Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2841 Comrade, your

"Careful! Grenade! Stay down!!!"

"What the hell!!!"


There was a sudden explosion, instantly blowing all the destructible objects around him into pieces.

Sulovechenko, who had quick eyes and quick hands and reacted promptly, rushed at the last second before the explosion. He shouted loudly and raised his hand to grab the soldier closest to him by pressing the back of his head and pinching him without saying a word. On to the ground.

"Damn it! These scumbags want to fight us to the end. They are so brainwashed."

"Stop talking nonsense! Prepare grenades and give them a good response!"


The German's grenade was thrown from the attic on the second floor. After the explosion, it failed to injure the combat engineers who responded quickly and had extra armor protection to protect the "core area". However, they were all scattered and already dead. The corpses of his comrades on the ground were blown to pieces, and some of the already broken corpses were even more fragmented.

But neither the German army nor the Red Army cared about what would happen to these hopeless corpses on the ground.

The lives of the living are at risk, so who the hell cares about the dead?

"Get ready! Throw!!!"

Sulovchenko, who was holding an F1 lemon grenade, gave an order, and seven or eight smoking and spinning grenades came out of his hand, "testing the water and exploring the path" with only one M24 grenade flying down. He rushed straight into the attic room on the second floor.

The Combat Engineer Force, which has always been known for its "abundant firepower", does not have many other things, but it carries a large amount of various explosives, especially grenades, which do not take up much space and are convenient and easy to use. It is even more convenient to carry more. Just bring as many as possible, and in situations where you can clear the way with grenades, never rush in first.

Boom boom boom——


The sudden sound of a chain explosion was accompanied by the sound of hurried footsteps coming from downstairs. They were holding AK44 assault rifles with bright bayonets in their hands, wearing bulletproof armor, and they were all tall and round. The first thing this group of five-strong combat engineers did when they rushed to the second floor was to shoot at the explosion dust that had not dissipated without saying a word.

Da da da da da da——

The powerful output brought by the fully automatic firepower will pour out a storm of hot metal like raindrops in a very short period of time.

As the saying goes, you can't see the person but hear the voice.

Although nothing could be seen behind the still-dissipated explosion smoke, the results of this blast of fire were already obvious after the heart-rending screams and sounds like sacks falling.



"Oh ah--"

AK44 has many advantages over the German STG44. Although both are first-generation automatic rifles, both have epoch-making significance. However, the AK44 with Malashenko's blessing is not even a little bit better than the STG44.

For example, this one-handed reloading action can be done easily with just one hand. The three-step action of "one knock, one insert, one pull" can be completed in one go. The time required to replace a fully loaded magazine is comparable to Your STG44 is much faster.

The only problem is that this one-handed reloading action, which looks cool and fast, is a bit useless and the magazine jams.

So far, there have been many "accidents" in which the magazine jammed due to rough use and vigorous smashing. But it is still a minority relative to the whole, which is also a fact, and this method of reloading can indeed improve combat efficiency, which is something Malashenko knows and recognizes.

So so far, this easy-to-use one-handed reloading method has not been blocked. Of course, Malashenko has not said that he advocates this method. It is up to everyone to decide according to the situation, how to play it conveniently and comfortably. .

"Isn't it just a broken gun? A faster reaction time of one second may save the life of one more soldier. In this case, it is worth replacing it with ten guns, not to mention one gun."

"As long as I am the commander of this division, there will never be a situation where people wait for equipment in the leadership division. Guns are not a problem at all. Give me a list of how many are needed, and I will personally sign the application and report."

This is what Malashenko said privately to his political commissar comrades. It is not a public version of his speech, and it is not something that the grassroots leaders, including Sulovechenko, can know.

When the remaining explosion dust in front of him gradually dissipated and settled, with his feet stepping on the hot bullet casings on the ground, Sulovechenko, who had already replaced the new magazine, held his breath, raised his hand and leaned forward for the first time. One lifted his steps and leaned forward.

"There may be more in the house, be careful."

The German soldiers in the corridor were dead all over the place, and there were no Germans still breathing within sight, but that was not necessarily the case in the room with the open door at the end in front.

Sulovechenko, who was leaning forward cautiously, had just reached the door and stood still. His right hand had already touched the grenade hanging on his waist, and he was ready to repeat the same trick and give the German a taste first. But he never thought that there was an unexpected explosion in the corridor behind him that he had just walked through.


"Fuck! Damn it, Sokka! What's going on!?"

"Booby traps! The Germans planted booby traps under the floor! Everyone, be careful!!!"

"Ah! Legs, my legs ugh!!!"

Mines may be buried in the wild, anti-infantry mines may be buried in front of the positions, and there may be large anti-tank minefields in the predictable impact direction of the armored forces. These are not uncommon.

But this was the first time Sulovechenko had encountered the outrageous thing of booby traps under the wooden floor, and he had never even heard of it before.

After taking a closer look, I discovered that the Germans had dug a small hole under a pried open wooden floor. There was probably a small grenade or improvised explosive device placed in the hole. Then the pried open floor was firmly covered and turned into a simple pressure trigger fuse.

As long as the person who steps on the wooden floor takes his foot away without noticing, it is predictable what will happen in the next second, which is exactly what Sulovechenko has witnessed with his own eyes. .

"Don't be afraid! Brother! You will be fine, just bear with it! You will not be honored today! You will see the cute little girls soon, hold on!"

The armed health worker accompanying the team put down the AK in his hand, took off the satchel from his waist, took out the first aid supplies and performed simple treatment. After a simple bandage, he immediately called on other comrades to evacuate the two wounded.

Yes, under the influence of the "rough" environment of Alsim Company, even the health workers have to pick up an AK, put on bulletproof armor, and become combatants with their comrades to engage in violence.

Kill people when there is no work, save people when there is work.

If there are so-called "battle angels" in the world of atheists, then this is probably the case.

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