Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2842 Let the flame purify evil

After the second floor was barely taken, two people had been reduced. Counting the four people who evacuated the wounded, Sulovechenko's total attack force of two squads was suddenly reduced by six people.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a "massive reduction in personnel".

"The bastard fascists must have done this on purpose! If you don't blow up people to death, they'll just blow up badly. They know that we will never leave our comrades behind. The losses caused to us by this back and forth are much higher than the direct bombing. "

The squad leader named Ocharov got very angry and started cursing on the spot. Speaking of which, this squad leader is of German descent. You can hear the German flavor just by hearing the name.

After the October Revolution and the birth of the red regime, their family moved to the Soviet Union out of yearning for a new communist world. Like many foreigners of that era, they had always lived in the Soviet Union. He is a serious native German.

But at this moment, the young squad leader is only filled with resentment. He has no so-called "fellowship" with these die-hard Nazis. He just wants to kill those who are still entrenched on the floors above. Disgusting.

"Now that you know it, don't say it. It's useless. Letting those n****s taste the taste of guns is your only effective response. Let's go."

Sulovechenko, who has seen a lot of strong winds and waves, will not be intimidated by this little trick of the enemy.

At most, it was because I bumped into you for the first time and you were unprepared and suffered a loss. Knowing that you have developed a new evil trick, be careful. As for the battle, it is natural that it should be fought and must continue, and it must be fought with more fierce momentum. Take revenge and let the die-hard Nazis know how much you weigh.

"Wait, listen! There is movement at the top of the stairs, go and take a look -"


Before Squad Leader Ocharov heard the strange words, before he could finish speaking, a burst of well-spoken Russian shouting came from the stairs where the strange noises came from, interrupting his words.

"Okay, I'm one of my own, be careful not to get hurt by accident."

Sulovechenko, who was leading the team, heard the secret signal and responded with "Moon", and at the same time, he and his soldiers hurriedly moved closer. When they were approaching the stairs, they saw that the soldiers who had just called out the code showed their heads and appeared on the second floor after receiving the response.

Moreover, it was not only these fully armed combat engineers who came up to support them, but the items they carried on their backs were good things that made people look excited after seeing them.

"How did you get this thing up? Where did you get it?"

Sulovechenko was a little confused. He didn't quite remember that he had ordered this thing to be brought into the car before setting off. The leading soldier who was carrying a heavy load smiled slightly and replied.

"Comrade the company commander asked to bring it. The few infantry tanks we came with were not filled with people. They were filled with ammunition for replenishment and some special equipment that might be used, including this thing. Comrade the company commander said This is just in case of unexpected events. It is better to have it and not use it than not to use it when you need it. Well, this is what Comrade Commander said before. "


Without saying a word to himself, Alsim had someone put individual flamethrowers, which were large, bulky, and took up a lot of space in the vehicle, into the infantry fighting vehicle transporting supplies, and brought them over with him.

It really has to be said that it is thoughtful, and Sulovechenko also admitted that this thing is needed now, and it is also the most suitable situation for the flamethrower.

Alsim, who looks stupid, big, black and thick, is really "a man who cannot be judged by his appearance". Sulovchenko gradually understood why this old man could control the "tough soldiers" of this company. This is indeed no coincidence. But there is a reason.

"Watch out! Grenade!!!"

Before Sulovechenko, who had just met the reinforcements, could give an order, the guard soldier guarding the stairs leading to the third floor not far away roared. Before he finished speaking, another unexpected explosion suddenly came, shaking people's ears in the small and airtight indoor space.

"Damn it! There's really no end to this bunch of scum!"

"Okay! Without further ado, let's give them a taste of barbecue! Today's dinner is barbecue!"


The battle in the block downstairs is still going on. The IS7 heavy tanks, which use both machine guns and main guns, are still firing wildly with all their firepower. The huge roaring sound of artillery was deafening and continuous, and the 25mm machine gun clusters of BMP43 infantry fighting vehicles fired in succession. The defensive blocking battle downstairs was more intense than the bargaining in the market early in the morning.

Sulovechenko, who had no time to think about, could not think about the fighting situation downstairs. He just wanted to handle his work quickly. The flamethrowers and soldiers who came up with the new reinforcements rushed to the stairs. Sides are ready.

"This won't set the whole building on fire, right? Then how can we stay stationed?"

"Go to hell! Don't worry about it, burn the nazis to death first and then put out the fire! Purify this broken building and then treat them to the nazis who continue to come here to die!"

While the two warriors were whispering, the warrior with the flamethrower who had already stood at the top of the stairs was already releasing his anger.

A colloidal jet formed by a mixture of compressed and viscous fuel surges out of the iron pipe at the moment the trigger is pulled. The moment it is overfired and ignited at the nozzle, it turns into a ferocious fire dragon that shoots upward diagonally. He rushed straight to the ceiling of the third floor.

The power of this spray was far greater than expected. At least Sulovechenko, who had never seen a flamethrower in actual combat, thought it was "really scary" after seeing it.

The high-pressure gel jet that hit the ceiling of the third floor was immediately dispersed like a blazing fire due to the powerful compression impact.

The result was that what was a jet-like fire dragon one second turned into a rain of fire from the sky the next second. With an impact that still had residual and considerable potential, it immediately scattered in all directions in the small space on the third floor. In an instant, flames shot into the sky and surged through the entire indoor space.

"Uhhhh!!! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

"Hot! Fire! It's on fire. The Russians set it on fire!!!!"


"Water, where is the water! It's scalding me to death, it's scalding me to death!!!"

Listening to the sound of pig slaughtering so close to him from the fire-breathing third floor, the German squad leader Ocharov, who was aggrieved just now because of the sneak attack and hated the Nazis, now just wanted to laugh.

"Okay! This is how it should be damned, Sukka! Burn these naughty pigs to death! Use flames to purify the naughty evil!"


Before Squad Leader Ocharov finished speaking, he didn't expect that a pig-killing scream came directly from behind him.

It was a German paratrooper who was on fire and in heart-wrenching pain. He couldn't bear the pain. He lost his footing and fell out of the window on the third floor while running around like a headless fly. His whole body was on fire and he flashed past the window. The scene is indeed "shocking".

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