Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2870 Then I hope I can trust you

Only after he actually entered, Sulovechenko, who ran in quickly, discovered it.

It turns out that the so-called bomb shelter is actually an underground arsenal owned by the Germans.

The entire underground building is quite strong and sturdy from the internal structure. It can be seen that when this thing was originally designed, it should have been specially considered to withstand air strikes and ensure that the arms and ammunition stored in it were not damaged by air strikes.

It's no wonder if you think about it carefully, after all, the entire Z area is already the last line of defense in Berlin. The strength of the entire defense zone cannot be said to be the most impregnable, but the attached garrison is definitely a group of fanatics with the strongest willpower and the best ability to fight in adversity. They are a real group of dead soldiers.

If you want to fight to the end in desperate and difficult adversity, you can't just rely on your tenacious will and the purest fanaticism.

Although these two are necessities, the world is material. If you don't have weapons and enough ammunition, persisting in fighting until the end can only be said to be criticism.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the Germans prepared underground ammunition depot fortifications in area Z in advance.

What is really strange is that the inventory in this underground ammunition storage depot seems to have been almost emptied, and there are no items left. 【6】【9】【s】【h】【u】【x】【.】【c】【o】【m】

Open and empty weapon boxes scattered on the ground, as well as wrapping papers and instructions for various weapons and equipment, were dismantled and thrown everywhere.

You can tell from this scene alone that this place at least once stored a considerable amount of weapons and ammunition, as well as the necessary equipment to fight to the end.

It's just that these things have been almost consumed in the many days of Berlin Battle.

Did these SS scoundrels kindly take out the reserves in their defense zone and give them to the Wehrmacht garrison on the other side of the bridge, or did they give them to other friendly troops who were also SS troops? This is very important to the current Soviet Union. It doesn't matter to Lovichenko.

"What should I do next? My plan ends here. Even the plan just now was made up now. What do you want me to do next?"

Walking on the stairs leading to the storage room below the arsenal, following the group of Iron SS.

Krauser, who had already performed a lot on the spot and had done a good job, was unsure. He lowered his voice and asked Sulovechenko in a low voice in German. However, after a short breath, Sulovchenko's equally quiet question came. respond.

"The airstrike is an opportunity that must be seized."

"After the bombs fall and explosions occur everywhere, we will find a way to kill the guards blocking our way, take the SS leader with us, and then leave this place together. There will be chaos outside. As long as there is chaos, the enemy will If we take action, we will have a chance to accomplish our common mission and goals.”

"God, man, this is not easy."

As soon as Sulovechenko finished explaining his plan, Krauser, who frowned, immediately realized how difficult it was.

Not to mention that the number of these Iron Guards is larger than ours, and the equipment and the guys in their hands are better than ours, and much better.

Whether it's the BF1G17 aviation machine gun, or the terrifying spray gun of the "big three-barreled" M30, or the steel plate body armor on these bastards that can withstand the impact of pistols, submachine gun bullets and fragments.

If the combat engineers were released, not only Sulovechenko would have the confidence to confront the iron SS, but even Krauser, who had seen the combat effectiveness of the Russian combat engineers with his own eyes, felt that such a state It shouldn't be a problem for the Russian guys below to defeat these scum.

But the problem is, whether it is Sulovchenko, Sulovchenko, or everyone behind him who is also on his side.

Everyone has the same identity now. There is no distinction between the Red Army and the German Army. Everyone now has only one common identity: "Fake Wehrmacht", which has not been exposed yet.

It’s not that the weapons and equipment that match this identity are not good, but compared with the large group of iron-clad SS soldiers opposite, they are indeed a bit too shabby.

You have a Mauser 98K big bolt in your hand, and the other person has a three-shot M30 "big three-barreled" to shoot at you.

There are still many people here holding MP40 submachine guns that are pretending to be realistic and acting. The SS on the opposite side directly has STG44 plus MG17 aircraft machine guns.

You are wearing a steel plate armored body armor, while you are wearing two pieces of rags and lumps of flesh.

Even if the equipment is not as good as it is, there are still more fucking SS scum on the opposite side. This is a "complete disadvantage" in the true sense of the word.

If we really take action, it's hard to say what the chances of winning are.

But Krauser felt that the probability of overturning should always be greater than the probability of winning, and if he guessed correctly, it would be "much greater".

"Don't think too much. You won't be able to fight head-on. You have to outsmart yourself."

When his mind was pessimistically thinking, he suddenly heard Sulovechenko add this. Krauser, who felt that his undulating little heart felt better, calmed down, and Sulovechenko Ke Jin's next detailed arrangements were immediately blurted out.

"Be smarter later, watch my eyes and follow my actions. If nothing else happens, I should deal with the SS leader first. We will see what kind of cooperation you need at that time, and let your brothers You guys should be careful and be ready to take action at any time, right?”

Although we have come to this point, it seems a bit redundant to ask this question at this time, but Sulovechenko's ability to ask this actually gives Krauser confidence. At least remind him that we are not alone and have enough manpower to cooperate with the action. The answer he got from Krauser was affirmative and straightforward, which was completely expected.

"No problem! They are all old guys who have been fighting with me for at least half a year. I didn't bring any of them that were unreliable or that I couldn't handle with certainty."

"They came to me to surrender and they have gone through life and death once, and now they can't go back. You can definitely trust them, if you trust me too."

"Then I wish I could trust you."


The time for low-pitched chatting was over, and the relatively long staircase leading to the underground storage room had come to an end.

It was at this time that the Lancaster bombers successfully flew into Area Z through the gaps in the collapsed Zoo air defense tower. Finally, the death fire from the British style began to pour into the land of the heart of the Germans. The violent roaring explosions and strong shocks came from overhead.

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