Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2876 Things are changing

Once you successfully gain control of the bridge's control room and obtain or destroy the detonator, you can immediately launch a signal flare as a notification to contact the friendly forces to launch an offensive.

This was something that was determined at the initial stage of formulating the combat plan. Sulovchenko is just following the plan now, but there is one thing that needs attention.

The signal flare is not an encrypted channel communication.

Once the signal flare is lifted into the air, it means that not only one of the own people can see it, but the enemy can also see it, and as long as the brain is not broken, he will definitely be able to realize what this means. The signal flare that has already taken off in the dark night will follow The red sun in the sky is also very conspicuous.

"How long will it take for reinforcements to arrive? Forgive me for talking too much, but many, many of your comrades should arrive soon, right?"

There are ready-made fortification bunkers and machine gun positions on the bridgehead. This is the only advantage for Sulovechenko and his team who quickly deployed on the spot and prepared for defense after firing the signal bomb.

He picked up the MG42 machine gun mounted behind the sandbag bunker, opened the cover of the receiver and checked the ammunition chain. He also did not forget to ask about the situation of the reinforcements.

It could be heard that Krauser's words were a little uncertain. Sulovechenko, who was squatting next to Krauser and unscrewing the lids of a box of M24 grenades one by one for use, first grinned and then answered casually.

"What? Are you scared?"

"Afraid? I'm afraid that I won't do this business with you. I just hope that your comrades will be more reliable and don't forget about us.

"Don't worry, it won't happen."

He unscrewed the cap of the last M24 grenade and stacked it on the sandbag in front of him. He saw the whirring SS soldiers approaching Sulovechenko within his field of vision, and then grabbed it. He picked up the STG44 assault rifle that was thrown aside casually. The German's gun was not as good as the AK, so he could only use this one now.

"Let you see how our leaders deal with die-hard Nazis, and then you will be glad that you brought your brothers to surrender. It was such a correct decision."


Not knowing how to respond, Krauser remained silent, then turned his head back, and began to aim the black hole of the gun at the group of Nazis surrounding him with three-point and one-line vision.

"Almost, fight!"

Da da da da da——

Upon hearing Sulovechenko's order, a team of about twenty people stationed in the bridgehead and bunker fortifications immediately opened fire violently.

Machine guns, assault rifles, submachine guns, bolt-action\\semi-automatic rifles

All the gadgets that took advantage of others, as long as they could fire bullets, regardless of the number of uses, were all firing violently at this moment.

The blazing rain of bullets was thrown at the enemy like copper beans freshly fried from a frying pan. The SS soldiers who had opened up the skirmishers and were on alert came up from all around, intending to conduct a reconnaissance and search to see what was going on. If you can't dodge, you will suffer disaster directly. Wingdings: ♦︎♦︎⬧︎♦︎◆︎⌧︎♦︎♦︎□︎❍︎


"Damn it! They're shooting at us! They got the wrong guy!"

"That's the fucking enemy, the enemy! Those scumbags of the National Defense Force have betrayed us again, shoot and destroy them! Go!"

A very "fun" thing is.

Last time in Cherkasy, Ukraine, the SS stabbed the Wehrmacht in the back, killing other people and stealing their fuel and ammunition supplies to break out of the encirclement.

The National Defense Forces have always hated this matter and vowed to seek an explanation.

But in the end, even if they went to the head of state, they would just get messed up by the head of state.

The most direct reason is that the murderer who did this, the Viking Division, known as one of the top elites of the SS, could not escape even if it robbed the Wehrmacht's fuel and ammunition, and was completely torn to pieces and annihilated by the Russians. In the Erkaser steel circle.

Don’t you, the National Defense Force, want to punish the murderer? The murderers are dead and the Russians have finished executing them. What else are they thinking about?

Otherwise, you, the National Defense Force, go to the Russians and ask if there are any living prisoners of the Viking Division. You want two of them to come back and hold a military court for a public trial to serve as a warning. It depends on whether the Russians give your National Defense Forces such face.

That was indeed what the top brass of the SS said, but the Führer also thought it made sense, so he left it at that, and then settled the matter.

Although the National Defense Forces, who were so angry that they were jumping on the spot, had no better way to do it, they had to give up and endure the matter, but the hatred was recorded here.

As the saying goes, things turn around, it doesn't mean you don't report that the time has not come.

At first, he didn't realize anything, but when he suddenly heard the SS soldiers on the opposite side chirping and screaming, "the scum of the Wehrmacht betrayed us," something like that.

Krauze, who suddenly remembered the humiliating incident in Cherkasy, was startled on the spot. If he hadn't mentioned it to these bastards, he would have completely forgotten that there was such a thing, so wouldn't it be just right now?

Back then, you bunch of bastards stabbed the National Defense Forces in the back. Now it's the National Defense Forces' turn to take care of you!

"Haha! You bastards of the SS, grandpa is here! Come here if you are not afraid of death! Come and eat bullets, I still have plenty here!"

"Shasen! Pigs of the Wehrmacht! You have betrayed the Führer and are willing to be dogs for the Russians, you are nothing but a fool!!!"

Krauser, who was holding the MG42 in his arms and firing explosively, shouted excitedly. The SS soldier on the opposite side, who was suppressed behind the bunker by the violent firepower of the MG42 and unable to move, heard this well-spoken German curse and his blood pressure was directly excited. Soaring, Zhiqiu fought and cursed on the battlefield speaking German.


Sulovechenko, who understands German and is very proficient in it, is really speechless. He is not very able to understand the relationship between Germans and Germans. What is the reason for being so excited that he is even fighting? Started to curse.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you smiling so happily? Are there any enemies of yours in the SS opposite?"

Sulovechenko opened his mouth with a question. As he spoke, he picked up the prepared M24 grenade and unscrewed the cap. He took a powerful flying throw and threw the smoking drumstick grenade, hitting it directly on the ground. At the feet of two SS soldiers who were running and changing tactical positions, there was a bang and there were two more "Nazi flying men".

"What a bunch of bastards! I've forgotten all about Cherkasy back then! These bastard thieves killed our National Defense Forces, robbed our things, and used them to break out of the siege! Today happens to be a time of old grudges and new grudges. Forget it, clear the account for them!"


If there is enough time, Sulovechenko actually wants to say, "Ah, I remember this. We were also involved in Cherkasy back then. I had a share in capturing your Wehrmacht prisoners and killing the SS."

But considering that I don’t have time right now, I don’t have the time to beep nonsense.

Secondly, saying these words may make Brother Krauser a little "emotional". This possibility cannot be ruled out.

In order not to cause him to be distracted and affect the battle, we should discuss this matter later when we have the opportunity. Well, let’s do this for now.



After inserting a new magazine and pulling the charging handle again, the bullet was loaded. Sulovechenko, who felt that the German STG44 was not as stretched as he thought, was getting better and more energetic in fighting.

Until the next second, I saw a rather ominous big guy appearing behind the SS on the opposite side.

"Sokka! It's an armored vehicle or not!"

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