Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2871 I’m not done with them!

One after another, strong explosions rang violently in the middle of the night. The cold wind blowing over the ruins of the battlefield whistled through the bombing area full of destruction. The already large boiling explosion flames were immediately swept into a large storm of fire that swept across.

It must be said that the British Lancaster is really not to be underestimated. This four-engine long-range heavy bomber has the world's top-level powerful bomb load. It can kill many kind-hearted otakus' most beloved wives "Bei Zhai", and of course it can also carry tons of death and destruction, and splash it on the place that the British had wanted to bomb but had never been able to bomb before-the core area of ​​Berlin.

These more than 20 Lancaster bombers, like a group of old hens laying eggs, were densely packed in the middle of the night. They even alarmed Malashenko, who was still a certain distance away from the front contact line, and was still awake and paying close attention to the situation in front.

"What's going on? Where did the bombers come from? Why is there such a large-scale air strike planned tonight, and no one told me in advance!?"

Malachenko, who is not arrogant and easy-going, rarely gets angry and slams the table or yells at his subordinates, but if Malachenko really becomes like this, it at least shows that the division commander has accumulated a certain amount of anger.

"We are currently communicating and confirming the situation urgently. It's not just you, division commander. No one in the entire division has received news that there will be a large-scale air strike tonight, and it is against the core area of ​​Berlin. It stands to reason that if there is an air strike plan, as a ground combat force, there is no reason for us not to receive any news. I think there may be some other problems."


The young division commander was so angry that the older and calm political commissar had to come out to cool down.

The political commissar can actually understand Malachenko, or in other words, no matter which military chief is put on this kind of thing, as long as the military chief is not a straw bag, it can only be said that getting angry is inevitable.

Even if you put a military commander with a bad temper in this situation, it's not just as simple as getting angry, and he will show you how to run away on the spot and jump up in anger.

So Malashenko is like this now, which means he has controlled his emotions quite well.

After all, the battle plan he personally formulated has reached the most critical step. Not long after his most elite infantry unit infiltrated the enemy-controlled area, a large group of bombers buzzing in the sky have done this for no reason, dropping iron bombs on the heads of your most capable soldiers.

What's the difference between this and someone rushing up and holding Malashenko's head, and then slapping him in the face without knowing the truth?

I've seen people who don't give face, but I've never seen such extreme disrespect.

This can't be said to be a slap in Malashenko's face, but it's a slap on Malashenko's face.

"Damn it! If someone did this on purpose, and really blew up my people, I'll skin this bastard even if I have to go to Moscow! At worst, I'll quit, and I can be shot! Sukabulie!" Seeing that the division commander was so anxious that he was running around and was still angry, the political commissar, who was about to say something, hadn't had time to speak, when the phone on the table next to him suddenly rang anxiously. "Hello? Leader Division Headquarters, who is this?" The division commander and the political commissar were busy talking, and the long-eyed combat staff immediately took the initiative to step forward, picked up the special internal telephone microphone and spoke quietly. The political commissar, who was forcibly interrupted by the phone, wanted to continue to finish his words, but he didn't expect that the combat staff who heard the brief words on the microphone would speak first. "Yes, please wait."

"Comrade division commander, comrade political commissar, the army headquarters is calling, Commander Chuikov asked the division commander to answer the call."


Malachenko looked at the political commissar and didn't waste any words. He guessed that things happened at the same time, and Chuikov's call was probably about this matter. Then he stepped forward and answered the phone without saying a word.

"Comrade commander, this is Malachenko."

"What did you say? The British did it!? Those John Bulls are bombing Zone Z now??"

Malachenko knew that the British often organized long-range bomber formations to bomb Berlin in the middle of the night.

What Malachenko didn't know, and even Chuikov didn't know it at first, but now he knows it.

That group of Anglo-Saxon barbarians who were arrogant and self-willed were so arrogant that they didn't even say hello to the Red Army, and they drew up a battle plan called "John Avenger" on their own.

In order to ensure the confidentiality of the plan, the plan was not reported to the Red Army until the operation plan was implemented and the bomber formations flew over Berlin at night.

By the time Chuikov received the emergency report and saw the details of the plan, it was too late. The iron bombs dropped by Lancaster had already fallen into Zone Z and started to explode.

Chuikov realized that something was wrong and called Malashenko. Even if it was too late, he hoped to make up for it and recover some possible losses.

The process of this matter was actually not complicated.

At first, the British reconnaissance plane flew over Berlin during the day to conduct routine aerial reconnaissance, observe the latest situation in the city of Berlin, and set out in advance for the upcoming large-scale nighttime air strikes to identify valuable air strike targets. , Improve the strike efficiency of night bombing.

But by some strange combination of circumstances, the British reconnaissance plane arrived at the damn right time, and happened to witness the zoo's air defense tower being bombed and turned into a pile of burning ruins. Exist again.

The overjoyed British pilot immediately flew back and reported the latest situation, which was a big surprise.

This was a big deal. As soon as the British heard about the three disgusting air defense towers in the center of Berlin, the Russians used some strange and cunning techniques to pull out one of them. Immediately realized that this was an excellent opportunity for air strikes. Berlin's core air defense circle composed of three air defense towers had collapsed on one side and the defense zone was wide open.

The problem that has always plagued the Royal Air Force's inability to approach the core area of ​​Berlin has been solved. How could such an excellent opportunity be let go in vain? The ground troops are destined to be unable to enter Berlin, but the British Air Force, which bears the name of the royal family above me, can still do it. They must help me fight for this glory!

Ever since, such a situation coupled with the self-righteous secret operation of the British guy, such a "bad job" that made Malashenko full of anger and blood pressure was revealed.

After hearing the detailed story, he couldn't stand it any longer. His eyes were as wide as eggs and Malashenko was breathing heavily from his nostrils. He no longer cared about his identity as a teacher and started greeting the group on the phone. The eighteen generations of ancestors of Angsa Barbarian.

"Comrade Commander, such barbaric behavior by these Angsa barbarians is absolutely unacceptable!"

"These bastards ruined my battle plan and dropped bombs on the Moltke Bridge, which I wanted to protect and would be crucial in the next battle. Not only that, now even my most elite infantry elites Being bombarded by them."

"If this results in casualties among my most elite warriors, please tell those British guys and tell them."

"Send their most elite troops, send all that bastard Montgomery's 7th Armored Division! I, Malashenko, will fight them under the city walls of Berlin and let these Ansa barbarians know that the leader division How to write "leader"! I want these stupid pigs to pay the price for slaughtering my comrades!"

"Tell them that I, Malashenko, am not done with them!"

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