Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2877 Su and Germany join forces? !

It was a six-wheeled reconnaissance armored vehicle that was not very common. It was not a tracked vehicle but a wheeled combat vehicle, with a 20mm cannon on its head.

In the enemy equipment identification manual issued by the leading division, this thing is called "Puma", a name that is easy to remember.

It is said that the nickname given to this thing by the comrade of the division commander himself is much easier to remember than reading the long list of German names of this thing.

Under normal circumstances, this shouldn't be a difficult object to deal with. The heavy infantry and demolition experts of the leading division, such as combat engineers, have enough means and strong enough firepower to destroy this thing. But the crux of the matter is precisely that this is not a normal situation, but a special situation.

Every one of the Soviets present now is a "fake German". They wear the skin of the Wehrmacht and fight with the SS with German weapons. They have said goodbye to powerful and easy-to-use Soviet equipment for some time. .

What to do now?

Sulovechenko couldn't think of any good way, but what was certain was that the few broken guns in his hand could not deal with the armored monster with its claws and teeth, even if it was just a little monster that was usually not eye-catching.

"Damn! I need to find anti-tank weapons. Are there any here? Did you see them?"

Sulovechenko, who put down the STG44 in his hand, became angry and immediately planned to search the surrounding area.

Krauser, who was taking some shots at the side, was too busy to touch the ground. After hearing this, he suddenly remembered that there seemed to be something useful nearby.

"Go to the bridge control room! I just had a few boxes of Panzerfaust and Tank Killer in there! They are for the garrison as a spare! They should come in handy!"

"Have you opened it and looked at it? Are you sure it's not empty?"

"Then just pray that it's not an empty box, I hope it's not!"


The question was in vain and there was nothing better to do. I looked back at the direction of the bridge control room and found that it was right in front of me, only fifty or sixty meters away.

The SS dregs who have called in a new wave of reinforcements have gathered more and more. If they don't rush forward, I'm afraid they will be unable to rush through later. The unobstructed road from the bunker to the bridgehead will be completely under fire. blockade.

Sulovechenko, who gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, could no longer care about that much. He immediately planned to call a few people to rush over together, and then let Krauser, who was cooperating, provide some firepower to suppress it.

But he never thought that just when he was about to open his mouth to call someone, a sudden UFO flew directly from a position not far from him with an orange tail flame and a shrill whistling sound. Pass.

The Puma armored vehicle on the opposite side was about to stop and open fire after it had just reached a distance of about 100 meters due to poor visibility and severely obstructed field of view during the night battle. He didn't even have time to complete the turret rotation and aiming. Just halfway through, he was directly hit by the roaring flying object riding on the face of the car body.


Bang bang bang click——


The shrill screams almost came together with the impact and explosion.

The 100mm super-caliber armor-piercing grenade, which was not very powerful but broke through the armor and ignited the fuel, directly caused irreparable damage to the six-wheeled Puma armored vehicle, and it hit the soul.

Not only was the entire car paralyzed in an instant, but the flames, like a handful of gunpowder sprinkled in a red oven, jumped out of the car with a "soaring" sound and rose straight up.

The ignited fuel, the flying machine gun bullets and 20mm warheads, and the SS scum who was covered in fire and had become a "happy fire man" ran around howling in dismay.

Sulovchenko, who still didn't know what caused all this, subconsciously looked back. At this glance, he saw a familiar figure, carrying a smoking pipe on his shoulder, squatting on the bank of the river, saying hello. Behind them, the soldiers who climbed up from the river bank and crossed the pontoon bridge joined the battle.

"Quick! Support the battle! Those wearing Wehrmacht uniforms are all our people, fight the SS bastards on the opposite side! Remember not to make the wrong mistake!!!"

"Let's go! Follow up! Hurry, hurry, hurry!!!"

One after another, familiar figures wearing plate armor and holding weapons tightly climbed onto the river bank to join the battle.

The short-term persistence was finally in vain. Alsim and others who were waiting at the bridgehead on the opposite side were the first to arrive, and they also brought the anti-tank weapons and infantry artillery that were most needed at the moment, which was enough for the SS scum on the opposite side to eat the RPG. full.

"I told you! My comrades are absolutely reliable, let's see what happens? The show is about to begin!"

The extremely excited Sulovechenko patted Krauser's shoulder hard. What it meant for Alsim to arrive with people was very clear to Sulovechenko.

"Look, let's see how the heavy infantry of the leader's division stuffs the fresh meat into the meat grinder!"

Krauser quickly understood what Sulovechenko meant by witnessing it with his own eyes.

Those Russian guys who just climbed up from the river bank are so fierce!

Krauser saw with his own eyes a machine gunner who was as strong as a black bear, wearing plate armor and a steel helmet on his head, and carrying a Russian machine gun that he had never seen before. The machine gun, which is almost similar to a matchstick, is directly used as a submachine gun.

Not only did he hold on to the machine gun while running and shoot at his waist to suppress the enemy, but after changing his tactical position, he found a nearby trash can as a cover and quickly fell to his knees. He didn't even unfold the gun mount, but directly raised the machine gun and aimed and fired.

That formation, that posture, that tactical movement

Krauser, who was staring blankly with those bull-like eyes, thought that this was about the same as shooting an MP40 submachine gun by himself.

Even the tactical actions may not be determined by anyone at all.

"You guys, are all these monsters in your company?"

"That kind? The one like the machine gunner? They are everywhere. There are probably several hundred more. Well, not counting the others in our company alone."


Before the stunned Krause could say anything, he saw a figure running quickly and quickly behind the bunker where he and Sulovechenko were.

Before the person could say anything, he first took off the things he was carrying on his back - an RPG-1 rocket-propelled grenade launcher, and a bag containing three 100mm super-caliber rocket-propelled grenade ammunition bags.

"Take it and use it! By the way, where did you get this black SS dog skin?"

The visitor doesn’t need to think too much, it can’t be anyone else except Alsim. The PRG launch tube that had just been taken off his back still retained the temperature of the launch.

"There was a bastard who looked like an SS man in charge of the gas chamber and I couldn't use him any more, so I stripped him off and sent him to see the Kaiser."

"Reinforcements will arrive soon, and the large forces are organizing to cross the bridge! Hold this place first!"

Alsim, who didn't do much nonsense, met with Sulovchenko and immediately gave the order to continue fighting.

At this moment, a seemingly surprising sight appeared on the bridgehead position below.

If you just look at the clothes on your body, there is no doubt about it.

This was a battle in which the Soviet Red Army joined forces with the German Wehrmacht to beat the SS with brutal firepower.

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