Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2845 Trophy Display

"We're done here, but what about Comrade Company Commander's side?"

After the battle was over, at least for the time being, Sulovechenko finally had a chance to smoke a cigarette, standing by the window sill at the end of the corridor on the fourth floor, with a cigarette in his mouth and his eyes staring out the window, listening to The old monitor next to him spoke quietly with some worried words.

"Him? Instead of worrying about him, you should worry about whether those scum can be humanely destroyed. I have not known him for too long, but in every battle so far, he will act like crazy whenever he sees blood. , He won’t stop until his heads are rolling and his corpses are lying on the ground.”

"Have you heard of it? There is a natural disease in this world called hemophobia. Most people who are born with this disease will tremble when they see blood, which scares them so much. But we Comrade Comrade Company Commander is just the opposite. He gets extremely excited when he sees blood. In his own words, only when the warm blood flows through his palm can he feel that he is truly alive. "

"He lives to kill, right?"

Sulovechenko, who was still breathing smoke out of his mouth, seemed to be thinking about something. When he spoke again after a while, he gave a convincing answer.

"Correction, it's not everyone, it's about killing enemies. Even I have to admit that he is a reliable guy. At least when I am with him, I never have to worry about encountering enemies that I can't deal with. He has He can exude such power that you can believe in him, and no one can defeat him.

After taking the last puff of cigarette, Sulovechenko reached out and flicked it, and the cigarette butt with the last trace of sparks flew out of the window in a parabola. Before Sulovechenko could speak again, a burst of excitement interrupted his thoughts.

"Company commander, it's comrade company commander! They did it, and they also took down the building opposite! Ula!!!"

As the excited warrior who saw it with his own eyes shouted.

At this moment, in the fourth-floor window of the opposite apartment building on the same parallel line, Alsim, who had just led people to finish the work, was standing by the window sill, looking down.

After confirming that the fighting on the street had come to an end and that the wave of German paratrooper attacks had receded, leaving corpses on the ground.

Alsim, who was relieved for the moment, subconsciously raised his head and glanced at the parallel apartment building opposite. As he looked around, he saw Comrade Sulovechenko at a glance. Alsim, who raised the object in his hand to show that he was okay, soon sent a signal that "the battle is over with victory".

"Damn it, am I right? That thing he is carrying is"

"Human head, Nazui human head, you read that right."

Already accustomed to Alsim's "rough and unruly" fighting style, Sulovchenko would not find it strange at all if he saw a bloody human head in Alsim's hand. .

As the "Slavic Superman" himself said.

After the most powerful hunter in the village defeats the Wolf King alone, he will cut off the Wolf King's head as evidence, bring it back to the village to prove his strength, and share his joy and fruits of victory with the villagers.

The strong will be respected, and the weak will only become the prey of wild beasts.

The law of nature is that the weak eat the strong.

This is a rule passed down from generation to generation in the old Orion family of Alsim.

The barren Siberian wilderness does not believe in tears. Only the strong are worthy of surviving in that bitterly cold place.

Berlin is a forest, a steel and concrete forest for Alshim to hunt to his heart's content.

If there is anything in this forest that can not only prove one's strength, but also convey the news of victory, and share the joy with his comrades.

Then there is no doubt that the thing Alsim is carrying is it, at least in his own eyes.

"Let's go down and take a look. Staying here will only waste time."

But it was only after he actually went downstairs to the street and met with the Alsim team that Sulovechenko discovered that he had still guessed part of the answer wrong.

What Alsim was carrying was no ordinary head, but the head of a dignified German colonel. His military rank alone was higher than that of everyone present, whether he was a dead man lying on the ground or a standing man. A living person on the street.

"Damn, where did this guy get this head? I mean, how could you kill this guy? Who is he?"

After learning that the head was actually that of a German colonel, Sulovechenko looked surprised and puzzled and couldn't quite figure out why.

Before he finished speaking, he saw Alsim casually throwing away the thing he was carrying. A good man's head, with blood dripping from the broken neck, was just rolling and circling like a ball. He fell to Sulovechenko's feet.

The fear, anger, and unwillingness of the last moments before death still remain in a pair of wide-open eyes that remain fixed in death.

"The deputy commander of the 9th Parachute Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht, Colonel Wilhelm Wink, is such a bastard."

"The fourth floor of my building is the headquarters of this bastard. A bunch of idiots who are good at writing and writing dare to show off with me, wield swords and guns. Instead of surrendering, they dare to make trouble with me, then they will definitely have to pay. Pay some price.”

"There is no need to take prisoners in this battle, so I won't need him. Since this bastard refuses to put down his gun until he dies, let him take his broken gun to another world, maybe he can find it Regret taking medicine.”


Sulovechenko finally understood.

To put it simply, Colonel William Wink was a diehard just based on his behavior, so it was normal for him to be killed. If you refuse to lay down your weapons and surrender, then who else can you blame? Go to another world and think about yourself until you have no regrets.

Just, the top floors of these two apartment buildings.

One is a frontline rescue station, and the other is a command post with a colonel and deputy division commander.

The functions played by these two buildings in the German defense zone are indeed somewhat unexpected. It is not even impossible to say that they are surprised.

Of course, this can also further explain why those desperate German paratroopers, despite suffering such heavy casualties, had to storm and try to recapture these two buildings at all costs.

First, these two buildings guard the bridgehead on the north side. They occupy an absolute terrain advantage from a high position and are easy to defend and difficult to attack. Once these two buildings are lost, big problems will arise whether it is reinforcements across the river or retreat across the river.

Secondly, it’s because of the original owner of this head.

The dignified deputy division commander was attacked by the enemy and blocked in the headquarters. He was unable to evacuate and his life or death was unknown.

If we don't try our best to save them at this time, it will show that there is something wrong with this group of German paratroopers. As a military collective, they do not understand the importance of their own heads.

It's just that the final result is that these German paratroopers reacted quickly enough and put all the qualities and abilities they should have into place, but they still can't change the cruel fact that light infantry can't defeat heavy armor at all.

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