Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2844 Unexpected

"It's almost done, be careful about lighting the fire! Follow me!"

Sulovechenko, who was at the forefront, once again took the lead, leading his group of armored brothers to fly upstairs at a meteoric pace.

The scene on the third floor that had been ravaged by the fire storm could only be described as a scene of destruction.

The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke and filled the surrounding area.

He was killed by the fire suppression and shelling when the convoy came charging, he was burned to death by the fire storm that sprayed up the stairs, and he was killed by several grenades that were thrown up just before going upstairs.

The corpses of German soldiers lay scattered all over the ground in the burning ruins. The state of death and the cause of death varied.

Some unlucky corpses were literally burned into 1:1 scale busts of Ghost Rider.

The oversaturated firepower caused these German soldiers to suffer repeated rounds of death. Death once was enough to take away a person's life, let alone death two or three times.

What was burning were not only the mutilated parts, but also various wooden rifles that had been burned into torches and could be used as torches when picked up from the ground.

Sulovechenko, who did not dare to slack off in the slightest, was cautious. Together with his comrades, he moved forward cautiously step by step, holding the steel gun in his hand tightly and guarding against anyone with blood and fire on his body. The dead corpse is "resurrected and faked".

"It seems they are all dead"

"Then you should ask the nazi on the fourth floor if he thinks so too."


After answering casually without thinking, he immediately looked back. What appeared in Sulovechenko's field of vision was the stairs leading to the fourth floor of the next floor, which were still in good condition with only a few excesses.

Looking at the soldiers around him, they were already using their fastest speed to find various useful things at hand. They even tore off the clothes of Na Na's corpse and used them as fire extinguishing tools to extinguish most of the more conspicuous open flames.

It is judged that even if there is a dark fire, it should not burn out in a short time, and it will not cause irreversible consequences if it burns.

Knowing that his time was precious and he must seize it, Sulovechenko did not stop for too long and immediately led people non-stop to prepare for the attack on the fourth floor, which was also the last floor of this medium-sized apartment building.

"I don't know how many more platoons there are on the first floor. At least one platoon has been beaten to death here. How many pigs have the Germans stuffed into this broken-down building? It's almost endless."

It sounded like a complaint, but it was probably a complaint meant to be heard by the enemy.

If you can arouse a reaction from the enemy, even if you throw two grenades down, it is always better to be prepared than to rush up to the fourth floor and be suddenly beaten without knowing where the enemy is.

But I don’t know if the German guy upstairs has learned the lesson or if there is really no one. This complaint made by a certain veteran oil soldier deliberately loudly failed to elicit any "reply" from upstairs.

The fourth floor looked like a ferocious beast waiting with its mouth wide open. Sulovechenko, who didn't know what the situation was, didn't hesitate much. No matter whether there was any movement or not, he had to fight.

As usual, two grenades opened the way, and immediately after the explosion, they rushed upward.

Through the explosion dust that had not yet dissipated, the brief tinnitus caused by the close blast echoed in his ears. Sulovechenko opened his eyes as wide as he could but saw nothing. Only the blown-out door panels of the fourth-floor room and the tattered remains of a few cabinets and furniture were dumped in the corridor of the fourth-floor apartment, vividly explaining what "a mess" is.

"Go! Search forward!"

With a simple silent gesture instead of speaking, the order was issued instantly. Sulovchenko, who was holding the AK and touching forward cautiously, soon led the team to the door frame of the first room in the corridor, and looked at each other with his comrades. After exchanging glances, they alternated covering and rushed in with their front and rear feet.

"lay down your weapon!"

"Raise your hands and surrender!"

The shocking shouts rang through the house even before the footsteps, but the scene seen with the naked eye was completely different from what Sulovechenko had expected before he rushed in. It could even be called a complete scene. different.

"Don't kill me! Wuwu, please don't kill me! I have no weapons and I don't want to die! Please, please don't kill me. If you want my body, just take it. Please don't kill me. That’s it! Please!”


Looking at the ragged woman in front of her with blood-stained and dusty face, and then looking at the blood that probably didn’t belong to her and she was so frightened that she peed her pants, a stream of warm dark yellow liquid flowed down the pants leg directly to the floor. .

Sulovechenko, who looked speechless and bored, was "disappointed" because of the clothes of the German girl who was so scared to wet her pants, the thing lying on the bed next to her, the corpse, and the room. The things placed and their appearance are enough to explain most of the situation.

"I'm not interested in that body of yours. You can pull up your clothes. Besides, you smell so damn sexy, in every sense of the word."

Sulovechenko, who was not even interested in taking another look at the woman, "made a pun" and spoke fluent German, which made the German female nurse stare blankly.

If he hadn't seen with his own eyes the tall, mighty, and somewhat handsome Slavic man standing in front of him, he would have mistakenly thought that this was a personable Wehrmacht officer speaking to him.

"Watch her, don't let her move, I'll go out and take a look."

Instructing the soldiers who rushed into the house with him to keep an eye on the people first, Sulovechenko turned around and walked out. As soon as he arrived in the corridor and had no time to stand still, he heard almost meaningless sounds coming from several other rooms one after another. Consistent words.

"Damn it, Sokka! How come you are not a naughty bitch!"

"This is a Nazi aid station, full of Nazi wounded soldiers and medical care."

"There are no decent Nazi militants, Sukka! There are quite a few who are dead or disabled!"


Then the answer is obvious. The task of capturing the commanding heights along the street and the key buildings at the garrison has been completed.

The first to third floors are the firepower points of the German garrison, while the fourth floor is a frontline ambulance station.

You have to say that the Germans are mentally retarded. It is common sense to place the frontline ambulance station in a relatively safe place close to the fire line.

The fourth floor is relatively safe, at least until the third floor below is knocked down.

Of course it is relatively close to the line of fire, but you German guy probably never expected that there would be a stupid Russian guy who is not afraid of death, driving a bunch of iron bastards and stepping on the accelerator to hit the rear. He was hit by a straight ball and should have been facing him. It’s no surprise that aid stations are safe.

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