Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2847 How many bad battles have you fought before?

"How many bad fights have you had before? What was the worst fight?"

"Why do you ask this suddenly?"

He picked up the MG42 from the ground, put it on a bunker made of wooden planks and moved concrete debris, stuffed a fully loaded bullet belt into the gun, buckled the receiver, and loaded the bullet.

Alsim, who took charge of the position himself, was busy with the work at hand. He was a little surprised by the question asked by Sulovechenko, who was also working on the side.

"It's nothing, it's just okay. I'll just ask around to pass the time. If you don't want to tell me, then wait until later."

Sulovechenko, who had indeed asked casually, could not give any decent reason, but Alsim's subsequent reaction was somewhat beyond his expectation.

"The answer is the same as many people's. It was in Stalingrad. One day in Stalingrad, I almost lost my life there."

Alsim was actually willing to tell stories, which Sulovechenko had never expected.

After setting up the machine gun position at hand, the two brothers had a little free time to take a breather. Sulovechenko, who was really interested in such an awesome experience, was quite sensible and hurried before Alsim spoke again. He handed over the cigarette in his hand first.

"Hey, do you really want to hear a story?"

Alsim, who was holding a cigarette in his hand, grinned and answered Sulovchenko in the affirmative without even thinking about it.

"It depends on whether you are willing to talk. If you are willing to talk, I will definitely be willing to listen."


One puff of smoke is filled with mist, and two puffs resonate with the fairy air.

Relying on the machine gun position that had just been set up behind them and sitting on the brick ruins under their buttocks, the two brothers, each with a cigarette in his mouth, immediately began a conversation reminiscing.

"It should be in the mid-term. At that time, we had just withdrawn into Stalingrad."

"Many people feel that if a city is completely destroyed with aircraft and artillery, then there will be no need to engage in close combat with the enemy. That's what the Germans thought at that time. They mobilized all the aircraft, tanks and artillery they could mobilize to destroy the city. Most of Stalingrad was reduced to rubble, clearing the way for their attack."

"But what they got and exchanged was not a smooth road ahead. We Slavs showed these Nazis what it means to be indestructible. They could blow up our buildings, but they could not destroy our will. We continued to get We must pick up weapons and fight the Nazis in the ruins, which are stronger and more difficult to destroy than the buildings themselves. Every crack in the wall and every dog ​​hole in the ruins can be our position, and the Nazis are impossible to guard against.

"So you see, when we arrived in Berlin, we kept most of the buildings intact and actually did not destroy too many buildings. This is the combat experience of Stalingrad. The enemy hiding in the ruins of the bunker is far better than the enemy hiding in the building. The enemy is more difficult to deal with. At least you can roughly guess where the latter is hiding, but not the former. "

Alsim flicked the ashes in his hand, and his thoughts gradually became clearer in his memory. He then put the cigarette back into his mouth, held it in his mouth, and continued.

"It was in such an environment that one day, the half-collapsed ruined building where I was was attacked by a group of Nazi fanatics who were armed to the buttocks."

"Those Nazis are different from other ordinary Nazis. They don't even have a big bolt in their hands. They all have fully automatic weapons, from machine guns to submachine guns. Their entire firepower consists of them. We were in that building before. We have been defending for three days, and we have defeated all the incoming enemies in three days, but this time, the Germans seem to be determined and we want to take it in one fell swoop.”

"The firepower of the dog-like Nazis is too strong. We are either so tired that we are about to collapse or we are injured. Our physical strength cannot keep up with the Nazis, and the guys in our hands are not as good as they are. In addition, those idiots are as careless as crazy. The casualties rushed up without stopping, and soon reached the last floor of the top floor, which was our last position. There were only six people left including me. "

"At that time, I thought that might be it, and I almost finished my confession today, but I still have to try my best to kill as many people as possible before I die and have fun."

"After a crackling shot, I was changing bullets for the Bobosha in my hand, and a stupid big guy with an MG42 rushed towards me. But he didn't see me right away. He thought he was behind the corner. No one was there. At that time, I looked at him and he looked at me. Everyone’s eyes looked surprised, and it was not me but him who raised his hand first.”

"But the big machine gun in that guy's hand is not light, and my reaction speed is not much slower than his."

"I held down the gun in his hand with my left hand, threw Bobosha away with my right hand and raised my fist, aimed at his face and hit him on the spot, causing him to stagger back two steps."

"Two steps?!"

Sulovechenko looked surprised when he heard this. Although he had not been with Alsim for a long time, he had seen how strong this Slavic man was.

"You're so strong that you can carry 122 shells with one hand as if it's for fun. What kind of guy does he have to take a punch from you and only take two steps back?"

"He was a worker. Before joining the army, he was a logger in a logging camp. I only found out about it from the prisoners later. By comparison, that guy was as strong as a King Tiger tank in the Nazi armored forces. "


The speechless Sulovechenko didn't know what to say, but what about Alsim? The quiet narration continued.

"I was also surprised that I didn't move him. I thought that punch would at least knock him down. But this bastard stood firm and immediately picked up the machine gun in his hand and hit me as if nothing was wrong. I suddenly Without dodging, the gun butt hit me directly on the right chest, and I felt like I was flying sideways like a rag doll. I later found out that three ribs had been broken in that one blow.”

"I fell to the ground and vomited blood, and that idiot got on top of me. He howled and rushed over, raised his fist, and smashed the door in front of me."

"My first reaction after receiving that blow was that this guy couldn't catch his fist, and something would happen if he really tried to catch it."

"I barely dodged the first punch with my head tilted. The fist hit my ear like sandpaper and it hurt a lot. But I didn't care about it at the time. He sat on top of my chest and I Being pinned down, I could only be beaten passively if I didn't think of something quickly, but what could I do in that situation? I could only open my mouth and bite his wrist with all my strength."

"As soon as this guy was in pain, he subconsciously screamed and stood up, trying to round his arms and throw me away. I just pulled my head back and kept biting him."

"He stepped back, and I also stepped back. The two forces were so strong that all the meat on his right hand was bitten off in the blink of an eye. You could see the white bones at that time, and the guy was so painful that it immediately felt like killing him. Like a pig."


Sulovechenko's state at this moment was not only speechless, but also "very fucking shocked" after hearing Alsim's "lifelike" description.

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