Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2843 Asking for help

“I’ve seen rain, snow, hail, and thunder falling from the sky. Oh, this is really the first time I’ve seen it.

Squad Leader Ocharov, who was standing by the window sill, sighed and looked at the body that had fallen to the ground on the first floor and was covered in paste. The paste and minced flesh were still burning in the fire. Yes, right? His pure disgust and hatred seemed to be greatly relieved at this moment.

"We will kill these naughties, just like crushing every bed bug in the house, leaving no hidden dangers."

The fighting on the streets is still going on, and the German paratroopers who are trying to break in from the front, encircle the back roads, and drive out the Russians who have blocked their own key transportation hub are still in action.

But as shown by the intelligence collected by the leader.

Although this group of German paratroopers are all die-hard elements, their fighting will and combat experience are guaranteed. After all, the swing and capitulation Germans who are not stubborn or die-hard will not stay here any longer. Instead, they have already gone to the temporary prisoner of war camp outside the city to eat hot meals and sleep peacefully. .

However, the shortcomings in hardware equipment cannot be made up for by fighting will and combat experience.

Military doctrine is an advanced subject that pays attention to science and logic, and is not just nonsense based on imagination.

As an attacker, you do not have the equipment that an attacker should have, and you do not have enough firepower to complete the task of siege the city. Then if you don't suffer, will you let the enemies on the opposite side, who have so much firepower that it makes people's scalp numb, suffer? Or is it your German Mauser 98K, the IS7 heavy tank that can knock down Mao Zi with one shot from 800 meters away?

So even though these German paratroopers, who were the last elite of the Nazis, fought hard, tried their best, mustered up an absolutely tenacious fighting will, and launched a tenacious attack on the Russians on the streets with an absolutely fearless spirit.


Without the cover of a tank, you would have to rush into the street if your body was hit by bullets.

You have no artillery support. Facing the Russians' temporary infantry-tank coordinated defense line composed of steel fortresses, you can't charge down with human ammunition.

There are very few battles that can be fought with guns. More than 90% of casualties in wars are not caused by guns, but by aircraft, tanks and artillery.

If you tell a few kilograms, tens of kilograms, or hundreds of kilograms of explosives that your marksmanship is good, your body skills are superb, and your strength is so great that you can beat three in hand-to-hand combat, then what's the use? After all, the range damage of the 130mm full-caliber high-explosive grenade will not listen to what you say, it will only respond to you with an explosion - good talk, continue in the next life.


The oncoming 130mm high-explosive grenade exploded almost accurately in the center of the street.

Several German paratroopers who used trash cans, vehicle wreckage, alley corners, and street buildings to hide and alternately cover their advance were directly blown into pieces by the huge explosion that was so powerful that it set off a shock wave of air waves visible to the naked eye. The torn apart figure flew up to the sky with a dance of blood.

Even the German paratroopers hiding behind the walls of street shops were so unlucky that their heads were blown off by fragments of projectiles that struck at high speed and penetrated the wall. The part upward along the bridge of the nose had completely disappeared, leaving only half of the skull and a puddle of flesh connected to the neck, which then fell as heavy as a sandbag.

"This is simply suicide! Schmidt! We can't attack like this anymore. We've almost wiped out a company in ten minutes!"

"No, the attack cannot stop! If the retreat is blocked by the Russians, you and I both know what will happen! There is only a dead end waiting for us, so we might as well fight with the Russians now!"


It cannot be said that this is unreasonable. After all, this group of people has been fighting to the end from the moment they refused to surrender. From this point of view, it is indeed worse to die on the offensive road now than to die in a useless corner by the Russians. a little better.

But this is not a reason not to pursue higher meaning. Although it admits that this statement is reasonable, it does not prevent the German major who wants to fight more meaningfully from following up.

"Then ask for help from the other side of the bridge! This group of enemies is beyond our control! Ask the people on the south side of the bridge to cross the river and coordinate our attack. The chance of winning from a two-sided attack will be much greater than now!"

"What did you say!? Call for help!?"

The German lieutenant colonel who personally ran over to direct the attack had a high IQ, but on the other hand, he really never thought about this possibility.

It's not that he can't think of this, but the existing cognition at the instinctive and subconscious level reminds him all the time: this kind of bold and crazy idea is almost impossible, so there is no need to even consider it.

As for why

Oh, what else could it be?

After the battle in Cherkasy, the Wehrmacht and the SS became almost mortal enemies. They looked down on each other and felt disgusted. They never interacted with each other.

You said that the SS soldiers stabbed you in the back when they shot you, ha! I also said that your Wehrmacht has no bones, why are you thinking about surrendering to the Russians all day long? You are your mother's soldier, you are a bullshit, what you are doing is a fucking betrayal of the head of state, betrayal of the motherland, you are the ones who are being beaten!

I just happened to steal your ammunition and fuel. Continue to carry out the will of the head of state and fight to the death with the Russians. Anyway, it will be a waste to be left in the hands of you idiots. You deserve to be beaten and robbed.

Everyone in the Wehrmacht, from the top general to the rank and file, knows how the SS scolds our own side.

This is why even now, the German troops in Berlin are still fighting between the Wehrmacht and the SS on many streets and in many war zones. There was no cooperation at all and they stopped talking and even laughed at each other: You are about to be beaten to death by the Russians. I am saving your mother. It is too late to have fun.

But now, if we think carefully and consider the feasibility of all the current plans that can be actually implemented, there seems to be no better way except asking for help from the two powerful armed SS armored divisions south of the bridge.

"Do you think they're going to help us? Instead of mocking and humiliating us?"

"If I say I'm sure, I'd be lying to you, so I won't. But if you don't have a better way, then it's worth a try."


The lieutenant colonel, who was only 200 to 300 meters away from the front line of fire in a straight line and was approaching to supervise the battle and take command, fell silent. It took about four or five seconds to actually think about it. When he spoke again a moment later, his expression was firm.

"Then give it a try. If those SS soldiers want to humiliate me, then go ahead. As long as they are willing to help, they can let me kneel down and beg them."

"Pause the attack and remove the people first! Get in touch with the other side of the bridge immediately!"

The battle on the street will temporarily come to an end due to the Lieutenant Colonel's order, but the unfinished battle in the building will continue.

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