fully aware of the opponent's purpose. Instead of retreating due to the enemy's powerful firepower, they invested more troops on the spot as if in a hurry, fighting all the way along the path the Russians had just walked.

Sulovechenko, who was surrounded by either the whistling of bullets or the explosion of rockets and grenades, leaned behind the infantry fighting vehicle and sought temporary cover. The old squad leader who had just arrived next to him immediately spoke repeatedly after hearing this.

"The company commander led people to attack the building on the right. He just rushed in! He didn't assign a task to me, and I didn't have time to talk to him! What should I do now-"


Before the old squad leader could finish his words, the IS7 heavy tank parked a few meters away suddenly opened fire violently.

The 130mm Red Navy destroyer gun burst out with powerful and destructive power. The potential energy of the muzzle blast was so strong that it instantly swept up a burst of dust and dust directly along the street, choking people's noses and eyes. It was deafening and almost breathless at the same time. gas.

"Bah! There's no time to waste. Bring someone with me! Rush as planned! Let's attack the building on the left!"


"Ocharov, take your men and follow me! The rest of the people stay here and wait for news from us! No matter what, we must not let the Nazis rush over! Ulla?"


"Then come on! Fuck you!!!"

Sulovechenko, who personally led the team, organized two squads on the spot, and they divided into two groups and acted simultaneously with the Alsim troops as planned in advance. The mission goal is to capture the two buildings on both sides of the street that overlook the entire Moltke Bridge and the river as soon as possible.

The two squads responsible for storming the building entered the building one after another and began to engage in fierce face-to-face battles with the most stubborn Nazi militants floor by floor.

On the other side downstairs, a platoon of soldiers responsible for staying behind formed a street defense line with three IS7 heavy tanks and a dozen infantry fighting vehicles that transported them.

The huge and indestructible IS7 heavy tank is used as a bunker, the BMP43 infantry fighting vehicle is used as a line of defense with reinforced protection that can withstand light weapons fire, and a 130mm tank gun and a 25mm machine gun are used as fire support.

A brutal meat-grinding fight that spilled blood on the streets has just begun here.

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