Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2875 Summoning the Death Express to Hell

Generally speaking, there must be more than one detonation method for detonating the explosives used to detonate the flying bridge piers, and a backup detonation method must be reserved just in case.

This is not complicated and there is nothing to guess. The backup manual detonation device is usually under the bridge. If the electric detonation fails, just go over and manually pull the fire to detonate.

However, the current situation does not require Sulovechenko to divide his troops into two groups. The bridge control room that prioritizes the remote detonation of electrical wires is the most important.

By the time the Germans discovered that the remote detonation control had fallen into the hands of the enemy, and that if they wanted to blow up the bridge they had to send people to manually detonate it under the bridge, it was conceivable that it was probably too late. Sulovchenko had many options. He summoned a sea of ​​comrades to rush over and drown any Germans who dared to approach him and threaten the completion of the mission.

The premise of all this is that the remote detonation control must be in one's own hands. The bridge control room with the detonator must be captured quickly, and it is best to capture it without using a gun.

"One, three, five, and eight are not easy to deal with. There are eight guards outside alone. The situation inside is still unclear. It is a bit difficult to deal with them all quietly."

Looking at the few bridge control room guards who were still "fulfilling their duties" even in such a chaotic situation, Krauser secretly thought that these watchdogs were really loyal and frowned, while Su Luo, who knew he didn't have much time, frowned. Vicenko didn't think much and kept talking.

"I'll go up and find a way to distract them. You lead people to rush into the bridge control room, grab that thing, and complete the mission! I promise you a great achievement, and the first prize in this mission will be yours! Then all promises will be made to you. You can get all the mission rewards, and there will be additional prizes, I promise!”


Listening to Sulovechenko's words, which almost completely regarded him as one of his own, Krauser, who was calm and could not tell what he was thinking, just thought for a moment and replied simply.

"Do you really trust me so much? Aren't you afraid that I'll mess things up?"

"Oh, if I don't trust you, I can't afford to go this far with you. I can't call you a comrade, but I can still call you a comrade. Go ahead! I'm optimistic about you!"

Sometimes men don't need so much nonsense from mothers-in-law. Even if they were enemies not long ago, they may change after experiencing something together, such as now.

Looking at Sulovechenko's figure running alone towards the bridgehead, I never thought that this reliable and brave Russian, a comrade he had just met not long ago, would call it such "trust". It’s something you “trust” and entrust to yourself.

Things changed so fast that I felt a little dazed, surprised, and slightly caught off guard.

24 hours ago, he and Sulovechenko were still at odds with each other. They would be extremely jealous when they met on the battlefield, and they would not give up until they killed their sworn enemy.

But now, no matter what the reason or objective factors are, it doesn't matter whether it is passive or active.

The important thing is that he really "trusts" himself and can leave his back to a so-called "traitor" and "surrender" like himself.

For the sake of his family, Krause is even prepared to live in the eyes of contempt, abuse, and contempt for the rest of his life. As long as he can protect the people he wants to protect, his little home is his heaven. , my own land, everything for the rest of my life.

After being betrayed, deceived, abandoned and intended to be used until death by his faith, this man who had sworn allegiance and fought bloody battles was left with only his responsibility to his wife, daughter and family. This was his only motivation to survive.

But now, Krause found that everything was a little different from his worst plan.

Before being despised, reviled, and looked down upon, the first thing I felt and relived was trust, at least something similar to trust.

The man who was thrown into the abyss of despair saw a beam of light, and a pair of hands stretched out to him in the abyss and handed it to him.

The saying "A scholar will die for his bosom friend" does not matter anywhere in the world and can actually be applied in any land.

After watching Sulovechenko's hasty exchange of gestures and words, he finally took the few guards who seemed reluctant and hesitant and temporarily left their posts and went to another Run in the direction.

I couldn't hear what Sulovechenko said, but I knew there wouldn't be too much time and we had to seize the opportunity.

Krauser, who had no time to think, waved his hand and rushed out with all the remaining troops. The heavily armed group of people ran all the way and approached the bridge control of the bridgehead as quickly as possible. room, breaking in.

"Who!? What are you doing?"

call out--


Before the startled voice had time to finish shouting, a flying knife that was greeted directly came whizzing over and pierced directly into the chest, causing him to fall to the ground with a scream.

The other SS soldiers in the bridge control room were immediately frightened when they heard the scream of the unfortunate man. Their first reaction was to pick up their weapons and prepare to fire. Unexpectedly, the enemy who was already prepared was faster.




The sound of swords piercing flesh, the sounds of fists and feet, and muffled screams

The various disorganized sounds were intertwined and appeared extremely confusing, but there was no gunfire, which minimized the possibility of attracting the enemy's attention.

Using hand-to-hand combat to capture Kaleng and fighting with weapons, and using the advantage of sneak attacks with more people to attack fewer people, he eliminated everyone in the bridge control room in the shortest time, successfully resolved the crisis, and took control of this small room.

Looking at the push-type detonator on the table, Krauser was relieved that it had not been moved away, but the task was not yet completely completed.

"Leave a few of you here, and follow me for the rest!"

Krauser, who seemed to have something important to do, didn't bother to say anything more. He picked up the loaded weapon, turned around, and ran out with a group of his men.

As soon as he arrived outside the house, he saw a familiar figure running towards him, followed by several SS soldiers who were shouting and threatening to shoot.

Without any thought, Krauser immediately raised his gun and took aim. His three-point line of sight focused on the running target as quickly as possible, and he pulled the trigger without hesitation in the blink of an eye.

Da da da da——

Da da da--

Bang bang bang——

As soon as Krauser's gunfire rang out, the other people who were following him no longer held back when they saw this, and immediately raised their guns and shot in unison.

The few pursuers who had never expected to encounter such an unexpected situation did not even have time to raise their guns and take aim. They were beaten into a bloody dance and instantly fell into a pool of blood and died on the spot.

Sulovechenko fell because he was running too fast and suddenly a gunshot rang out. Before Sulovechenko could get up, he saw Krauser, who was trotting forward with an anxious look on his face. When he arrived in front of him, he squatted down and stretched out his right arm towards himself.

"Are you okay? Are you injured?"


Sulovechenko, who was already struggling to get up, stretched out his right hand and took Krauser's arm that he actively handed to him, so that he could be pulled up and speak quietly at the same time.

"If you really get hit by a bullet, can you run back so quickly? You're doing a great job here, comrade."

You laughed and I laughed together. After looking at each other and smiling, Krauser may have said it casually, but he never thought that his next words would actually become a reality one day.

"Thank you for giving me this opportunity, but I still hope that one day you can call me your way and call me comrade."

"Then I believe there will be such a day"

He turned around and picked up the STG44 assault rifle that fell next to the body of the killed SS guard a few steps away. He pulled out the magazine and inspected it, then inserted it back and pulled the charging handle again, manually firing a round. Sulovechenko, who had new bullets, then took out another small gun that he had always carried with him, raised it above his head and pointed it straight at the night sky.

"Now, let's give these SS scum the death express to hell."


A crisp firing sound suddenly sounded along with the action of pulling the trigger. Just as it was agreed upon when making the plan, a red signal flare immediately rose up and lit up the night sky.

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