Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2848 Madman vs. Madman, Strong Man vs. Strong Man

"The scene was chaotic at that time. Everyone was busy with their own battles and had no chance and could not care about others. For more than half a minute, Na Na and I were one-on-one and no one cared about us. "

"He was in pain and covering his hands, howling like a butchered pig and unable to stand. I jumped on him before he could recover, pulled out the knife and put it directly into his stomach."

"But I didn't expect that this bastard had a piece of meat bitten off and another stab in his stomach. The whole knife was completely inserted except for the handle. This guy could still continue to hit him with terrifying strength."


Sure enough, only a madman can fight a madman, and the only opponent who can compete with a strong man is a strong man.

This was Alsim's only thought now as he blinked and didn't know what to say.

"This guy raised his left fist and punched me again. This time I was prepared. Instead of being forced to dodge or take a punch, I grabbed his arm and locked him with my left arm to my left arm. I used my free right hand to form a fist and hit the wound on his stomach."

"The expression on that bastard's face became more painful with each punch. There were probably seven or eight punches in a row. When he hit the last punch, a large mouthful of blood spurted out and splashed all over my face. Damn it! I didn't expect it and didn't dodge. I couldn't see anything all of a sudden. This bastard raised his right hand with a piece of flesh bitten off and twisted my neck. Who knows where he got such strength from one hand? He choked me and threw me to the ground.

"There was a knife stuck in his belly, and he was spitting out foam. But I still can't forget those eyes. They were like the most ferocious beast I had ever killed in the forest. They didn't look like human eyes at all, but were crazy. of livestock.”

"Two hands tightly grabbed my throat, but don't get me wrong, it wasn't about strangling the person to death, but crushing the throat. This stupid bastard definitely has the strength."

"Before he fully used that force, I grabbed the knife that was inserted into his stomach and had not been pulled out. Fortunately, it was a double-edged bayonet and not a single-edged saber, otherwise I would really Ruined."

"I used all the strength I could muster at the time. I grasped the handle of the knife with both hands and pulled it from his stomach to his upper body like a switch. I pulled it from his lower abdomen to this position - his throat, until When I felt that his strength was rapidly weakening and he no longer posed a threat to me, I let go of the handle of the knife and used my hand to move this dead pig-like thing of more than 200 kilograms away from my body. "

"You heard the process, that's basically it. It's no exaggeration to say that my strength is not as good as his. This is the only person I have encountered in all my years as a soldier who can completely suppress me in terms of strength. I didn't expect it. He is still an enemy, not one of our own. I can kill him simply because I have more experience than him, but he is just a tank who wants to crush me to death with brute strength. "

"Yeah, I can't think of anything else that's a more appropriate description besides tanks. Whenever those cowardly Nazi prisoners who wet their pants say that we look like human tanks, I always think of this bastard who almost crushed my throat. . Sukka! If there is a tank made of flesh and blood in this world, then this guy is one of the best. He is a pure and bloody tiger king."


After listening to the whole story, I felt completely speechless. Sulovechenko thought about it for a long time and didn't know what to say. In the end, Sulovechenko could only speak with a hint of exclamation that had not yet dissipated.

"I thought someone almost killed you with a gun, but I didn't expect that it would be a hand-to-hand fight and almost--"


call out--

"Sokka! We're calling!!!"

Sulovechenko didn't even have time to finish his words. In just a moment, he was hit by an explosion so close to his ears that his whole head was buzzing. Who knows how close this shot was to make such a noise? .

Alsim, who was in no better condition, was slightly stronger. He immediately got up from the ground faster than Sulovchenko, picked up the helmet that had been knocked to the ground, picked up his gun and went to He ran to the door of the building, leaving Sulovechenko his final instructions without looking back.

"I'll go to the building opposite! I'll leave this place to you, guard it!"


The sound of Alsim's footsteps as he flew away gradually faded away, but the sound of the roaring shells did not stop there. Instead, it struck again and pierced the air.


call out--

Although the sound of the explosion was quite loud because the explosion point was very close, it was so loud that it could make a person's body tremble and his ears feel numb.

But mixed with the sound of the explosion, and the barely audible whistling sound of the flying artillery shells that followed, it was still enough to illustrate one thing with facts.

This is not the German's long-range direct-fire artillery, nor is it a mortar with a high projectile trajectory.

The whistling sound coming before the explosion sound applies to these two types of artillery, but it does not apply to the current situation where the explosion sound comes first.

The answer is obvious and there is only one: the Germans on the south side of the bridge are using large-caliber barrel artillery for close-in and direct shooting. Only in this way can the muzzle velocity exceed the speed of sound and will not fall into subsonic speed due to attenuation over a long distance. Only flying artillery shells have the ability to send the explosion sound of the artillery shell into the enemy's brain before the whistling sound reaches human ears.

"Damn it, Sukka! Where did this cannon come from? Could it be a non-commissioned weapon? It really is a fucking non-commissioned weapon!"

Sulovechenko leaned his head a little over the edge of the window sill, and just glanced at the enemy-occupied area across the river and the bridge. What he saw with the naked eye directly verified his worst guess. .

On the south bank of the already blocked Moltke Bridge, several large Nazi armored tanks were slowly moving to assemble, and assumed a fighting posture to fire at enemy targets on the north bank of the bridge.

King Tiger, Jagdtiger, and the Panzer IV that was probably used as top equipment for the independent heavy armored battalion to make up for the cost.

Just the two fattest things - King Tiger and Hunter Tiger - are enough to show that the German armored troops on the north bank of the bridge are at least two battalions in size. The heavy tank battalion and the tank destroyer battalion, the Jagdtiger and the King Tiger are not mixed equipment but perform their own duties. It does not matter whether the two battalions are independent or divisional.

Because there were a large number of SS soldiers in camouflage uniforms gathered around them, it seemed that these armored monsters were not fighting alone. What the already deployed direct-aiming artillery support means is simple. The SS troops stationed on the south bank of the bridge are 100% planning to cross the river to attack.

"Damn it! Now we're in trouble! We can't handle those turtle shells from such a long distance and we'll have to blow them up!"

Sulovechenko, who was so angry that he was scolding his mother, had not finished his words. On the other side of the bridge, the hunting tiger, which had slowly straightened its posture and took aim, finally opened fire. The power of the 128mm artillery shells that came straight towards them with a mouthful of fire and flames was much greater than the King Tiger 105 shells just now.

Brothers, I may delay the release of the April Fool's Day special chapter for a few days. I have written part of it but I feel it needs polishing. The written effect is quite satisfactory, but I feel that I can add more details and easter eggs. The full version will be more exciting when the time comes. Trust me, I will finish it and publish it as soon as possible.

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