Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2868 They are all freaks

The expression of the withered-faced SS lieutenant colonel could not be said to be serious. It could only be said that it was serious to the point that it would almost make ordinary people feel scared. A pair of eyes that stare straight at people seem to be able to shoot something and shoot people alive.

Although I don't know the resume of this SS leader, I don't know what this guy did before.

But whether it is Krauser or Sulovechenko.

The two of them shared the feeling that the job the SS leader had done in the past was probably not that simple. His eyes, demeanor, and gestures looked more like that of a front-line field officer who had experienced hundreds of battles. A pure bad guy who does some shady evil deeds.

But all of the above are actually not important at the moment.

The important thing is, how to answer his words, answer his questions, and make it difficult for him to find answers when surrounded by this group of "ironclad SS" and under the gaze of the SS leader who can shoot people through. If you find flaws, you can basically reach a satisfactory passing line.

Only in this way can we pass the test, otherwise what will happen next is something that Krauser, Sulovechenko, and all the "fake Germans" and "German traitors" present dare not think about.

"Actually, it's nothing. I just took advantage of the darkness to kill the Russian sentries, and eliminated the sentries and light sources, making the Russians temporarily blind and deaf. Then I took the time to cross the river before the Russians reacted. The whole process was basically so."

"Of course, if you want to hear any more details, I can add them at any time. Any details are fine."


According to the plan that was blended with Sulovechenko in advance, Krauser blurted out the rhetoric he had prepared and prayed that it would be effective. At least he could deceive the SS leader who had an ominous aura all over him, even if it was temporary.

The SS leader's reaction was to remain silent, and continued to stare at Krauser with his dead skull-like face, eyes that could pierce through a person. It wasn't until the latter was so frightened that he felt like he couldn't hold himself any longer, then he finally spoke slowly.

"Show your ID and briefly describe the fighting during the day."


Of course there are documents.

Although they were confiscated and turned over when they were captured, when Krauser and his brothers took over the job. The Red Army, which prioritized mission needs, immediately returned the documents that had just been collected and some that had not even been registered, intact, and sent back each person's name and photo. In personal hands.

Not long after the document was returned to his hands, and it could even be said that he had not yet warmed it up, Krauser took it out again and prepared to do as the SS leader asked.

Unexpectedly, I was planning to send him there in person to avoid being criticized for being disrespectful, but I didn't expect that two armored guards standing behind the SS leader came directly forward.

One person holds an M30 triple barrel, and the other person holds an STG44 assault rifle.

The two men, who had no good expressions, came straight to Krauser. One raised his hand to stop moving forward, and the other person reached out and grabbed the ID in Krauser's hand, and then turned around. Lu returned and handed it over to the SS leader.

"I don't think this is necessary, sir. I just wanted to send it to you. Besides, I'm not infected with any plague."

I want to liven up the atmosphere so that my behavior just now will not appear so embarrassing and awkward.

But Krauser obviously underestimated the SS leader's understanding of people's hearts. He could not detect any change in his cold tone and just continued to speak again without emotion.

"I said, let's start describing the battle during the day. Let's pick the last battle before the sun sets."


Something is not going right.

When the SS leader asked for food by name, not only Krauser himself, but Sulovchenko who followed closely behind him could also hear the head of this Nazi leader who looked like a living Voldemort. Here, what exactly is the idea?

This guy must know something about the final battle before the sun sets in the evening, and he shouldn't be pretending or deliberately lying. As for its purpose, it is simple: to try to find differences between Krauser's subsequent narrative and the actual situation, and then use this as a breakthrough point to question and break through, continue to expand horizontally, and finally overthrow Krauser all remarks.

The premise is that he really intends to do this and has determined that there is something wrong with Krauser's remarks or identity.

"Damn it, Sukka! I have to take back what I just said. This bastard no longer looks like a man in charge of the gas chambers, but more like a torture officer who tortured the Jews to tell them where they hid their treasures. His words and tricks are all the same."

No matter how Sulovchenko muttered in his heart, he still had to say what needed to be said and answer the questions that needed to be answered.

And these are all problems that Lieutenant Krauser needs to solve on his own by improvising on the spot and adapting to circumstances when he has no chance to communicate with Sulovchenko on the spot.

If the next answer is slightly wrong

Krauser felt that he would not doubt that the armored SS soldiers around him had the courage to pull the trigger immediately without hesitation and mercy. Countless projectiles of various types would tear his own side into pieces in an instant.

Now look at this group of armored SS troops, which is only a crescent-shaped semi-encirclement formation, rather than a full barrel-shaped formation. It's more like they didn't intend to capture them alive from the beginning. Once the situation changed, they were prepared to immediately shoot and kill their own group.

After all, the crescent-shaped semi-encirclement can maximize the concentration of firepower without worrying about accidental damage. If you build a barrel encirclement and attack randomly, it is hard to say whether you will kill one of your own people or the enemy.

The SS leader not only doubted himself from the beginning, but now it seems more like he was prepared to kill him from the beginning. Maybe everything he has done so far is just looking for an excuse.

If that was the case, I would recall the uncanny way the SS lieutenant looked at me at the secret post at the ferry, and the "Riddler nonsense" that I couldn't understand. Now it seems more like this guy knew that this would be the case, so he said it deliberately, as if he was waiting to see a joke or a good show.

"Damn it! None of these SS freaks are normal. If they're either crazy, they're fucking perverts!"

Sulovechenko can secretly complain, but Krauser needs to answer questions immediately, right now.

However, just when he was about to speak and his upper and lower lips parted, an accident that no one could have imagined suddenly struck from a distant direction on the horizon.

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