Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2869 I really have you!


"Huh? What is this sound?"

Buzz - buzz -

"Listen! It seems to be coming from the west, in the sky, over there! It's really in the sky!"

"I heard it too, this sound seems to be something that doesn't sound right!"

Doesn't it sound right?

That is indeed very wrong, something very wrong.

Not to mention whether the SS soldiers present could understand or not, neither Krauser nor Alsim could read minds, so they had no idea what these guys were thinking.

But since the Battle of Berlin began and the Red Army tanks rolled into the streets of the city, Krauser, who had been participating in the entire battle, heard it very clearly, and his hair stood on end instantly.

He knew what this sound meant and represented. It was the sound of the evil gods from the sky who were projecting death to the land of Berlin and were coming again. Those giant birds that crossed the English Channel and flew into German airspace had arrived in Berlin again.

"Bomber! It's the British heavy bomber, the four-engine Lancaster! I can't forget this sound even if I go to hell. It can even penetrate my entire dream. It's absolutely unmistakable!"

At this point, I don’t care whether I should say this or not, or whether the SS soldiers at the scene like to hear it.

The roar of the bomber engines, which was getting louder and louder, was already explaining one thing with the facts before them.

This group of British heavy bombers, which numbered at least twenty or thirty, just a few more, based on the noise, were heading towards none other than the land at the feet of our own group of people. This area of ​​Z area in the core of Berlin was originally firmly protected from air attacks by three air defense towers.

"There's no way this place has never been bombed by British bombers. We've never heard the sound of British bombers flying over here and bombs falling."


To be able to utter such criticism is no longer a problem with one's brain. It should be that one has reached the extremely pure state of stupid criticism.

The iron SS in front of him were quite speechless when they saw the thieves pretending to be cool and seemed to have low IQ when something happened. However, Krauser, who probably wouldn't be able to leave without an explanation, could only act in desperation. Neng spoke anxiously to the SS soldiers in front of him again.

"You haven't heard of it before. That's because there are three air defense towers! The three air defense towers protect the entire Z area without blind spots! The British long-range bombers don't dare to get close at all. They only dare to bomb other parts of Berlin outside the range of the air defense towers!"

"But now the situation has changed, it's different from before! The zoo's air defense tower has been completely blown to pieces by the Russians, and that all happened the day before yesterday. Don't you have such long reflexes that you haven't reacted yet? Or? Have you forgotten this?"

"The direction those British guys are flying towards is the direction of the zoo! There is nothing there now, and nothing can stop the British guys from flying over. Do you really still not understand!?"


As the saying goes, "Be born in sorrow and die in happiness."

Human beings are such creatures. It doesn’t matter whether they are kind or cruel. It doesn’t matter what their personality is.

But once you have been accustomed to a certain living environment for a long time, even if this living environment changes significantly one day. Living in this living environment, people who have long been accustomed to ease will most likely be indifferent and unchanged. They will continue to do what they should do every day.

What really makes people change is often not subjective consciousness, but the objective reality that comes passively.

Only when the changes that have long been used to the life environment turn into real disasters, pain, various negative events or emotions. Only some people who have long been accustomed to "drunk life and dreaming of death" will truly realize that a disaster is coming, and realize that the life they have long been accustomed to has collapsed, subverted, and become beyond recognition.

However, generally speaking.

When things get to this point, in most cases it is too late to try to recover or do something meaningful.

"Damn it! Evacuate, everyone evacuate quickly! Get into the air raid shelter and prepare to avoid air strikes!!!"

At this time, it is unnecessary and meaningless to ask why bombers are flying overhead, but no one has even sounded the air defense siren, and no sound has been heard yet.

The withered-faced SS leader was not a fool. At least after he realized the seriousness of the problem, he was still able to issue correct orders and do what he was supposed to do as soon as possible. After all, if we don’t evacuate urgently and take shelter in air-raid shelters and bunkers, then we are just waiting to be bombed by British aviation bombs and become a late-night meat sauce.

"Sir, what about us? We still have wounded people here! What should we do? You have to help us, please! You can't leave us alone! We're all counting on you!"

He was obviously a little panicked, and he no longer had the calm and dead-faced demeanor he had just now.

The leader of the SS, the lieutenant colonel, was about to run away with his men and enter the air raid shelter to escape the air raid first. Just as he was about to leave, Krauser, who looked anxious and frightened, rushed forward and grabbed his arm. He began to plead "sincerely and touchingly", speaking as fast as MG42. chug.

"You? You just"

"Sir! You can't abandon us. We are not cowards! Look at these wounded soldiers. They all obeyed the Führer's will and fought until they fell to defend Berlin. We and those weaklings who surrendered It’s different!”


Krauser, who kept saying "ah" for a moment, said "deeply touching" and looked like he was about to burst into tears.

To be honest, I don't really want to care about these rats from the National Defense Force. I despise these people from the bottom of my heart.

However, they have just kindly reminded you to take cover immediately when the air raid arrives, and they also brought with them so many wounded people who had indeed fought for the Führer until they fell. After nearly dying, they finally managed to escape from the Russian-occupied area and planned to find them. The "warriors" who continue to fight against the Russians in large numbers.

If you really just leave him alone, not to mention that it is morally unjustifiable, even if you see the group of subordinates around you who believe in "loyalty until death", you will inevitably feel "sorrowful for the death of the rabbit".

A dead soldier is not afraid of death. This has been true since ancient times.

What the dead man fears is that his own death is as light as a feather and meaningless. Even though he has put his own life into it, it is not even as smelly as dog excrement. dislike.

Then why should I become a death warrior? I might as well cherish life and live well.

Therefore, it can be said that we were forced to do so, and we cannot accept the situation of "people's hearts are scattered and it is difficult to lead the team" in any case.

It can also be said that there is really no other way. More importantly, time no longer allows him to stay here any longer or hesitate. The withered-faced SS leader actually cherishes his little life.

"Stop! That's it, stop talking nonsense! Bring your people and follow me. I'll take you into the air raid shelter. We'll talk about the rest later!"

Haha, this is what I've been waiting for.

Seeing that the plan had succeeded, Krauser, who was more than ecstatic in his heart, immediately released his hands that were tightly grasping the SS leader, and at the same time put away his anxious expression of "revealing true feelings".

He began to lead the team, following the iron-clad SS, and ran towards the air-raid shelter.

"What did you do before you joined the army? To be honest. I feel like you were from a theater troupe, and you were a leading actor."

Although he didn't say a word, Sulovechenko, who had witnessed the whole process, followed him in time. While running, he asked Krauser who was also running wildly beside him. His words sounded different. It didn't sound like a joke.

"It's nothing, it's a trivial matter. It's just that I used the trick of coaxing women to play with men. I'm just an ordinary person who is ordinary but very popular with women."


I could only say that I was quite speechless for such an answer. I saw everyone coming to the entrance of the air raid shelter. The SS Tin Man who was preparing to close the door at the entrance was waving to his side to hurry in. Sulovechenko, who had no time to say anything more, finally said Just added this.

"It's really yours! I'll take the credit for you."

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